We're pleased to announce a new way that we'll be presenting our articles & tutorials in our newsletters! We're making article easier to read, easier to print & save, and easier to access again!
Instead of posting the whole article right in the newsletter (which can be pretty detailed & long sometimes), we'll be posting an introduction to each article followed with a link out to the complete article on our new & improved Utah Biodiesel Supply Blog
Check out all the cool benefits that the new format creates!
1- More Content Per Newsletter!
- We'll be able to increase the amount of topics we cover and do it in less room!
- That means more tutorials, more customer spotlights, and even more information shared to help you make the best Biodiesel possible!
2- Easier Printing & Saving Of Articles
- Got a favorite article you'd like to print but don't want to print the whole newsletter? Now you can! Just click on the article link & press the PRINT link at the top of the article! It'll format it into an easy to read article that'll print without all the other articles!
- You can also now save any article in PDF Format! Just click on the PDF link at the top of the article in the blog and it'll allow you to save it to your computer!
3- Access To Every Article We've Ever Written!
- Want to read an article from past newsletters but don't want to wade through your email to find them? Then check out our archived articles on the new blog!
- We've created copies of every tutorial article we've ever published, categorized them, and put them into our new & improved blog!
- We even have a cool Biodiesel Articles Index on our main website with links directly to each tutorial article that will be updated every time we release a new article!
- This means you can now quickly find that article from 2 years ago you liked, print it out, or even save it to your computer for future reference!
4- Group Participation! (Have Something To Share? Now You Can!)
- All of our articles have a comment section below them where you can share feedback, suggestions, or anything else you'd like!
- There's no login required, just type a comment and share it with the group!
5- More Pictures, Diagrams, And Details!
- Because we have more room on the blog to write, we'll be sharing more pictures per article, more diagrams to better illustrate a tutorial, and more detailed information!
So, welcome to our new format! As always, our goal is to give you the tools you need to make the absolute best Biodiesel possible while keeping you up to date on all the new technologies & information out there!
We'd love to hear from you!
Tell us what you think of the new format!
Click Here To Check Out The New Blog!