Newsletter Masthead
Reveille United Methodist Church

4200 Cary Street Road, Richmond, Virginia 23221  

(804) 359-6041


October 2, 2011 

In This Issue

Responding to Grace


Immersion Bible Study

Learn More About Reveille

Youth News

Wonderful Wednesday

Stop Hunger Now


Responding to Grace

TopMaking a Transformative Difference

in God's World


Your pledged gift for Reveille's 2012 operating budget can really help fulfill Reveille's vision of making a transformative difference in God's world. Moments of grace, both large and small, can have a meaningful impact for our congregation, for our youth, for our community, and for our world.


Here are examples of how your pledged gift on

Consecration Sunday, October 30, makes a difference


  • Three vibrant and inspirational worship services
  • A powerful music ministry
  • Fellowship together at Christmas Eve services, Easter egg hunts, talent shows, and Wonderful Wednesday
  • Discipleship training through Sunday school classes for all children, youth and adults
  • Adult spiritual growth through Alpha, Bible studies, United Methodist Women circles, Men's Prayer Breakfast, and other small group gatherings
  • Vacation Bible school for 120 children
  • Bibles for 35 third graders
  • A dedicated nursery and childcare staff
  • Beautiful property, grounds and Garth

World Communion Sunday


October 2, 2011


8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jim Noland

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

Matthew 21:33-46

Sermon: "Words of Life"


9:30 a.m. - The Point

Preacher: Rev. Abby Kocher

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

Theme: The Ten Best Ways


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Immersion Bible Study begins this Sunday 

Gospel of Matthew


This Sunday, October 2, we will begin an eight-week study of the Gospel of Matthew led by Andy and Kelly Weaver. Through this Immersion Bible Study participants will journey inside the pages of Scripture as they become engaged with God's Word and engage God in the Word. A new translation of the Bible, the Common English Bible, serves as the biblical text for this study. The class will meet from 5:00 -7:00 p.m., October 2 through November 20.  Register online here or contact Carol Uzzle at 359-6041, ext 117. 


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Would you like to know more about Reveille Church?

Come to Reveille Today


Reveille Today is an opportunity for new members, those who are considering joining Reveille, or those who are just curious to get an overview of our church's worship and ministries in a relaxed class setting. The fall session will be held on Sundays, October 2 and 9 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Child care is available. You may register here or call 359-6041, ext. 111.


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Youth Group News 65%This Sunday, October 2, over 30 Reveille youth will spend the afternoon competing in the annual Welborne United Methodist Church Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. Reveille will field three teams, two high school teams and one middle school team, who will compete against teams from other churches around Richmond. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Make-a-Wish Foundation. The event begins at 1:00 p.m., and ends around 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to come and support our teams.

Because of the Frisbee tournament, youth group will not meet Sunday night. However, youth choir will meet at 6:00 p.m.


Middle school youth: The middle school retreat at Eagle Eyrie is November 11-13 in Lynchburg, Virginia. This is a weekend of worship, fellowship and service, with a speaker, band and small group leaders. To register, please get a check for $115 to Dwayne by October 16.  


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Wonderful Wednesday


This Wednesday, October 5, Dwayne Stinson will conclude his three-week series entitled Confirmation Renewed: Everything You Forgot Since Being Confirmed from 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  

Before the program, at 6:00 p.m., please join us for our fellowship meal. The menu will be chicken enchiladas, yellow rice, tossed salad, fried ice cream, and fruit. The cost of the meal is $7 for adults and teens, $3 for children ages 4 to 12, and free for anyone Friendship padunder 4. 

Please make a reservation for dinner online here
, or call the church office by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, October 3, or mark the Wonderful Wednesday box on the friendship pad during Sunday morning worship (see example to right). 


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Stop Hunger Now returns


Reveille members of all ages and physical abilities will join together, once again, on Sunday, October 16, to help the world's most destitute and hungry. In this easy, fun, Stopand rewarding multi-generational event, our Reveille family will form a human assembly line in the fellowship hall to package more than 11,000 meals consisting of rice, dehydrated vegetables, and flavoring mix that includes 21 essential vitamins and minerals that can be easily shipped and stored for five years. 


If you can join us on October 16, please sign up here or call the church office at 359-6041. It is extremely important that we have an accurate count of volunteers because our numbers will determine how many packing stations we set up. You can sign up for either one-hour shift at 4:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. We'll need 100 people for each shift to meet our goal of packaging over 11,000 meals.  Please contact Mark Dozier here or 754-2340 should you have any questions.  


Come join us for a truly fun-filled, family event to help the more than 1 billion people who suffer from hunger in our world.  


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Calendar of Opportunities




8:30 AM




9:30 AM

Epiphany Small Group*

Room 206


9:30 AM

Sunday school for all ages

Education Building


9:30 AM

The Gathering Small Group*

Reveille House Dining Room


9:30 AM

Worship at The Point*

Fellowship Hall


10:30 AM

Coffee Fellowship

Fellowship Hall


11:00 AM




1:00 PM

Welborne UMC Frisbee Tournament



2:00 PM

Richmond District UMW

Church Parlor


4:00 PM

Youth Bells Rehearsal



5:00 PM

Elementary  Ringers



5:00 PM

Primary Choir Rehearsal

Room 207


5:00 PM

Immersion Bible Study

Room 210


5:00 PM

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

Room 105


5:00 PM

EGR Small Group

Reveille House Dining Room


5:00 PM

Reveille Today

Church Parlor


5:00 PM

Living the Good Life

Reveille House Parlor


5:00 PM

Sunday Night Dinner

Fellowship Hall


5:00 PM

Disciple 4

Room 210


5:30 PM

Elementary Choir Rehearsal

Room 211


5:45 PM

Primary Ringers Rehearsal



6:00 PM

Combined Youth Choir

Choir Room




7:00 AM

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Fellowship Hall


9:30 AM

Garden Committee



12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


6:15 PM

Reveille Ensemble



7:00 PM

Reveille Ringers





9:30 AM

Staff Meeting

Reveille House Dining Room


10:30 AM

UMW General Meeting

Fellowship Hall


12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


7:30 PM

Scout Troop 444

Fellowship Hall




9:30 AM

Women of Spirit Bible Study

Room 210


12:15 PM

Midday Worship



12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


6:00 PM

Wonderful Wednesday

Fellowship Hall


6:00 PM

Worship Committee

Room 210


6:45 PM

Believing God Bible Study 

Reveille House Parlor


6:45 PM

Outreach Committee

Reveille House Dining Room




9:30 AM

Seekers Small Group

Room 209


12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


5:30 PM

Alpha Leaders

Reveille House Parlor


6:00 PM


Fellowship Hall


6:30 PM

Stewardship Committee

Reveille House Dining Room


7:00 PM

Mothers Small Group

Reveille House Parlor


7:00 PM

Chancel Choir Rehearsal*

Choir Room


7:30 PM

CrossPoint Rehearsal

Fellowship Hall




12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library




 *Child care provided


NOTE: This calendar reflects our schedule as of newsletter publication time. For the most current scheduling, please check the website calendar here.


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For more information, call the church office at (804) 359-6041.
Reveille is online at