Change Management Consulting News 
Advice for Transforming your OrganizationApril 2010
In This Issue
The Power of Staff Meetings
News Briefs
Inspirational Quotes

Stanley Cherkasky
Stanley Cherkasky
Managing Partner 
Change Management Consulting, Inc. (CMC) is a global management consulting and training company dedicated to helping organizations of all sizes improve performance, achieve goals and advance leadership capability.
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Welcome to our monthly newsletter. It delivers valuable news, best practices, and resources to enhance your organization's competitive position. Since our focus is on achieving business results, we truly become a business partner to our clients. This is accomplished through a combination of assessments, customized training, and management consulting.
Our diversified products and services are complementary, and based on best practices and innovative design. CMC's core competencies include: change management, leadership development, strategic planning, continual improvement initiatives, compliance management (ISO quality and environmental management systems) and Lean Six Sigma.
The Power of Staff Meetings 
So you think that staff meetings are a waste of time? Maybe...better think again. There is a critical link between well-run staff meetings and your ability to achieve business objectives. Even if you don't agree, read this article, and you may never underestimate the value of staff meetings again. Put these meeting principles to work, and you'll be transformed into a "staff meeting champion."
The feature article of our January Newsletter was "Making Meetings More Productive." In this article, we highlight Staff Meetings -the secret to engaging your employees' hearts and minds. There is no better way to keep your staff connected, focused and motivated than a well-run staff meeting. Most organizations, however, don't hold company-wide, regularly scheduled staff meetings, and those that do - do it poorly.

the entire article.
News Briefs

Senior Leadership Communication
As reported in HR Magazine, a study of more than 18,000 employees by Towers Perrin, a global professional services firm, found that surveyed employees "identified senior leadership communication as one of the most important elements of communication effectiveness overall."
Unclear Expectations
Less than 50% of employees know what is expected of them at work. Employees cite unclear and incomplete communication as a major reason for the "disconnect." Staff meetings are an excellent way to bridge the gap.
Inspirational Quotes
"Companies do not do new things because they understand it, but because they feel it."
- Gary Hamel 
"Nothing we can do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future."
- Ashleigh Brilliant
"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it."
- Dwight Eisenhower
ISO Report
How would ISO registration benefit my organization?  How long would it take?  How much would it cost?
The answers to these questions can be obtained FREE in a no-obligation, customized report that addresses your unique situation.  This valuable report contains a wealth of information that will help you to make a better decision.
To obtain your FREE report, simply click on the appropriate link below for the type of ISO certification in which your organization is interested: