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Febuary  2009
Monthly News for Alumni and Friends

LSTC, February 2009.

A new semester begins and students return from J Term experiences like the disciples returning to Jesus after being sent out. They experienced amazing ministries in places like Nebraska and Mexico where they witnessed both brokenness and great faith. A group of 44, made up of students, alumni and friends of LSTC joined Professors Esther Menn and Barbara Rossing on a tour of the Holy Lands. They departed Chicago just days after Israel began its attacks on Gaza. The group was never in danger as they traveled, but the proximity of the conflict shaped and reshaped how they think about the continuing struggles in the land that is holy to three faiths.
The Rev. Dr. Peggy Ogden-Howe, an alumus and a member of LSTC's board of directors, writes about the trip in this e-newsletter. We also share the thoughts of Monica Villarreal, as she reflects on the experience in a post-trip blog.
Seminary is about being here - studying, reflecting, learning the arts of ministry, as Dr. Craig A. Satterlee eloquently reminded the community and students just beginning their studies at LSTC this semester [link to sermon]. It is also about going out to listen, to see, and to be shaped by God at work in the world.
Share your stories of ministry with me at

Jan Boden

"World of the Bible" travel tour...

by Peggy Ogden-Howe
D.Min. Class of 1997
Peggy Ogden-Howe, camel riding in the Holy Land.LSTC's "World of the Bible" tour to Israel/Palestine, January 6-18, 2009, was truly an immersion into a stream of theological, Biblical, and political insights. Professors Esther Menn and Barbara Rossing organized it all. Although I had been to Israel twice, this third trip was my first exposure to many new experiences, people, and information.
Traveling with LSTC seminary students was an extraordinary privilege! I got to know by name 22 of the future leaders of the church.  Together we prayed, shared devotions, waited for lost luggage, floated in the Dead Sea, scrambled up and down desert trails, listened intently to the presentations by Israelis and Palestinians, bishops and educators.  Our traveling community became close as we told our personal stories and discussed complex issues. 
Student Blogger shares reflections from Holy Land tour
by Monica Villarreal 
LSTC M.Div. Student
Camel riding in Israel.Have you ever wondered what life was like during Jesus' lifetime? The LSTC J Term trip to the Holy Land gave the opportunity to see and experience life in the ancient world.
We traveled throughout Galilee, visiting many ancient cities such as Megiddo, Tel Dan, Caesarea Maritima (where Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome), and Banias Springs/Caesarea Philippi (site of Peter's confession). We visited an ancient synagogue and Peter's house in Capernaum (a city called the home of Jesus). We experienced the sound of waves and felt the rush of water touching our hands and feet as we reached for the waters of the Sea of Galilee.
Baptism in the Jordan River.
At the Jordan River we gave thanks for our baptism...the Holy Spirit moved among the waters, and we ended up participating in the baptism and affirmation of baptism of a few friends from Ohio that we met while touring. The Ohio group needed a pastor, and we had a few!

(Special Thanks to David Fleener, Rebecca Lund, Tyler Rasmussen,  Kristin Rice and Bridget Thien for contributing photos used in telling these Holy Land stories.)
Equipping the Saints for Ministry.
Campaign Progress Update 
Campaign Progress Chart as of 12-31-2008.
Equipping the Saints for Ministry ended the 2007 - 2008 fiscal year with a record amount of gifts received: $7,529,777.

Overall campaign progress continues to grow as the seminary's alumni/ae and friends make significant gifts to LSTC.

While restricted Annual Fund gifts fluctuate year to year, the vital unrestricted dollars to the Annual Fund continue to grow - 9% this fiscal year, while cash into the LSTC Fund grew nearly 90%.

The number of individual donors making annual gifts over $5,000 has more than doubled over the course of the campaign, from 22 in 2004 - 2005 to 48 in 2007 - 2008.  We are also making significant strides in doubling the number of annual donors to LSTC, with over 2,200 individual donors last year.

For your continued prayers and financial support, we rejoice and say thank you!

Michael Klinefelter
Assistant Vice President for Advancement
Rising Tide: The Cost of Seminary on Both Sides of the Equation

The most recent issue of Lutheran Partners magazine featured an article by Jonathan Strandjord, Director for Theological Education for the ELCA.

In it, Strandjord lifts up the issue of rising seminarian debt and describes the ways that the ELCA is working to help students afford seminary. He also encourages the church to step up in support of its seminarians. Seminarian debt is indeed on the rise, and does represent a crucial issue for our students going forward. 
However, I would add another element to Strandjord's exhortation: student debt is only one side of the equation! ELCA seminaries are also seeking to support seminarians by maintaining a strong and stable institution, and the financial stability of the seminaries depends on the generosity of its donors.

So, friends and graduates of LSTC, support seminarians! And support your seminary too.

Jessica Nipp
Director for Advancement

 Coming up at LSTC...
Global Conversation-Special Presentation - Living Stones: Stories from the Holy Land - February 23  
LSTC students who traveled to Israel-Palestine for the "World of the Bible" J Term course will make a presentation on their learning and experiences.
Monday, February 23, 2009
LSTC Common Room 350
12:00-1:30 pm
Soup, Bread and Hummus provided

Craig A. Satterlee presents "Preaching Lent and Easter" February 28
The Rev. Dr. Craig A. Satterlee, Axel Jacob and Gerda Maria (Swanson) Carlson Chair of Homiletics, dean of the ACTS Doctor of Ministry in Preaching Program, and adjunct professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, will present three lectures on "Preaching Lent and Easter" at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago on Saturday, February 28, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Room 350. The lectures are free. Read more.
Memorial service for the Rev. Dr. Robert J. Marshall
On Sunday, March 8 at 2:00 p.m., the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago will hold a memorial service for the Rev. Dr. Robert J. Marshall in the Augustana Chapel, 1100 East 55th Street. Rostered persons are invited to process. Dr. Marshall, president of the former Lutheran Church in America, played an important role in establishing the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Read more.
Steed Davidson to deliver 2009 Hein-Fry Lecture on "Luther and the Plain Sense of the Word" March 12 
On March 12, Dr. Steed Davidson, professor of Old Testament at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, will deliver the 2009 Hein-Fry Lecture, "Luther and the Plain Sense of the Word: Towards a New Literalism" at LSTC.  The Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing, LSTC professor of New Testament, will respond to the lectures. The lecture will begin at 1 p.m. in the Common Room (350), followed by Dr. Rossing's response at 2:45 p.m. A reception will be held at 3:15 p.m.
Read more.
Youth in Mission Pastoral Care for Youth - 2009 Conference, April 20-22
Youth ministry workers and clergy will not want to miss LSTC's first annual Youth in Mission Conference: Pastoral Care for Youth. This conference was the dream of youth ministers from across the country who expressed the need for more conversation and education around caring for youth. The conference will be held at LSTC on April 20-22, 2009. Registration is open from now until March 20.
Read more  or call us at 773-256-0725.
News you should know...   
New leadership named for LSTC Multicultural Center
The Rev. Dr. Jos� Rodr�guez has agreed to serve as director of the Multicultural Center  and Ms. Kimberly Ferguson will serve as the part-time program coordinator for an 18-month term (Feb. 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) to further important recruitment and programmatic initiatives intended to expand the participation of communities of color at LSTC and in the ELCA.  He will work collaboratively with leaders from African Descent, Arab-Middle Eastern, American Indian, Asian Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native, Caucasian, and Latino/a communities to promote a more diverse and culturally competent seminary and church. Read more.
Vitor Westhelle publishes collection of sermons, Word in words: Musings of the Gospel
Selected sermons preached by the Rev. Dr. Vitor Westhelle from 1983 to 2008, have been published as Word in words: Musings of the Gospel (Christava Sahitya Samithy, Tiruvalla, Kerala State, India). Two of Westhelle's doctoral students, Neal Anthony and Philip K. Mathai, and a friend, Dagny Bloland, compiled and edited the collection, offered "as a token of our sincere gratitude for instilling in us the longing to study and preach the Word of God, and hope that the sermons will be a source of inspiration and encouragement to its readers as it has been for us." Read more.

Quick Links
Opportunities at LSTC
A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice.
CCMEPJ sponsors
Reading Sacred Texts:
Save the Date
April 26.
(more info to come!)
Chapel Music Series logo.
Tithing and Stewardship Foundation.
Preaching Stewardship
March 21, 2009

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Craig A. Satterlee, Alex Jacob and Gerda Maria (Swanson) Carlson Chair of Homiletics at LSTC

Registration is $10 per participant or a maximum fee of $25 per congregation. All seminary students are free.

Register online
or call 773-256-0679 or email
for more information. Registration accepted through Friday, March 13.

Upcoming Reunions
Christ Seminary-Seminex Reunion.

35th Anniversary of Christ Seminary-

On June 23-25, 2009, the Seminex contingent at LSTC invites you to join us for the 35th anniversary celebration of the founding of Seminex.

Class of 1969
reunion May 16, 200
Join classmates and their spouses at LSTC to get reacquainted and to share your memories of your year at LSTC.
Contact Jessica Nipp at or 319-541-3066 for more information. Read more.

Classes of 1959:
50-year reunion
in May 2009
Fifty year graduates of LSTC's predecessor schools will be honored at commencement on Sunday, May 17.
All 50-year graduates are invited to a dinner in their honor and time to share their ministry stories on Saturday, May 16.

For more information, please contact Ruth Ann Deppe at 773-256-0710 or
Make a Gift to LSTC

Link to Equipping the Saints for Ministry Website.


GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Just by using Goodsearch  LSTC receives donations! is a  Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate.
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If you haven't already confirmed that you'd like to continue receiving the E.pistle, please click on the confirm link. If you do not get a response, forward your E.pistle to me and I will be able to confirm the link for you. I need your forwarded email to do this. If you already confirmed, there's no need to do so again.

Jan Boden
Director of  Communications & Marketing