News Release
Business Coalition Releases Government Competition "Key Vote Scorecard" for 111th Congress

Washington, DC, October 28, 2010 - The Business Coalition for Fair Competition (BCFC) today released key vote ratings  for the 111th Congress (2009-2010).


"This scorecard shows how members of the House and Senate each voted on 10 key issues in the 111th Congress," John Palatiello BCFC President said at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.


To call attention to the issue of government competition with private enterprise and educate and inform the American voter on where their Congressmen and Senators stand, BCFC released a government competition Congressional voting scorecard. These 10 House and Senate votes provide the public a clear and concise guide to who in Congress supports free enterprise and small business and who supports bigger government that competes with free enterprise. On issues from healthcare to insourcing, student loans to bailouts, land ownership to stimulus, the scorecard provides transparency on where incumbent members of Congress stand on the tough votes.


"We are seeing an unprecedented level of government expansion into numerous activities that should be left to the private sector. In our free enterprise system, government should be the umpire, not the opposing team. Firms in the marketplace should be free to compete against one another, with government assuring a level playing field and imposing only that level of regulation that prevents competitors from injuring each other, or their customers.  For-profit companies should not be subjected to unfair competition created by the government," said Palatiello.


Palatiello concluded, "We hope this scorecard will help continue a thoughtful debate on the role of government in 21st Century America.  We believe it will help the American people to understand the choices we are confronting. And we believe it will make the next Congress more aware of the consequences of such votes."


Joining Palatiello at the news conference was: David Denholm, President, Public Service Research Foundation (PSRF); Larry Hart, Director of Government Relations, The American Conservative Union (ACU); F. Vincent Vernuccio, Labor Policy Counsel, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI); Dino Teppara, Chairman, Indian American Conservative Council (IACC); Hadley Heath, Policy Analyst, Independent Women's Forum (IWF); Victor S. Parra, President, United Motorcoach Association (UMA); and John Byrd, Government Affairs Manager, MAPPS.


To view the ratings, go to:

The Business Coalition for Fair Competition (BCFC) is a national coalition of businesses, associations, taxpayer organizations and think tanks that are committed to reducing all forms of unfair government created, sponsored and provided competition with the private sector. BCFC believes the free enterprise system is the most productive and efficient provider of goods and services and strongly supports the Federal government utilizing the private sector for commercially available products and services to the maximum extent possible.
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