ViewU News  

Essential Wellness   Events & Marketing   Reiki by Hanayo
Sylvan Lake, Red Deer and Area  
Dosatsu Ryokuu 'Dosatsu Ryokuu' is Japanese for  ViewU
an expression of the ability to perceive, without the use of eyes or light -- 
so skilful that there is no difference between thinking a thought and achieving it...     
ViewU Services Newsletter
"Treat the earth well; it was not given to you
by your parents.  It was loaned to you by
your children"
September 2009
In This Issue
Shamanic Journey
Intro to the Flower of Life
Weekly MerKaBa Meditations
HTA Level One
Monthly Reiki Share
Nakusp Music Festival
Interview with Hanayo
SEP 12 Chuden in the Forest
7th Annual WWR
Upcoming Events
Join Our Mailing List
The Intenders
September 17
Fall Startup
Every Thursday
7:00 - 9:00 PM
We are the Intenders Tribe and you are one of us!
The Reunion is at hand, the Intenders are gathering now, a place is being held in the circle for you. 
We await your return... 
Donation of $5
would be greatly appreciated
Private Sessions Available
 Contact us to book and appointment 
Toll Free 
Contact by Email   
Hookup on
Forward to a Friend 
Quick Links...
We Love
`Animal Spirit`
September 2009
Sakura Smile 
Sakura in
Mother Earth Energy
 (Puppies due, end of September)
 Life can be pure joy when we allow  manifestation in our lives.  Learn the techniques to obtain what you desire and what you also truly deserve.
Submit your pet shots
for the
Meet your Spirit Guide and Power Animals
Mon Sep 14
Mon Sep 28
Join Christine in learning how to access your spirit guides and power animals through the beat of a drum or the shake of a rattle.
Receive answers to your questions, learn how to trust your inner guidance, receive healing from the spirit world in this ancient technique.
Bring a journal. Please pre-register by calling
$15 per session
Intro to the Flower of Life Workshop
In this Flower of Life Workshop you can expect to experience the following activities and teachings:
a basic understanding of sacred geometry
angelic self healing techniques
Sacred Sound
Sacred Circles
other higher-self and heart opening activities
Sep 25, Oct 9
Oct 23 or Nov 20
7-10 pm
Weely MerKaBa Meditations  
Merkaba logo
The Flower of Life Workshop teaches the 17-breath merkaba meditation as taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
This meditation activates your merkaba: the vehicle for consciousness and ascension.
Learn ways to program this lightbody for healing, goal setting, empowerment and more.
Workshop participants are given a CD guiding the merkaba meditation.
without CD $5
tel: 403-887-4914
Begins Sep 27
recommended pre-requisite
to attend one of the
Intro to Flower of Life Workshops 
Sep 25, Oct 9, Oct 23, Nov 6
Healing Touch
for Animals
hta animals
hta logo
Level: 1
Calgary, AB
Sep 18-20, 2009

Instructor: Lynn Davis
Monique Arsenault
Phone: 403-932-4267  
ViewU Essential Wellness Private Healing Sessions
Maha Lotus
- Reiki Chakra Healing and Balancing
- Guided Meditation 
- Past Life Regression
- Inner Child 
- Reiki Shiatsu
- Acupressure Massage

- Steam Release 
- Purification Therapy 
- Emotional Release Therapy
in each session 
- crystal therapy
- aromatherapy
- sound vibration therapy
- intuitive channelling
-  animal spirit guides
- angels and guides
to assist you in your connection to your
Soul Spirit
To book your session, call 403-887-4914 
Reiki 1

2nd Tues of every month, beginning

 October 13, 09
(7-9pm) All Reiki levels welcome to attend... $10
Gold and Silver Trading Training
EQUITY TRADE NOTES 1/10 OZ gold leaf notes to serve as an open exchange currency.
Coin Collection
Benefits of acquiring Dan El coins
- Private Minting... No legal tender restrictions - Internationally recognized - Shipped to your door 
To learn more about securing you and your families financial stability
in these challenging economic fluctuations Contact
Christine or Costa Erza
Accredited Advocates #1070

If you would like to post your Local Workshops, Healings, Training, or Words of Affirmation, please do email us for the next issue.  We honor the opportunity to share in your joy.  

Happiness cannot be found
Through great effort and willpower,
But is already present
In relaxation and letting go.
Gendun Rinposche, Free and Easy:
A Sponaneous Vajra Song
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked,
While the bamboo or willow survives
By bending with the wind.  
Our wish is to seek information, workshops and techniques, that assists in keeping us all flexible in our brightest light.  
Nakusp Music Festival
Meet you next year...July 16-18, 2010
Camping at Three Islands Resort! 
3 IslandsInclude articles on topics of interest to your readers, relevant news and events. If you find an interesting article on the Web, you can easily ask the author's permission to summarize the article and link to it from your newsletter. Drive traffic to your website by entering teaser text for the article with a link to your website for readers to view the full text. 
Campground Contactnakusp
Name: Three Islands Resort
Nearest Community: Nakusp, BC
Address: Three Islands Resort
2384 Hwy 6 Nakusp BC V0G 1R0
Tel: (250) 265-3023 
Web Site: 
Camping Rates: $20.00-$30.00 per vehicle
No. of Sites: 65 
 and the weekend following
The Creston Valley Music Fest
July 23-25, 2010 
 Camping at Mountain Park Resort 250 428 2954
Komyo REIKI Kai
'Go placidly into the midst of praise or blame' 
Interview with Hanayo Sensei by Terry Remin
Q: What is the difference between Usui Reiki System and Komyo Reiki Kai System?
A: USUI REIKI RYOHO is the art of hands on healing by means of channelling the energy of the universe and is both a healing art and a spiritual practice, to improve the mind and body. Hyakuten Sensei returns us to the spiritual practice, to the origin of the teachings of Usui Sensei.
Q: How will Komyo Reiki Kai teachings affect my life, as a practitioner or for my personal use?
A: Komyo Reiki is a doorway to spiritual awakening and a path to Satori (enlightenment) 
Q: If I am already an Usui Reiki Master, will I benefit from the Komyo Reiki Kai Shinpiden teachings?
A: The Reiju of Hyakuten Sensei lineage is extremely powerful, to receive, equally as to give. In our quest to remember who we truly are we become energetically higher vibrationally during the process of these teachings and practices. 
Q: Is Hyakuten Sensei a Buddhist Monk, how does his teachings reflect upon the teachings of Usui Sensei? 
A: Usui Sensei's gravesite and memorial stone are located within the Pureland sect of Japanese Buddhism, and was a Master in the Priesthood of Buddhist teachings, as is Hyakuten Sensei of the Pureland Sect. In my higher self studies with Sensei, I have come to understand that the healing energy of the universe is beyond our understanding of any one religious teachings or practice, we are universally at one with all.
The light within me honours, the light within you
Shoden (First Degree)
  • Kenyoku Ho (Cleansing)
  • Joshin Kokyu Ho (Focus Mind)
  • Seishin Toitsu (Unify Mind)
  • Clarity of thought
  • Renewed physical strength
  • Calmness          
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Sense of connectedness        
  • Easing of conditions of insomnia, depression, and addiction 
  • Addressing our fears         
  • Physical healing
  • Immune strengthens

Chuden (Second Degree) 

  • Learn Eight hands on Traditional Japanese Reiki Methods
  • Including Full body Blood Exchange Method
  • Learn three jumon (Mantras)
  • Three shirushi (Symbols)
  • To aid the student in focusing Ki and becoming the appropriate energies

Okuden (Third Degree)

  • (Inner teaching) Inner growth for teacher candidates
  • Anshin-risumei / Satori (enlightenment path)
  • Fourth shirushi (Symbol)
  • Review practices of first two levels
  • Journey of life
  • Usui Eiki Ryoho Principles
  • Explanation of open teachings
  • Guidelines for treatment

Shinpiden (Teacher / Master)

  •  Komyo Reiki Kai Reiju teachings for each level
  • Komyo Reiki Kai Reiju for Reiki teachers
  • Komyo Reiki Open Reiju
  • Three Mudras
  • Translation of Memorial of the merits of Usui Sensei 

Shinpiden Training Level V (Master/Teacher)

  •  The complete Master teachings of Shoden, Chuden, Okuden and Shinpiden for Shihan Teaching of Komyo Reiki Kai
Healing Sessions and Reiki Teaching
Chris Hair Flying
Contact us for available session times and Services
CRA CERTIFIED Komyo Reiki Kai Shinpiden Training: Level V  (Master/Teacher) (2 days) Requirement: you must be a Reiki Master to take this class as the class content assumes you already have master level experience. 
This is a Japanese Reiki Master level upgrade class containing certain aspects of original Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai training. By upgrade,  I mean that the class assumes you already are a practicing Reiki Master and have the ongoing support of a previous teacher in the areas of class content, teaching Reiki classes, giving attunement, and the ethics and practices of a Reiki Master
CRA CERTIFIED Komyo Reiki Kai Degree Training:
Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, Shinpiden
(36 hours) 4 weekends approx one month apart, Apprenticeship, Monthly Reiki Exchange for CRA CEU points, Bi-weekly and Master support, Sylvan Lake, AB
Please see the Overview of Events to Mark your Calendars for specific training dates. 
*CRA - Canadian Reiki Association
Chuden Komyo Reiki Kai - LEVEL 2
Saturday Sept 12, 09 
Jackfish Lake - Reiki and Camping
We are very excited to extend our registration to those who have Komyo Reiki Kai Level One join us in the Wilderness for connecting to the energy of Mother Earth... we will be heading out to setup up camp on Thursday, Sep 10.  Friday night Fire Circle, Meditation, Saturday Reiki Training outdoor practice in the woods, connecting with Nature Meditations and Fire Circle, drumming.  Sunday we have journeying, Meditations and then depart after lunch... We are preparing a menu for organized cooking... tenting, fire circles, meditations... journeying, wilderness awarenss walks, water ceremonies, sharing circles, throughout the 2 nights/2 days
 Up close and personal
This is our camp mascot... this was the same day the Owl crop circle showed up... Woodborough Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. reported 10th August, 2009.
 owl crop circle
 This is the wilderness campsite, we visited in August 2009 at Jackfish Lake, for which we will return for Chuden Komyo Reiki Kai, Sep 12, 2009 
Map to Jackfish
There will be 2 signs, one off Hwy 11 and the other between mile 5 and 6 on the log road, as per this map...
We have our cell phones, for which there is service in these woods... 403-505-4914 and 403-896-4914, contact us for further information or questions and to receive the
Please pre-register and let us know if you have any allergies or special diet. 

'What to bring email'... we hope you can make it out!
The End of the Old
and Beginning of the NEW!9 
Ceremony of Healing
Join us for our hourly meditations celebrating 9-9-09, the end of the old and the beginning of the new!
Starting at 9AM and continuing through 5PM, we will be featuring different meditations hourly. If you are interested in experiencing any of these, come to ViewU Center with Costa as he announces "9" healing / empowering with invitation of the 9 angels of the energy field, you are invited to join in on a great way to address your intentions for healing and/or empowerment. We will set our intention for the startup of the Intenders Tribe with the New Energies.
Costa MerKaBa
Be sure to mark your calendar on the 19th and the 29th of each month at 6pm. During these meditations  we will task the angels to work with us to fine tune us to facilitate the energy of our fields to support the feeling of already actualizing the desires of our hearts. We will format these meditations with Komyo Reiki Kai session of the 5 minute empowerment, sending the healing energies to you, whereever you are located, please light a candle, your incense and smudge, at this time on these days.

We are asking for love donations for these meditations 100% of all love donations will go towards the scholarship fund at ViewU Center. This fund provides applicants the assistance that is based on the need and the desire from within to pay for ½ the cost of Reiki Level One Training. We feel that this is a wonderful way to support world healing "one heart at a time".
To obtain additional information in this sharing session, please e-mail us at:
Sylvan Lake
7th Annual Women's Wellness Retreat
wellness logo
From the Heart 
Saturday October 17, 09 (8 - 4pm)
11 Workshops to choose from, 3 Sessions per day
Lunch Included
Keynote: Tammy Robertson 'Get your Heart in the Game'
Reiki by Hanayo, Peaceful Easy Healing, Joie de Vivre Spa, Natural Solutions, Tai Chi/Qi Gong, Heart Smarts, Jewlery Making, Herb Planting, Career Planning, Hypnotherapy, Mastering life balance,
Sex for grown up girls, Makeover for 2 lucky women!  
Only $25
Register before October 2, 
after $30 and may or may not be accepted, for session choices
Hook up on Facebook to receive Event page for moe Information:  
Register: Barb Watson
Dennise Two Spirit Sage Walker
Calgary - October 16 & 17 - 7:00 PM
dennise oct16
James Minckler in Red Deer

Dear Friend
Sunshine greetings. Trust all is well in your world.
We are looking forward to visiting and sharing consciousness with you again. Each experience of the information brings new levels of awareness. The first exposure of this new information is a red level experience. The second exposure will be on an orange level of learning different aspects of the information.
The next experience will be on a yellow level and you will learn more than the first two experiences combined.
As you ascend the ladder of the rainbow to the violet level your awareness will expand beyond your wildest imagination.
The higher you climb on the mountain of knowledge, the more you will see of the Big Picture and better understand it.
The Advanced Techniques of the Level II course includes structural alignment to correct imbalances of the spine, arms
and legs by simple, light touch to strengthen the muscles connected to the area of misalignment. It is a different kind of
class than the basic level with less lecturing and more doing with lots of interaction between the students. The focus will
be on the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and feet. You will also learn the organ/emotion connections to these areas. There
will be lessons on cranial plate adjustments that realign the skull. These methods are easy to learn and class will be fun.
Learn to stay in structural alignment and walk lightly on Mother Earth.
Medical Astrology, the original polarity therapy is the oldest healing art known. Learn the personalities and characteristics
of the signs and the planets through the elements of fire, earth, air and water and how they connect with the organs of the
body. Medical Astrology is a fantastic tool for a better understanding of the self and those around you. It is an excellent tool to have in your kit. It is an easy class for beginners who would like to know more. You are invited to join the circle and enjoy an evening with the stars.
May your days be filled with Miracles. Peace & Light,
James Minckler email:
Sept. 19-20 Red Deer Basic course.
Sept. 21 Medical Astrology,
Sept. 22-23-24 Advanced course.
Contact person is Juliette Simoneau-Moore 403-885-2340, email: 
Overview of Events to Mark your Calendars
Weekly Intenders Circle Begins
THURSDAY Sep 17 ( 7-9pm)
Weekly MerKaBa Meditations SUNDAYS Begins Sep 27 (7-9pm)
Monthly REIKI Share 2nd TUESDAY Begins Oct 13 ( 7-9pm)
  • Watch for the CD release gathering for Janet Aftanas
  • Sep 9 - 9-9-09, Opening energies for Intenders  
  • Sep 12-13 Chuden Komyo Reiki Kai - LEVEL 2
  • Sep 15 - Intro to The Flower of Life (7-9pm)
  • Sep 17 - Intenders Welcome Back
  • Sep 18-19-20 - Body Spirit Soul Weekend - Hannelore
  • Sep 20 Shoden Komyo Reiki Kai - LEVEL 1 
  • Sep 18-20 Healing Touch for Animals Level 1 Calgary
  • Sep 19 & 29 (6pm) Ceremony of healing (Light Candle)
  • Sep 19 & 20 James Minckler - Basic Energy Balance 
  • Sep 21 James Minckler - Medical Astrology 
  • Sep 14 & 28 Shamanic Journey (7-9pm)
  • Sep 22, 23, 24 James Minckler - Advanced EB 
  • Sep 25-26-27 Santo Daime Ceremony
  • Sep 30 - Costa 40th Birthday!!! 


  • Oct 3 - 40th BIRTHDAY PARTY for COSTA!
  • Oct 9 & 23 - Intro to the Flower of LIfe (7-9pm)
  • Oct 10 - Okuden Komyo Reiki Kai - LEVEL 3
  • Oct 16 & 17 - Two Spirit Sage Walker, Calgary (7pm)
  • Oct 17 - The 7th Annual Women's Wellness, Sylvan Lake
  • Oct 19 & 29 (6pm) Ceremony of healing (Light Candle)
  • Oct 24 Chuden Komyo Reiki Kai  - LEVEL 2
  • Oct 30 - Nov 4 Hanayo in Toronto with Hyakuten-Sensei and Doi-Sensei... Master Level Shihan Training for Shinpidens
  • Nov 1 - No FOL
  • Nov 5 - No Intenders
  • Nov 20 - Intro to the Flower of Life (7-9pm)
  • Nov 14 Shinpiden Komyo Reiki Kai - MASTER LEVEL 4
  • Nov 21 Okuden Komyo Reiki Kai - LEVEL 3 
  • Nov 19 & 29 (6pm) Ceremony of healing (Light Candle) 
  • Nov 28 & 29 Shinpiden LEVEL 5
  • Dec 12 Komyo Reiki Kai by Hanayo - MASTER LEVEL 4 
  • Dec 26 BOXING DAY CHRISTMAS PARTY open house! 
  • Dec 19 & 29 (6pm) Ceremony of healing (Light Candle)
  • Dec 31 New Year's Eve Celebration!!!
With Love and Light,
Spirit to Spirit and Soul to Soul
(Hanayo) Christine Erza
ViewU Events & Marketing
ViewU Essential Wellness
Reiki by Hanayo 