Newsletter Masthead
Reveille United Methodist Church

4200 Cary Street Road, Richmond, Virginia 23221  

(804) 359-6041


May 8, 2011 

In This Issue

Sierra Leone at Wonderful Wednesday

Worship this Sunday

Youth Sunday is Coming

Reveille Today

Wheelchairs are Available

Youth Group News

Leisure Club

Mission Benefit Concert

Young Adult Opportunities

Toothbrushes Needed

Vacation Bible School and Day Camp

Newsletter Deadline Changed

Special Gift


TopWonderful Wednesday

Dr. Jim Noland's Trip to Sierra Leone


On Wednesday, May 11, Dr. Jim Noland will share a program on his recent mission trip to Sierra Leone. It will include pictures of Child Rescue Centerthe journey and of the children at the Child Rescue Center in Bo.The program will begin at 6:45 p.m.


Before the presentation, join us at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall for our Wednesday night meal. The menu will be Veal Marsala, angel hair pasta, salad with goat cheese and Craisins, baguettes, dessert and fruit. A special children's menu will also be available. The cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children ages 4 to 12, and free for anyone under 4. Please make a reservation for the dinner by marking the Wonderful Wednesday box on the friendship pad on Sunday morning or by calling the church office by Monday, May 9 at 3:00 p.m. You may also make a reservation online here.


May 8, 2010


8:30 and 11:00

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jim Noland

Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

Sermon: "Easter Continues"


9:30 - The Point

Preacher: Rev. Abigail Kocher

Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

Theme: Breaking Bread


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Youth Sunday is May 15


What does the Lord require of us?  Next Sunday the youth will lead worship, and explore just this question.  Building on Micah 6:8 the service will pursue what it means to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.The service will look a bit different, so be prepared, because justice, mercy and humility have a way of dramatically changing the way we behave. 


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Would you like to know more about Reveille Church?

Come to Reveille Today


Reveille Today is an opportunity for new members, those who are considering joining Reveille, or those who are just curious to get an overview of our church's worship and ministries in a relaxed class setting. Meeting in the church parlor and continuing for three weeks, the spring session will be held on Sundays, May 15 and 22 at 5:00 p.m. from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Child care is available. To register, please call 359-6041, ext. 114 or e-mail Cheryl Arrington.


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Wheelchairs are available


During the period of construction, parking for those with special needs is along the side of the driveway leading into the parking lot from Cary Street Road. This means a longer walk for those who have mobility issues. To assist, wheelchairs will be available near the doorway by the weekday school office each Sunday.


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Youth Group News 65%The youth group will continue working on Youth Sunday this Sunday, May 8. The schedule will be

     4:30 p.m. middle school youth group/high school choir

     5:30 p.m. dinner ($3)

     6:00 p.m. high school youth group/middle school choir


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Leisure Club


   Tuesday, May 17 

   11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall


   Covered dish luncheon with main dish and drinks provided.

   Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share.


Program: Bill Young is returning to carry us back to the days of Old Virginny during the War Between the States. He will regale us with true, light-hearted stories about his life in Richmond and the people and events that have instilled in him a love of his Southern heritage. Invite a friend to come with you.


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2011 Mission Benefit Concert


Each year, talented musicians and vocalists present the Mission Benefit Concert as a fundraiser for a worthy cause. The benefactor of this year's concert is United Methodist Family Services (UMFS), which provides a network of services to at-risk children and Mission Benefit Concertfamilies. You are invited to experience this concert on Sunday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary.


The Reveille Ringers and Reveille Ensemble will begin the program. Then forty-five voices will sing Maurice Durufle's Requiem accompanied by chamber orchestra, harp and organ, conducted by Dr. Charles Staples, Director of Music at Trinity United Methodist Church. Performances of this exquisite but difficult masterwork are rare; do not miss this opportunity.


Following the concert, you are invited to attend a reception in the fellowship hall catered by our own Tommy Threewitts.


Your donation will be much appreciated by United Methodist Family Services. You may donate online here or may pick up a donation form in the church office or narthex of the church.


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Calling All College-Age Young Adults


Following the 11:00 a.m. worship service on May 22, college-age young adults will meet Young adultsin Reveille House to go out for brunch at a restaurant they will select. On Saturday, May 21, June 4, and June 11 there will be an opportunity for those in this age range to participate in a Habitat for Humanity mission project. They will be repairing a home for a mother with two children. If you would like to participate in the mission project or have questions, please e-mail Lynsey Thompson or Amy Donald.

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Toothbrush Donations Requested


The Honduras Medical Mission team hopes to collect 1200 toothbrushes by the end of May to take to the people of the rural villages they will visit July 16-24. Collection baskets are located in the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall. For more information, please call Mary Kay Jarrett at 285-8888 or Al Rogers at 364-0629.


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VBS 2011 logo

Vacation Bible School and Day Camp 


Be sure to register your children for Reveille's July 25-29 Vacation Bible School and Day Camp before the available places are filled and you are placed on a waiting list.  For additional information and to register, please see the related article here.


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Newsletter deadline has changed


Beginning with the May 22 issue of The Reveille Window, the deadline for the weekly newsletter will change to Wednesday, 11 days in advance of the issue date. Following are the deadlines for the next six issues:


Newsletter EditorIssue     Deadline


May 22     May 11

May 29     May 18

June 5      May 25

June 12     June 1

June 19     June 8

                                           June 26     June 15


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Special Gift


In memory of Madge Gordon Haga

Magretta Haga

Elizabeth F. Reed

Sylvia F. Sheffield


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 Calendar of Opportunities


Sunday, May 8

8:30 am     Worship* (Sanctuary)

9:30 am     Sunday School for All Ages (Education Bldg)

9:30 am     Worship at The Point (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 am     The Gathering Small Group (Reveille House Dining Room)

9:30 am     Epiphany Small Group* (Room 206)

May10:30 am    Coffee Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)

11:00 am    Worship* (Sanctuary)

2:00 pm     Richmond District UMW (Church Parlor)

3:00 pm     Joseph Rehearsal (Choir Room)

4:30 pm     Combined Youth Choir (Choir Room)

5:00 pm     EGR Small Group* (Reveille House Dining Room)

5:30 pm     Sunday Night Dinner (Fellowship Hall)

6:00 pm     Combined Youth Group (Room 200)

Monday, May 9

7:00 am     Men's Prayer Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 am     Garden Committee (Grounds)

9:30 am     VBS Director's Meeting (Reveille House Parlor)

12:30 pm    Prayer Ministry (Adult Library)

6:15 pm     Reveille Ensemble (Sanctuary)

7:00 pm     Reveille Ringers (Sanctuary)

7:00 pm     Property Committee (Reveille House Dining Room)

7:00 pm     Stephen Ministry (Church Parlor)

Tuesday, May 10

9:30 am     Staff Meeting (Reveille House Dining Room)

12:00 pm    Frances Carroll Circle (Church Parlor)

12:30 pm    Prayer Ministry (Adult Library)

12:30 pm    Covenant Group (Reveille House Parlor)

6:30 pm     Building Committee (Church Parlor)

7:00 pm     Durufl Rehearsal (Choir Room)

7:00 pm     Communications Committee (Reveille House Dining Room)

7:30 pm     Scout Troop 444 (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, May 11

9:30 am     Seekers Small Group* (Church Parlor)

9:30 am     Sisters Bible Study (Room 210)

11:30 am    Covenant Group (Church Parlor)

12:15 pm    Midday Worship (Chancel)

12:30 pm    Prayer Ministry (Adult Library)

6:00 pm     Wonderful Wednesday* (Fellowship Hall)

7:30 pm     Finance Committee (Reveille House Dining Room)

Thursday, May 12

7:30 am     Church Council Planning Group (Reveille House Dining Room)

12:30 pm    Prayer Ministry (Adult Library)

7:00 pm     Chancel Choir Rehearsal* (Choir Room)

7:30 pm     CrossPoint Rehearsal* (Fellowship Hall)

Friday, May 13

12:30 pm    Prayer Ministry (Adult Library)

Saturday, May 14

10:00 am    Mission Benefit Concert Rehearsal (Sanctuary)


*Child care provided


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For more information, call the church office at (804) 359-6041.
Reveille is online at