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Thursday,  July 7, 2011


The purposeful dismantling of America


In the past few weeks, even months, several well respected radio talk show hosts have been saying that the president of the United States is doing all he can to destroy America--on purpose. With varying degrees of passion, they have been shouting out to anyone who will listen that the president is a Marxist and he is purposely dismantling every aspect of American society in order to force its citizens to become dependent on the government, which, in turn, will remake the government into a socialist entity. Some have even suggested that the opening of the door to all things Muslim plays into the Marxist plan because Islam is a strong armed socialist system.


The evidence is clear before the American people if the scales would fall off their eyes. Just yesterday, the president made history by being the first president to hold a town hall meeting on twitter. His charismatic and casual nature was a winner on camera, but there is just one hitch. He misrepresented the truth, especially on the issue of jobs and the economy. Here is what he said about White House salaries: " By the way, people who work in the White House, they've had their pay frozen since I came in, our high-wage folks. So they haven't had a raise in two and a half years, and that's appropriate, because a lot of ordinary folks out there haven't, either. In fact, they've seen their pay cut in some cases."


In truth, reports "Of the 270 White House staffers who have been there for more than a year, 146-or 54%-received raises. The average salary increase was 8%." In addition, the average White House salary of $81,765 was 65% above the median household income. On jobs the president said, "And over the last 15 months, we've actually seen two million jobs created in the private sector." His own handpicked Council of Economic Advisors reports that those 2.4 million jobs added or saved because of the stimulus program cost taxpayers $278,000 per job. The report indicates that in the past six months the economy has added or saved more jobs on its own than with the stimulus.


Moreover, unemployment has risen from 7.3 percent when the "stimulus" was under debate to 9.1 percent. Since the president took office debt has soared from just under $10 trillion to nearly $14.5 trillion. From the use of American resources to overthrow governments in favor of Islam to the dismantling of the American free market system, one can only conclude that this president is deliberately remaking America. Neither Congress nor the Judiciary seem interested in opposing it. It is the citizenry who must stand otherwise American freedom will be a footnote in history. Proverbs 29:2 is wisdom: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn."

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day! 

Bill Wilson

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