Yoga Skills
Cosmic body7 chakrasChakra 2
Alchemy of Inner Empowerment Part II:  Fusion, Synthesis and Transformation
Featuring Wayne B. Chandler and Yirser Ra Hotep
 Friday January 15 thru Sunday January  17, 2010 
House of Hotep
4507 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago IL. 60653
 (venue subject to change based upon demand) 
773 396-6613
To Register Go To:
Click on upcoming events
Friday January 15, 2010 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM:  Lecture Presentation
"A Light Warrior's Path to Immortality" Part II
by Wayne B. Chandler and Yirser Ra Hotep
Saturday January 16, 2010 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM:  Practical Alchemy Part 1. 
  • The science and application of Kemetic geometric movements, postures and breath
  • Cleansing of the Aura
  • Cleansing the Chakras
  • Balancing the Chakras
  • Energizing the Chakras
  • Vibrational Therapy:  Healing Sounds for the organs, glands and energy systems
Taught by Wayne B. Chanlder and Yirser Ra Hotep
Sunday January 17, 2010, 11:00 AM to  6:00 PM: 

Practical Alchemy Part 2. 
  1. Review of day one topics
  2. The science of Breath: 
  • Pranayama Alternate Nostril Breathing
  • Reverse Breathing
  • Kidney Breathing
  • Chi Gung
  • Nei Gung
  • Breath control for sexual power
Wayne B. Chandler and Yirser Ra Hotep will also be available Friday, Saturday and Sunday for individual counsultations.   
Advance online payment is recommended due to limited space: 
All 3 days:  $125.00
2 days:  $95.00
1 day:  $75.00 
Add $25.00 at the door
To pay in advance by check or money order:
4507 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago IL. 60653
To Register go to: 
Upcoming  YogaSkills Events:

Alchemy of Inner Empowerment III
Memphis Tennessee
Friday February 19 to Sunday February 21, 2010

For More Information Contact Dr. Jeff Menzise (MenaqAmurr), Ph.D
240 988-9639  


Ausarian Yoga & Joints and Glands with Master Yogi Kwesi Karamoko
Kwesi Karamoko

Purusha 7

Belly Dance and Womb Healing with Dr. Sunyatta Amen:
Dr. Amen

I want to thank all who attended the Alchemy of Inner Empowerment at House of Hotep December 4 to 6, 2009 for helping to make it a tremendous success.  Everyone reported tremendous satisfaction with the results they received from what was shared and practiced.  Therefore we have decided to do it again on the weekend of January 15 to 17, 2010. 
We will build on the knowledge and practices we engaged in and also make more time available for folks to receive the tremendous energy healing sessions that Wayne offers using his "Ancient-Future" Energy Crystals! 
Because this is an intense workshop our days will start earlier and last longer than in the first session.  We will begin at the following times:  Friday January 15, 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Overview, Theory and Concept.  Saturday January 16, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Practical Alchemy and Intense Practice Part 1.  Sunday January 17, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  Practical Alchemy and Intense Practice Part 2.  
There will be a slight increase in the price for the event in order to better cover our expenses.  The costs therefore will be:
$125.00 All 3 Days
$95.00 Two Days
$75.00 One Day

Please pay in advance by check, money order or credit card because an additional $25.00 will be charged at the door. 
 We are about the serious business of creating a counter balance against the forces of disease, distress and destruction that is confronting our reality and depleting our health and energy.  I recommend that everyone comes ready to work, focus and improve. 
Email me back or call 773 396-6613 with any questions or feedback.  And, get your plane tickets early if you need them.
Much Love,

Alchemy is the ancient science of personal growth and transformation.  Alchemy of Inner Empowerment combines the best of many spiritual disciplines from ancient traditions into a single systematic experience of uniquely powerful self actualization and realization.  Many very expensive speakers offer you "THE SECRET" to success, we offer true practical expertise that you can apply to your everyday life at a price you cannot afford to pass up.  At the end of this three day workshop you will be armed with theory, knowledge and practices that will build your health, reduce stress and illness and move you towards an internal realization of your true potential. 
Yirser Ra Hotep and Wayne B. Chandler
A Light Warrior's Path to Immortality:  Friday January 15, 2010 6:30 PM to 10:00  PM
Wayne Chandler Headshot1 High blood pressure, diabetes, prostate problems and sexual dysfunction in men, loss of libido, heart disease, stroke, obesity and plain old sick and tiredness are just a few of the conditions that plague most people in this society.  Most of us believe that we should grow old, feeble and senile as if this debilitated state is natural and pre-ordained.  It is not!  Those who are armed with just a few basic rules and daily practices can reverse the aging process and maintain strength, flexibility, sexual prowness and vigor.  Aging is simply the state of having more cells dying in your body than new cells being produced to take their place.  Most so-called aging is self-induced by your own thoughts and extremely poor life habits that have been conditioned into your consciousness by the media, educational system and other institutions that create our ideas of what is real and not real.  
Wayne B. Chandler who has authored the revolutionary book, "Ancient Future:  The  Teachings and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermetic Laws of Ancient Egypt" will share his insight into the true cause of aging and disease he has accumulated over decades as a researcher, practitioner and healer and offer you practical solutions.   
 Wayne Chandler Fighting
Mr. Chandler is not only an accomplished scholar, historian, anthrophotojournalist who has collaborated with greats such as the legendary Ivan Van Sertima (They Came Before Columbus, The Journal of African Civilizations) and Runoko Rashidi (The African Presence in Early Asia), he is a highly skilled teacher of Capoeira and Taost healng internal healing systems of Chi Kung and Nei Kung.  Capoeira is a martial art that originatted in Africa and took root in Brazil.  It requires great acrobatic skills, flexibility and strength.  Chi Kung and Nei Kung are internal healing systems associated with China that use meditation, breathng exercises and movements to circulate energy for healing and mental/spiritual transformation.  Mr. Chandler's research has demonstrated that the origins of Chinese civilzation emerge from the original Black cultures of Asia that spawned the first two dynasties of China meaning that the arts and sciences associated with China are of Africoid origin.  Mr. Chandler is perhaps the only scholar of his magnitude to possess a portfolio of such  extensive scholastic aptitude while living and practicing a highly evolved life of holistic health. 
 Ancient Future
In addition to the small number of his multitude of skills mentioned above Wayne B. Chandler is an herbalist, nutritionist, massage therapist, energy healer (using crystals) and Yogi.  Mr. Chandler's set of skills and expertise uniquely positiones him to be able to present the information in "A Light Warrior's Path to Immortality". 
Practical Alchemy Part 1.  Saturday January 16, 2010 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
New Yirser You will begin your day with experiencing the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) movements, postures and breathing that are associated with revitalizing and renewing the spine, central nervous system, organs, glands and chakras (energy wheels that conduct the flow of life-force up and down the spine among other things).  These Kemetic Yoga movements that can be found on the temple walls of ancient Egypt are unique and follow a precise geometric pattern that harmonizes you with nature.  Yirser Ra Hotep wiho will lead this section of the workshop has practiced and studied this system for over 30 years.  He has documented the beneficial effects of the techniques in terms of stress management, spinal health, internal energy management and the creation of altered states of consciousness.  Yirser has bulit upon the knowledge first gained from his original teacher, Dr. Asar Hapi to create his own unique style and approach he calls the YogaSkills Method.  
Following the practice of Kemetic Yoga, Wayne B. Chandler assisted by Yirser will lead you throgh the process of "tuning up" your internal energy systems.  We will start with cleansing the aura which is the energy field that surrounds your body and emanates from the the glow of the internal life.  The quality of the aura in terms of its color and intensity reflects the quality of your health and well being,,  By cleansing the aura we become aware of a key component of a little known yet crucial  element of our being and also improve our overall health and well-being. 
Chakra Cleansing, Balancing and Energizing: 
This section of workshops involves becoming aware of and working with seven primary energy centers in the body that ascend from the base of the spine and end at the crown of the head.  Each chakra corresponds to one of the seven colors of the spectrum and relates to various parts of the spine, endocrine system, nervous system and organs.  Each chakra also relates to aspects of our spiritual consciousness and mental/emotional development.  It is therefore imperative for these crucial organs of the bio-energetic body to be in perfect health, balance and harmony.  Gaining insight in how to care for the Chakras is as important as understanding how to care for the physical body.  In fact what we call the physical body emerges from the bio-energetic body.   What we call  physical disease is simply the result of blockages in the flow of energy through the bio-energetic body. 
Vibrational Therapy:  Healing Sounds for the Organs, Glands and Energy Systems:
Wayne B. Chandler is a master in the practice of the healing sounds.  Each sound which is made with mouth and your breath corresponds to a different organ or area of the body.  The sounds are made while performing a particular movement with a certain mental intention.  All who have experienced this vibrational therapy under Mr. Chandler report phenomenal results in terms of stress relief, health recovery, focus and even life purpose. 
Practical Alchemy Part 2.  Sunday January 17, 2010 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Reveiw of Part 1: 
If you missed part 1 on Saturday, you will be able to retrieve most what you missed during the review. If you attended part one and  choose to attend part two as you should, you will be able to reveiw and consolidate the information from day two during the review.   
The Science of Breath:
In this section you will learn a variety of breathing and meditation techniques designed to give you control over your body and mind.  Breathing should be done in such a way as to cause the circulation of life-force through your body.  Generally energy rises up your spine in conjunction with your inhalation and moves through your arms and legs as you exhale.  Being able to master the breathing process and connect movement with it will allow you to complete the training we are presenting.  This 3rd day is one that you do not want to miss. 
YogaSkills Holistic Tour of Ancient Egypt
Memphis July 27, 2010
to August 6, 2010
Join Yirser Ra Hotep, Dr. Sunyatta Amen and Wayne B. Chandler for a unique tour of ancient Egypt with an emphasis on health and wellness.  Enjoy ancient Egyptian Yoga, Belly Dance and internal practices like Chi Kung, Nei Kung and the healing sounds. 
All Inclusive Fare including roundtrip airfare from New York to Cairo:

Flow with the Breath! 

Yirser Ra Hotep
Yoga Skills
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Holistic Tour of Ancient Egypt
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