Calendar |
December 1
Auditions for Anything Goes
5:30 p.m.
December 2
Grade 9 Stu-Co Elections
Auditions for Anything Goes
5:30 p.m.
December 4
Fontbonne Academy/BC High Concert
Fontbonne Academy Auditorium
5:30 p.m.
December 7
Evening of Stars Planning Meeting
7 p.m.
December 8
Immaculate Conception Liturgy
8:30 a.m.
All are welcome
December 10
Christmas Giving Tree Drive ends
December 11
High School Placement Test
8 a.m.
Parents Guild Giving Tree Gift Wrapping
10 a.m.
December 13
Holiday Raffle Card Ends
December 15
Early Dismissal
12 p.m.
Adult Learning Community Meetings
December 16
Christmas Concert
7 p.m.
December 21
Christmas Recess Begins*
2 p.m.
*If our Holiday Raffle Card goal of $45,000 and 100% participation is met, Christmas Recess will begin on Friday, December 17 at 2 p.m.
January 3
Classes Resume
January 4
Evening of Stars Planning Meeting
7-8 p.m.
January 11
Early Dismissal 12 p.m.
Adult Learning Community Meetings
January 14
End of Quarter 2
January 17
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No Classes
January 18
Evening of Stars Planning Meeting
7-8 p.m.
Sunday January 23 - Tuesday January 25
March for Life
Washington, DC
January 29
Parents Evening Out
Event and Time TBA!
January 30
International Festival
4 p.m.
(snow date is
February 6) |
Calendar Note:
Holiday Raffle Card Success May Change the Start of
Christmas Recess |
Students are currently selling their Holiday Raffle Cards. Should we meet our goal of $45,000 and 100% participation, please note that the Christmas recess will begin on December 17 at 2 p.m. |
Parents Guild Update
We know this is a very busy time for everyone, but we hope you will be able to join us for one or both of the following Parents Guild activities in December:
Evening of Stars Planning Meeting
Tuesday, December 7,
7-8 p.m. in the cafeteria
Parents Guild Giving Tree Gift Wrapping
Saturday, December 11,
10 a.m. - noon, in the cafeteria
For more information, please email Have a wonderful holiday season! |
Shakespeare Abridged, a comedy
The audiences were laughing and participating in this unusual play mid-November, where Shakespeare's works were made into uproarious skits. Congratulations to the Good Fountain Players for their hard work and to Mrs. Carol Fortier and Director, Anthony Emma, for their tireless creativity and energy. Mackenzie Furash '11 as MacBeth and Amanda Brandi '12 as MacDuff duel for the crown in MacBeth. 
Jackie Zahn '12 as Romeo and KJ Moran '13 as Benvolio discuss the prospect of new love in Romeo and Juliet.
 Julie Sullivan '11 and Emma Byrd '11 as narrators, explain to Emily Clegg '12 as Antony, and Eliza McDonald '13 as Cleopatra, the truth behind their misconceptions of Shakespeare's tragic heroines.
 The cast and crew: (from left to right): Emily Clegg '12, Amanda Brandi '12, Emily Devane '13, KJ Moran '13, Chrissy Whalen '13, Jackie Zahn '12, Allison Culkin '11, Anna Wahlstrom '11, Lyndsay Hennelly '11, Danielle Diamond '14, Erin Nunes '13, Rheannon Swire '13, Lauren Russell '11, Tamra Adams '14, Julie Sullivan '11, Emma Byrd '11, Christina Ferrera '11, Eliza McDonald '13, Mackenzie Furash '11, Emma Byrne '13, Jess Delahunt '11, Cara Murphy '11, Mary McGunnigal '11, Kirsten Robinson '13, Nathalie Pham '13, Suzie McCormick '11, Emily Mazza '13, Jackie Jakas '13. |
Faces of Spirit Day |
The Holiday Raffle program was officially kicked off with yet another boisterous and colorful Spirit Day. Here are some images from the festivities.

Freshwomen wore blue. This group shot was taken at their breakfast.

Sophomores wore green. From left to right: Olivia Smith, Rebecca Simmons, Caroline Cabral, Jennifer Gemma, Emily Mazza, Christine Carroll, Colleen MacDonald, Shannon Glynn

Juniors wore orange. From left to right : Anaika Joseph, Emily Tehan, Zeena Bartolome, Lauren Watson and Amanda Brandi.

Seniors wore black. From left to right: Bridget Plouffe, Catherine Vu and Amelia Tayeh.
Sweat For a Cause Raises $500 and Food for the Milton Food Pantry |
Forty adults and students came to Fontbonne on Saturday, November 20, to "Sweat for a Cause" in a boot camp directed by Fontbonne alumna Maureen Conlon '86. Admission was $12 per adult and five cans of food per student, with the proceeds given to the Milton Food Pantry. The cool November morning did not deter the group who used bands, balls and obstacle courses to challenge themselves. Their enthusiasm was so great that Ms. Conlon was asked to offer another one-day boot camp on Thanksgiving morning, The Turkey Day Boot Camp was held 6-7 a.m. Thanks to all the parents, students and Learning Community members for their participation in this event.
Wellness Center
Update |
The 10 Days of Fitness
The holiday season is here, and the Wellness Center wants to help you continue your workouts during this often stressful and hectic time. Trying to fit in little bursts of activity is often the best way to stay active during the busy weeks leading up to Christmas.
Santa and his reindeer invite you to participate in
The 10 Days of Fitness!
During these 10 days, you are assigned a certain activity to correspond with that day (see the activities below). To make it more fun, you will always need to do the previous Day's activity as well. The program will run Mondays through Thursdays starting December 2 and ending December 20.
All those who complete the 10 days will be entered into a drawing for a $25 iTunes gift card!
Day 1: 1 min. of pushups
Day 2: 2 min. of jump rope
Day 3: 3 different upper body exercises
Day 4: 4 laps around the school
Day 5: 5 sets of 5 walking lunges
Day 6: 6 minutes of stretching
Day 7: 7 different abdominal exercises
Day 8: 8 different lower body exercises
Day 9: 9 min. of hoola hooping
Day 10: 10 min. of biking |
Dear Parents and Families,
As we leave Thanksgiving and move into December, we enter the season of Advent, a time of anticipation and waiting with Mary for the celebration of Christ's coming on Christmas. So much of our lives is spent waiting--in lines, at lights, in the doctor's office, or just waiting for the absolutely perfect opportunity because we are sure we'll recognize it and seize it when it finally arrives.
In one of our recent graduation speeches, a golden alum read from a poem of Mary Oliver's entitled, The Summer Day. The poem is a reflection of how quickly life passes us by, and it ends with the marvelous line, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" These inspiring words motivate us to take action now, not to spend too much time waiting and assessing, but to jump into life and seize it. I enjoy watching your daughters live out this lesson each day as they seize opportunities to learn and grow here at Fontbonne with zest and joy. They do indeed have something to teach us adults.
As we approach Christmas with all its external trappings, I hope you can set aside some "waiting" time to go inside yourself, to be centered, and to open yourself up to the possibilities, the potential that resides inside--to touch there the Emmanuel (God with us) of Advent and Christmas. As the New Year unfolds, I wish you the courage to seize your own "wild and precious" life. It is never too late!
On behalf of our entire Fontbonne Community, we wish you and all those you love deep peace and profound joy this Christmas and throughout 2011.
 Mary Ellen Barnes
Head of School
Monthly Spotlight:
Ms. Kenny's Library Blog | |

Miss Kenny demonstrates her
blog in the Library.
Miss Kenny's FBA Library Blog began in an effort to reach out to Fontbonne Academy students in an accessible and non-intimidating manner. "Using my blog, I am able to share library news, display information and links to resources, create research guides, tutorial screencasts and videos and offer supportive information on various topics of study," said Miss Kenny. "With the interactive capabilities of Web 2.0 technologies, libraries have an excellent means of remaining relevant in the lives of students by pushing the library walls open and being an online presence, available to the student at any time or place." As a program at Fontbonne, rather than simply a room filled with books, the library assumes the responsibility of teaching students increasingly important and constantly evolving information literacy skills. As Fontbonne Academy graduates continue in their postsecondary academic pursuits, knowing how to effectively navigate and access blogs, wikis, online catalogs and various other technology-based means of instruction will enable them to make the most of a 21st century education. To view Miss Kenny's FBA Library Blog please visit
Save the Date for Evening of Stars! | |

Saturday, March 26, 2011
6 Billings Street Randolph, MA
6 -10 p.m.
Please mark your calendar for Fontbonne's biggest fundraiser of the year! Enjoy a wonderful evening out with dinner, entertainment, silent and live raffles, and much more. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the company of fellow parents, alums, Learning Community members and friends, while raising money for Fontbonne Academy.
This year's Evening of Stars will celebrate the Visual Arts at Fontbonne Academy. Please come and support our school and recognize the great artistic talents of our faculty, students and alumnae!
We will have the final Evening of Stars planning meeting before the end of the year on Tuesday, December 7, at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Please join us to find out more information about how YOU can help ensure the success of this year's Evening of Stars.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for Evening of Stars, please email our co-chairs Maryclare Himmel P'13 and Terese Robinson P'13 at
Mrs. Pappafotopoulos Earns Award from VHS | |

Mrs. Pappafotopoulos was recently recognized for her ten years of working with Virtual High School (VHS).
Fontbonne Academy Instructional Technology Specialist and Teacher, Dianne Pappafotopoulos, was given an award to commemorate her ten years of service with Virtual High School (VHS), an organization based in Maynard, MA, and a leader in online education and professional development.
Virtual High School administrators Suzanne Harlow, Senior Account Manager, and Patricia DiMaggio, School Services Registrar, came to Fontbonne Academy to meet Mrs. Pappafotopoulos, after sharing many online interactions. Mrs. Pappafotopoulos is considered an education pioneer in the VHS program, having worked with them for the last ten of their fourteen years. Mrs. Pappafotopoulos began as a site coordinator at Fontbonne and transitioned to teaching VHS courses; she is in her second year of VHS teaching. Mary Ellen Barnes, Head of School at Fontbonne Academy, is proud of Mrs. Pappafotopoulos' accomplishments:"Online education is truly a 21st Century learning resource, and we are pleased to offer VHS to all our students."
Mrs. Pappafotopoulos currently teaches the VHS course "Creative Writing" online to various students throughout the country and manages Fontbonne Academy students who take a variety of courses in the online program. In her double role, she serves as the Fontbonne Academy site coordinator and teacher while being the chairperson for the Technology Department and teaching face-to-face courses. "It is a wonderful opportunity for Fontbonne Academy students to be able to take courses online from such a wide range of disciplines in AP, Honors and Standard formats." She added, "For example, senior Megan Healey '11 recently completed a 'Kindergarten Internship' class where she was able to complete coursework through VHS and do a hands-on internship at Glover Elementary School, just down the road from Fontbonne. Another example is Pan Zhu '11, whose interest in Math was met with a course entitled, 'AP Statistics.'"
"What is great about VHS is that it marries students' passions with their coursework," said Suzanne Harlow of VHS. "We have so many great courses and students from all over the world take advantage of the program."
Mrs. Toole Honored by Noyce Scholar,
Kerrin O'Leary '07 | |

At right, Noyce Scholarship recipient, Kerrin O'Leary '07, with Mrs. Toole from the Fontbonne Academy Math Department.
Mrs. Toole was recently honored by being invited to College of the Holy Cross for an award ceremony to celebrate Kerrin O'Leary '07 who was awarded a Noyce Scholarship from the National Science Foundation. Kerrin plans to become a math teacher and follow in Mrs. Toole's steps. When asked to name a teacher who inspired her, she chose Mrs. Toole. "It was exciting to be there to witness the award ceremony," said Mrs. Toole. "I am very proud of Kerrin."
National Honor Society Induction | |

The National Honor Society Members after their ceremony posed for a photo.
Back Row (from left to right): Emily Clegg '12, Mary O'Sullivan '11, Mackenzie Irvin '11, Alanna Sparagna '11, Adriana Jaimes '11, Jessica Delahunt '11, Emma Byrd '11, Meghan Collins '11, Siobhan Deasy '12, Elizabeth McGowan '12, Rachel Selbert '12, Caroline Murray '12 & Maredith Richardson '11; Middle Row (from left to right): Nicole Derba '11, Bridget Plouffe '11, Kendall Moussa '11, Lauren Haley '12, Marisa Adams '12, Catherine Vu '11, Lina Tran '11, Katherine Nguyen '11, Alexandra Rezendes '11, Christina Ferrera '11, Taylor Doherty '11, Jinhui Cheng '11, Erin Fanikos '12 & Jaclyn Zahn '12; Front Row (from left to right): Mary McGunnigal '11, Julia Falco '12, Natalie Devine '12, Alexandra Sibert '11, Indira Rivero '11, Xiao Lai '11, Xuan He '11, Kayla Stravin '12, Alyssa Melendez '12, Rose Anne Yanson '12, Skye Ellement '11 & Barbara Ryan '98, NHS Advisor; missing from picture: Caitlin Gemma '11 & Julie Sullivan '11.
Twenty-two new National Honor Society Members were inducted in a ceremony that took place within the Mother Saint John Fontbonne service on Monday, November 22.
The four new officers are: Nicole Derba '11, Secretary; Mary McGunnigal '11, Treasurer; Maredith Richardson '11, Vice President; and Skye Ellement '11, President. These officers lit candles representing scholarship, service, character, and leadership during the ceremony and then lit their fellow society members' candles as well. National Honor Society Moderator, Mrs. Ryan, lit the candle of knowledge. A reception in the foyer followed the ceremony where proud family members warmly greeted their daughters and celebrated with special treats, including a beautiful NHS cake. Congratulations to all the new inductees.

Mary McGunnigal '11, Nicole Derba '11, Maredith Richardson '11, and Skye Ellement '11 light the candles in the NHS ceremony.
Lasting Tributes at Memorial Mass 2010 | |

Julie Sullivan '11 and Christina Ferrera '11 were cantors at the Memorial Mass on November 14.
The Memorial Mass on November 14 was very moving. Families and friends in the Fontbonne Academy community came out to pay tribute to those who have passed. The Select Chorus lent their beautiful voices to the day which was marked with three memorials from families who had lost a loved one in the last year. The Cogliano family honored Denise Cogliano '90 with a beautiful landscaping project set to bloom at graduation; the Connelly family honored Julie Connelly '77 with the Social Justice Internship for select rising seniors; the Kelly family honored Jennifer Chistolini Kelly '90 with a scholarship and refurbished Art Room. It was a touching day with a memorial video shown during the service in appreciation for the generosity of the families who have made lasting tributes.

A table with the gifts of Memorial Mass 2010. |
Powder Puff Football | |

Mr. Carta coached the Juniors to victory in the first annual powder puff football game. At left, the Juniors rejoice in their big win. Back row (left to right): Mr. Carta, Josephine Wong, Kayla Stravin, Brianna Foley, Joanne Armstrong, Julia Falco, Catherine O'Connor, Rachel Selbert, Katie Alsip. Front row (left to right): Alison Cuddahy, Siobhan Deasy, Natalie Devine, Colleen Mulcahy, Meghan Cloherty, Erin McLoughlin and Kristen McCarthy.
On Wednesday, November 24, Fontbonne Academy finished off their Spirit Day with a football game between the Seniors and Juniors. Both team played well and gave a strong effort, but the Juniors edged the Senior 6-0. The Seniors were coached by Mrs. Spignesi and Mr. Anderson, and the Juniors were coached by Mr. Carta. The afternoon was filled with many laughs and was such a success that we hope that powder puff football will become an annual event. Thanks to everyone for their spirit and participation!