Family Network on Disabilities
In this issue...
6th Annual Heart and Hope Statewide Family Conference..
The Jan La Belle Scholarship Program.
Staff Bio...Amber Dame...Training Coordinator/Administrative Assistant.

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   News From the Heart

 October 2012

6th Annual Heart and Hope Statewide Family Conference


The 6th Annual Heart and Hope Statewide Family Conference was held on Saturday, August 25, 2012, in Pinellas County.


Approximately 150 families and professionals spent the day participating in workshops, receiving individual assistance with IEP's, and gathering information from agencies and organizations supporting people with disabilities.


Thank you to Costco, Domino's, Subway, Target and Publix for donating food and beverage for everyone who attended! Thank you to the agencies and organizations that attended and donated great door prizes for attendees! And finally, thank you to the teachers from Dunedin Highland Middle School and Paul B. Stephens Exceptional Student Education Center for helping us provide free childcare during the conference!


Heart and Hope is a is a free full day event that is designed to help bring individuals who are at risk, families who have children with disabilities, and the professionals that serve them awareness in regard to their options and rights that are available to them within the school system and beyond.



                Click here for more pictures  




The Jan La Belle Scholarship Program


The application period for the 2012-2013 Jan La Belle Scholarship Program is NOW OPEN! Applications must be postmarked by November 15, 2012, to be considered! One or more scholarship winners will be selected for a total possible non-renewable award of up to $15,000. Award amounts are based on several factors, including available funds and number of eligible applicants. Visit for the application and additional information.


Eligibility requirements are:


Applicant must be an individual with a disability;

Applicant must be a Florida resident;

Applicant must be an individual 16 to 24 years of age who is entering as a first time student at any institution of higher learning, whether academic or vocational.


The Jan La Belle Scholarship Program was established in 2009 to provide a financial resource to individuals with disabilities who desire to pursue their personal and career goals through attendance at a post-secondary institution.


Please contact Family Network on Disabilities at (727) 523-1130 or for additional information.



Staff Bio   


Amber Dame

Training Coordinator/Administrative Assistant







Amber Dame has been with Family Network on Disabilities since 2009, bringing a variety of strength and passion to the organization. Amber works out of the Central Office in Dunedin as Administrative Assistant to both the Parent Education Network (PEN) and Parents Educating Parents (PEP) programs. She conducts a wide scope of tasks at FND. A typical work day can include anything from providing trainings, participating in IEP's, answering parent concerns, booking travel and shipping materials for field staff. In addition to her background studying Exceptional Education at St. Petersburg College, she is also a mother to a beautiful 5 year old named Lily. Lily was diagnosed with a Speech and Language impairment in 2009.


Amber's passion for advocating for people with disabilities not only stems from having a child of her own with a disability, but also from having multiple family members with disabilities.  She grew up as an older sibling to Niko, now 22 years old.  Niko was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old.  Amber shared many positive childhood memories with both her brother and his classmates with disabilities.  She watched many of these children grow from struggling adorable toddlers to positive independent young adults. The spirit that was brought into her life from these children and the other children she has had the opportunity to teach fuels her desire to give back within the disability field.  Continuing to strive for all people with disabilities to live a positive, prosperous and successful life will remain her personal mission.





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