Medicine My Way 

May 2012  

 Total Health of BodyMindSpirit 

May 2012  

The products listed here are wellness products that I researched, endorse, and use myself.


The original Mangosteen Supplement

Superior fish oil from the Green-lipped Mussel

      Sea Aloe         
Whole Food

Live Nutrition Superfood


Change your water Change your body Change your life   
Kangen Water
Good for you.
Good for the Environment.



To learn more about my health counseling and energy healing practice:  



To read reviews about my skills as an EFT practitioner find me by clicking on Massachusetts Practitioners on: 

fight or flight

The instant there is a "threat" to our safety, our sympathetic nervous system turns ON and thus begins our built in survival mechanisms. In rush chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol that shore us up physiologically to deal with the problem by either fighting the threat or fleeing from it. Once the threat is resolved our brain announces "danger over" and calm returns. But what happens when we can't fight and we can't flee? There is a third response. We immobilize, or freeze. That supercharge of energy does not get utilized thus the stress response cannot complete. So as a protection for future threats this energy downloads into the body. Ever have your foot on the gas full throttle and the brake at the same time? It's like that.  

We've all experienced trauma, both Capital T Trauma and little t trauma. Anytime we could not complete a normal stress response the energy "froze" into our physiology. Frozen trauma creates more vulnerability to any future stress. Someone with frozen trauma energy will be more "on guard" or hyper vigilant. It's the body actually looking to finally discharge the freeze! So many people suffer from not only post traumatic stress, but panic disorder and generalized anxiety. A frozen residue of energy that remains trapped in our nervous systems can wreak havoc on not only our bodies but our spirits as well. 
According to Dr. Robert Scaer prominent neurologist, trauma expert and author of The Trauma Spectrum, releasing the freeze is rarely accomplished with conventional talk therapy or even cognitive behavioral therapy.  
That is why  Dr. Scaer actually recommends EFT as a way to extinguish the memory.  The reasons EFT works are because:  
1) EFT is a mind-body technique.
The body or "felt sense" must be accessed.
The energetic disruption is in the procedural memory. The body has to be included because that is where the problem lies.         
2) Unlike many cultures who use rituals to deal with trauma we don't. As a people we are very emotionally inhibited. There is a ritual to the EFT tapping routine and thus highly effective. 
3) EFT shifts the healing power to the individual.
Trauma creates a sense of powerlessness. EFT turns on a sense of personal empowerment. 
4) EFT helps the energy cross through the corpus callosum so that the left brain and the right brain become more fully integrated.  

When I found my way to EFT nearly six years ago I was searching for something to help with anxiety. EFT worked and continues to work in my life and my passion is to help others with this wonderfully effective technique. If you haven't been to one of my workshops see "Events" below and consider attending one in the future. Please read a review here from someone who attended my last workshop.
Next week I travel to New York City to begin a certification training with Dr. Carol Look, EFT Master who is regarded as one of the best practitioners out there world wide. I am privileged to be one of 8 women accepted in her first EFT VIP mentoring/coaching program. I am more than excited! My personal goal is to continue to refine my skill as an EFT practitioner so that I can teach others how they can effectively
rid themselves of what ever it is that holds them back from emotional and physical and spiritual health.
By the way the 2012 EFT Summit begins May 7th. This is 10 successive days of live interviews of top EFT experts. You can learn about what it is and register to listen for free by clicking here.

waterTHE MOST IMPORTANT NUTRIENT  Water protects and cushions our organs and joints. It carries nutrients to the cells and toxins away from them. The immune system functions optimally when we are well hydrated. Our bodies are 70% water.

Keeping yourself well-hydrated is one of the simplest and most effective things you can do for your health, yet most people do not drink enough and often because the water doesn't taste good! Why? Waterways have become toxic waste dumps. Today's tap water is contaminated with prescription drugs, fertilizer, pesticides, heavy metals, industrial waste and petrochemicals. Chlorine may kill germs but is a toxin itself. As I wrote about in a recent newsletter, fluoride for the health of your teeth is deceptive. Fluoride is a toxin and a dangerous one at that.

Bottled water isn't a viable alternative. It's expensive, the industry is not regulated, chemicals from the plastic bottles leach into the water and the disposal of all that plastic is not environmentally friendly. Additionally most bottled water has a pH of around 4 which makes it as acidic as soda! All water is not created equal! It may look alike but a glass of water from the toilet looks just like a glass of water from the tap. So how to get the best drinking water for health?

Personally, I drink Kangen water and have been since 2008 when I decided I wanted to invest in my health. Kangen not only filters out the bad stuff but electrifies the water and then restructures it into a smaller more easily absorbed molecule. It splits the water into negatively charged ionic water (really good for you) and positively charged ionic water (not good for you) It works like an anti-oxidant by sharing molecules with all of the free radicals that are busy ripping molecules off your healthy cells.

And the best feature is that you can create alkaline water, up to a pH of 9.5! You can sip this water all day and correct the acidosis that seems to be so common in today's world of bad food and stress.

Enagic has several variations of the machine and when you think that for the rest of your life, you and your family can pretty much expect to stay healthy, it is worth every dime. Remember, cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. And the different pH waters have other uses, for example at pH 2.5 it's antibacterial so you can clean with it and use with as mouthwash. At 11.5 it becomes a solvent. I use it to clean my kitchen as a degreaser. At pH 5.5 you now have a skin toner and a hair conditioner. All that in one machine!

Aside from an ionizer like Kangen, if you purchase a filter make sure it is strong enough to filter out chlorine and the fluoride. Reverse Osmosis takes everything out, and that includes minerals. If you drink RO water make sure you replace the minerals with an ionic mineral supplement. Drink half your body weight in ounces at a minimum. Make sure you carry your water in a bpa free container.

To get more information about Kangen by Enagic click here.  
notes from the Universe A NOTE FROM THE UNIVERSE

"Fear, like joy, usually means that you're exactly where you should be, learning what you're ready to learn, about to become more than you were"

                                   ~The Universe

Sign up for your daily personal message from the Universe at 
bodymindspirit Thank you for reading this newsletter.
I truly enjoy writing these newsletters and hope that the information I deliver helps you on your path to wellness. If you like it, please forward it to someone who might like it as well. And if you would like to browse through past newsletters you can click here to do get to the archives.





Help for the Emotional Eater

 The goal of this workshop:

  • Educate people to the truth about food choices today
  • Help them make a connection between their stress level and the resultant misuse of food.
  • EFT will be introduced as an important tool in order to decrease the stress response.
If you struggle with weight or use food for all the wrong reasons....


...this workshop is for you. By attending you will gain insights and develop food literacy along with developing a new and healthier relationship with your body and the food choices you make.


Topics of discussion:


  • The current state of the health of the nation
  • Deception in advertising
  • Why "diets" won't work for the long term
  • Why diet food actually causes weight gain
  • Identifying the real food culprits (and it's not fat!)
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Learn how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques is an easy-to-use acupressure technique based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) to literally tap down stress in seconds, giving you a sense of empowerment instead of feeling so controlled by food
  • Learn to use EFT to release old stuck energy patterns at the root of sabotage.
  • Leave with actual EFT tapping scripts you can use for overeating and cravings.

Saturday May 19 2012 

1 PM to 5 PM 

The Center at Westwoods

590 Gay Street

Westwood Ma




RSVP: Tina Marian at or 508-523-7132 



Learn the Basics of EFT - Meridian Tapping


The Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is a powerful self-help tool based on Traditional Chinese Medicine for releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
Most of us are plagued by old stuck energy patterns
. We habituate to these patterns automatically. It's the way our brains work. Unfortunately until we learn how to
these old patterns, trying to enact positive change will be difficult and leaves us feeling frustrated.   

EFT works like emotional acupressure to quickly, gently and and easily remove the negative emotions and beliefs that are at the root of our problems and pain.  

As a Nurse and EFT
practitioner, I will teach you how you can use EFT
on yourself and others to help you attain management of your emotions, freeing you from the stress and anxiety that stand between you and your happiness.
EFT has a proven 90% success.  

* * * * * * * * * *
Saturday June 2, 2012 
 Noon to 3 PM 

Northborough Chiropractic 
The Office of Dr. Karen Moriarity 
6 Maple Street 
Northborough MA 
Call or email me to reserve a space. 

I have a lot of passion for this work and I love teaching EFT and sharing it with others. You will leave knowing how to do basic EFT and I will supply you with actual EFT scripts that you can use for a variety of situations.   

   Kangan Water Demonstration 
Experience newly introduced Japanese water technology that is causing dramatic health improvements for millions of people worldwide. Nancy Conkling will continue to host monthly demonstrations of the Kangen water system. Kangen water is used in hospitals in Japan because of its medicinal value, and is the only water ionizer that is certified by the government as a medical device. Come and see for yourself why Enagic's water technology will be the wave of the future and the way to excellent health. Contact Nancy at 617-489-1760 for information about her next demo.

tina 1"It is my passion and desire to contribute to the betterment of the world by spreading the message that a state of well being is for everyone. No matter how old you are, or what stage you are in, or what you have been through, I believe that you can find your way back to the Wholeness that was always your birthright.  We are born magnificent beings but get conditioned into mediocrity. It is up to you to pick up the map to find your way back. And I'll help you anyway I can. "If you want to know the quality of what you radiate, just observe how people respond to you. They are your mirror." Gary Craig.

Have a great month!
Contact Information
Tina Marian
Northboro MA

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