Newsletter Masthead
Reveille United Methodist Church

4200 Cary Street Road, Richmond, Virginia 23221  

(804) 359-6041


September 4, 2011 

In This Issue

Worship this Sunday

Reveille 5K

Office Closed on Labor Day

Alpha Begins

Celebration of Teaching/Learning

Reveille Day

Spiritual Growth for Adults

Youth Group News

Help Us Keep In Touch with Students

Angel Ministry

Free Kindle Download

Spotlight on Children's Music Ministry

Choir Kickoff

Leisure Club

Benefit Concerts for New Chapel Piano

Susanna Wesley Circle Kickoff

Special Gifts


Power restored at Reveille!


The lights and phones are back on at Reveille, and preparations are being made for schedules to resume. If you have questions about an activity or schedule, please call 359-6041.  



September 4, 2011


8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jim Noland

Scripture: Exodus 12:1-14

Romans 13:8-14

Sermon: "What Not to Wear"


9:30 a.m. - The Point

Preacher: Rev. Abby Kocher

Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20

Theme: On Earth as it is in Heaven


Register now for the Reveille 5K 


The Reveille 5K race will kick off from the church parking lot promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 17. It will be preceded by a Children's Fun Run at 8:30.


The beneficiary of the 5K will be the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond's Southside Club. This club serves the Swansboro neighborhood of Richmond. 


You can help by: 

  • Spreading the word that we are seeking sponsors.
  • Donating prizes: a Garmin (GPS), a chiropractic exam, pair of running shoes, or anything related to healthy living. 
  • Donating food, such as bagels and fruit, and water

For more information or to share ideas, please e-mail  Amy Noland.


More information and registration for the race are online here.


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Office closed Labor Day


In observance of the Labor Day holiday, the church office will be closed on Monday, September 5.  In case of emergency, the minister on call may be reached by calling 380-8668.



Alpha begins September 8


Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith. Participants will enjoy food, worship, a talk and small groups. Child care will be provided. Anyone in the community is welcome.  Topics covered over the 10 weeks will include:

Who is Jesus?

Why did Jesus die?

How does God guide us?

How can I resist evil?

How can we have faith?

Why and how should we tell others?

Why and how do I pray?

Does God heal today?

Why and how should I read the Bible?

What about the Church?


To learn more, go to You may register for Alpha here or contact Carol Uzzle, Minister for Teaching and Learning at 359-6041, ext. 117.


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Celebration of  

Teaching and Learning Ministries

September 11


On Sunday, September 11, we will celebrate our Teaching and Learning ministries. The fall quarter of Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. for children, youth and adults.  At the 11:00 a.m. service we will dedicate all who are part of these ministries, and our third graders will each receive their own Bible.


This is the day children will go to their new classes. Names of preschoolers will be posted outside their classroom doors, and school-age children will go to the classroom corresponding to their grade in school. Parents will receive additional information before Sunday.


Children in Worship classes begin this day, also. This special class for first graders will meet for thirteen weeks from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The classes are designed to prepare children for full participation in worship.


As disciples we are continually growing in our faith. If you are not currently a member of an adult class or a small group, contact Carol Uzzle, Minister for Teaching and Learning, to learn about what is offered on Sunday mornings.


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Reveille Day 2011

Sunday, September 18


Reveille Day gives us a special opportunity each year to unite our congregation, get to know new members, and thank God for all that he has provided us as a church family. 


Join us at 10:30 a.m. on September 18 for a combined worship service and stay for the catered lunch on the lawn. The menu will include barbeque, hot dogs, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, green beans and dessert. Soundzania, a family fun band, will provide entertainment during lunch.


Cost of the meal is $6 for adults and teens, $3 for children ages four to twelve, and children under four years of age eat free.  You may pay for the meal at Reveille Day or buy tickets this Sunday, September 4, or Sunday, September 11.


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Spiritual Growth Opportunities for Adults


This fall we are offering several different opportunities for adults to participate in Bible study on Sunday evenings and through the week. Child care will be provided. There will be a fee for student materials for some classes. 

 Bible study 2011

To learn more about all of the following studies and to register, click here


If you do not have internet access to register or wish to ask questions, please contact Carol Uzzle, Minister for Teaching and Learning, by e-mail here or by phone at 359-6041, ext. 117.


Classes meeting this fall are as follows:



10 weeks beginning Thursday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m.


Disciple 1: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study

34 weeks beginning Sunday, September 11 at 5:00 p.m.


Disciple 4: Under the Tree of Life

32 weeks beginning Sunday, September 11 at 5:00 p.m.


Living the Good Life Together: Hospitality

12 weeks beginning Sunday, September 18 at 5:00 p.m.


What Good is God?  In Search of a Faith that Matters by Philip Yancey

11 weeks beginning Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m.


Believing God, a Beth Moore Bible Study

11 weeks beginning Wednesday, September 21 at 6:45 p.m.


Efficient Abundance, Brown Bag Lunch Series

Monthly beginning on Thursday, September 22 at 12:20 p.m.


Immersion Bible Study: The Gospel of Matthew

8 weeks beginning Sunday, October 8 at 5:00 p.m.


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Fall kicks off!


YOUTH IN GRADES 6-12: Sunday, September 11, 5:30 p.m. - be here!  We will have a range oYouth Group News 65%f games and activities for youth group kick-off. Bring a towel and prepare to get wet. Our year will start with a dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese at 5:30 p.m., immediately after youth choir. After dinner we will play some games and reconnect after the long summer away. Please bring $3 for dinner and feel free to invite your friends.


Please complete your youth group registration online before kick-off. 


Grab your Frisbees and get ready for Ultimate! On October 2, church teams from around Richmond will compete in the Welborne United Methodist Church Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. The tournament includes a middle school and a high school league. Proceeds will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. To register, please send your payment of $20/person to Dwayne Stinson (make checks payable to Reveille UMC) by September 11. 


Rising 6th graders 

Please join Dwayne and other adults for an afternoon of Minigolf at Bogey's (1675 Ashland Road) on Saturday, September 10, 4:00-5:30 pm.  For a ride or more information, contact Dwayne.


Middle school youth 

Next summer is closer than you think. Plans are already underway for the middle school mission teams to Jeremiah Project. To secure a spot on the team, a deposit of $100 is due to Dwayne by September 30, along with the weeks next summer that work best for you. After that date there is no guarantee that you will be able to participate.


Jeremiah Project is a home repair organization dedicated to empowering middle school youth to do hands-on missions. It is a fun balance of service, worship and recreation.  Slots go fast, though, so we have to register early. 


The possible dates for Jeremiah Project are

June 24-30, 2012

July 1-7, 2012

July 8-14, 2012

July 15-21, 2012

July 22-28, 2012

July 29-August 4, 2012


We will sign up for the week(s) that suit the most team members and should have confirmation of our dates by late October.


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We want to keep in touch with our students

Student Addresses Needed


By now, most of our students who are away at school or college are well into the day-to-day routine of their studies. Sometimes a word or package from home can make all the difference in a student's day. Parents: Please let us know your student's current mailing and e-mail addresses by contacting Carol Uzzle here or by phone, 359-6041, ext. 117. This is especially important for freshmen, but we would like to have updated information on all our students.


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Help for when your pregnancy does not go as planned


Not all pregnancies go as planned, many times leaving you feeling isolated and wondering why this happened to you.  Perhaps you have said, "Why did I lose my baby?  I feel so alone..." or "I'm struggling with so many emotions being on bedrest..."

 Angel Ministry

Having someone who is caring and able to listen to your pain may help you get through the grief, stress, or loneliness you are experiencing. Angel Ministry can be there for you. Mentors who have had pregnancy-related problems in their own past can provide a caring presence for those who are currently struggling with this difficult time in their life.  If you need an angel ministry mentor to be a caring presence through whatever pregnancy issues you have, please e-mail Abby Kocher or call her at 359-6041, ext. 111.


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Free Kindle download of devotion book is available 


September 11 marks the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The date also marks the 10th anniversary of the re-publication of "Strength for Service to God and Country," a 1942 book of daily devotions written for World War II troops. In honor of the men and women who serve our country, the Commission on United Methodist Men is providing a free Kindle version of this historic book of daily devotions. Visit the Amazon Kindle Store between September 1 and 15 to download your copy.


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Spotlight 2

Spotlight on Children's Music Ministry


Lynsey Thompson will be assisting with the Cherub Choir this year, alongside her mother, Susan Thompson. This is Lynsey's first year helping with a children's choir, but she has been participating in them for many years at Reveille. She is currently a junior at VCU studying advertising and hopes to one day work at an agency here in Richmond. Lynsey is an after-school nanny for two girls in Short Pump in her spare time. She loves working with children and singing, so she cannot wait to get started with the Cherub Choir and see them grow. 


Susan Bullock is an accompanist and assistant for Youth Choir and Elementary Choir and previously for Primary Choir. Involved in children's music ministry for seven years, Susan accompanied "Godspell" and "Joseph" for the Youth Choir on their Tampa and New York City trips. Piano lessons from age 10, as well as choir and bell choir at her home church in Memphis, instilled in Susan a love of all types of music from spiritual to classical to popular. Susan has a BS in math and MBA in finance and marketing from Vanderbilt University. After raising her boys full time, she is now a manager at Cap Tech Consulting, and prior to that, was a manager at PriceWaterhouse Coopers. Susan says, "To be a part of this great music ministry at Reveille is truly a privilege. I get to know all of the kids (there is no substitute for them saying "hi" to you in the hall!) and serve God while doing something I love." 


Karen Davis will assist in accompanying Elementary Choir this year. She has been a member of CrossPoint for ten years and fills in as worship leader on occasion. She accompanied the Cherub Choir for the past five years and has sung with Chancel Choir from time to time. Karen has a Bachelor's of Business Administration degree from The College of William and Mary. She studied piano for six years and accompanied the Meadowbrook High School Mixed Chorus during her senior year of high school. Her primary vocal training comes from singing with the five-time regional champion Greater Richmond Chorus for the past five years. After 23 years in the banking industry, Karen "retired" to stay home and nurture her two daughters. Keeping her family healthy became her passion and then her new career as she started her own wellness consulting company in 2005. Karen's inspiration in children's music ministry is her daughters, Taylor and Kendal; she does this for them and all their Reveille friends.


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Choirs start kickoff this week 


It's time for choir rehearsals to resume. Here are choir kickoff times and places:


Thursday, September 1

Chancel Choir (adults)

7:00 p.m. in choir room


Sunday, September 11

Youth Bells (grades 6-12)

4:00 p.m. in sanctuary


Youth Choir (grades 6-12)

Combined at 4:30 p.m. in choir room


Cherub Choir (entering kindergarten 2011/2012)

5:00 p.m. in blue room (under fellowship hall)


Primary Choir (grades 1 and 2)

5:00 p.m. in room 104


Elementary Ringers (grades 3-5)

5:00 p.m. in sanctuary


Elementary Choir (grades 3-5)

5:30 p.m. in room 207


Primary Ringers (grades 1 and 2)

5:45 p.m. in sanctuary


Monday, September 12

Reveille Ensemble Handbell Choir (youth and adult, mixed)

6:15 p.m. in sanctuary


Reveille Ringers Handbell Choir (adult, advanced)

7:00 p.m. in sanctuary


Reveille's Music Ministry involves over 200 people. We hope to include you, as well. For more information please contact Cathy Armistead at 359-6041, extension 123, by e-mail here.  To register children and youth, click here. 

Special note to 9:30 worshippers: CrossPoint, the band at The Point, continues to rehearse during the summer so there is no kick-off date. If you are interested in singing or playing an instrument with CrossPoint, please contact Kaarina Jobe here .


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Leisure Club 2011  

Tuesday, September 20


Reveille's Leisure Club is a group of church and community members, most age 55 and above, who gather monthly, September through May, to enjoy a program and lunch together. All are welcome.


Our 2011-2011 season begins Tuesday, September 20, 11:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall with the return of our favorite character impersonator, Bill Young, who will come to us as Captain John Paul Jones.   


Following the program there will be a covered dish luncheon. The main dish and drinks will be provided. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert. Invite a friend to enjoy this with you!


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Benefit concerts will help fund piano for new chapel


We will be moving into our new chapel before long, and we will need a piano for this new worship space. Several pianists from Reveille will be in concert to raise money for this Grand pianoproject, and we hope you can help us.     


The concerts will be on Saturday, September 24 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. The program will include pieces performed by Betty Ann Spiers, Matt Nagi, Elizabeth Bell, John Bullock, Kevin Bruny, Davis and Dalton Jobe, Cathy Armistead and more.  In addition to piano pieces, you will hear a trio, including piano, organ and harpsichord. 


Please plan to attend one or both of these concerts. Our goal is to raise $18,000 - $20,000 for a six-foot baby grand piano, so any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated.  For more information, please contact Cathy Armistead at 359-6041, ext. 123, or by e-mail here.


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Susanna Wesley Circle kicks off soon


The Susanna Wesley Circle is a group of United Methodist women who meet monthly for fellowship, programs, mission work, and fun. We usually meet on the second Thursday evening of each month at the home of a circle member. Our primary mission focus is the YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter, but we support many local and worldwide missions. This circle is comprised of women of all ages from all walks of life. If you're curious about joining a circle, or aren't even sure what a circle is, come check us out at our next meeting.


We are having an exciting kick-off meeting on Thursday, September 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Angela Elliott. We will discuss the circle and upcoming programs and enjoy a light supper and fellowship. If you would like to know more about our circle or our upcoming meetings, please contact the circle leader, Angela Elliott, by e-mail here or by phone at 833-8695.


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Special Gifts


Building Fund

In memory of Gene Little

James M. Baker

Evelyn H. Pedrick

George and Debbie St. Mark

Paul and Martha Mason

Bob and Marilyn Johnson

Amy Coles

Mary Guthrie


Reveille Budget

In memory of Gene Little

Marion and Helen Swann


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Calendar of Opportunities 




8:30 AM




9:30 AM

Epiphany Small Group*

Room 206


9:30 AM

Sunday school for all ages

Education Building


9:30 AM

Worship at The Point*

Fellowship Hall


10:30 AM

Coffee Fellowship

Fellowship Hall


11:00 AM




5:00 PM

Journey 101: Loving God

Room 207




7:00 AM

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Fellowship Hall


9:30 AM

Garden Committee





9:30 AM

Staff Meeting

Reveille House Ground Floor


10:30 AM

Lucy Blanton Circle

Reveille House Parlor


10:30 AM

Mary Lou White Circle

Reveille House Dining Room


12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


7:30 PM

Scout Troop 444

Scout Lodge




12:15 PM

Midday Worship



12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library




7:30 AM

Church Council Planning Group

Reveille House Dining Room


12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library


6:00 PM


Fellowship Hall


6:30 PM

Stewardship Committee

Reveille House Dining Room


7:00 PM

Chancel Choir Rehearsal*

Choir Room


7:30 PM

CrossPoint Rehearsal

Room 104




12:30 PM

Prayer Ministry

Adult Library




9:00 AM

Confirmation Mentor Training

Reveille House Parlor




* Child care provided 


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For more information, call the church office at (804) 359-6041.
Reveille is online at