Louisiana Right to Life: Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana
Pro-Life Update
House Rejects Abortion Funding, But Long Battle Ahead

November 8, 2009


Last night in DC, the House joined the majority of Americans and voted to remove all federal funding of abortion from H.R. 3962, the main health care reform bill.

While Speaker Pelosi had signaled for months that she would not allow a vote on the pro-life Stupak Amendment, she realized early on Saturday morning that her health care bill would not pass without it. 

We thank all our Congressmen for voting in favor of the Stupak Amendment and sending a clear message that federal funding of abortion is unacceptable.

However, there is a long battle ahead.  To believe that the abortion/health care battle is over would be to underestimate the fervor of pro-abortion forces in Congress.  

Planned Parenthood and their allies are outraged over the passage of the pro-life amendment and we expect them to attempt to remove the pro-life language in either the Senate or in conference committee between chambers. 

In addition, there are still a number of end of life aspects that make the legislation problematic.  See this press release from Nat'l RTL to learn about a number of them.  We hope these problems can be fixed in the Senate, but if not, we certainly reserve the right to oppose the final passage of any health care legislation.

For today, at least, WE can be glad that through YOUR countless phone calls, emails, and letters, the federal funding of abortion has been stopped.

Be looking for more information from us as the battle moves to the Senate!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper
Executive Director
Louisiana Right to Life Federation
Louisiana Right to Life (LARTL), established in 1970, works through education, legislation, activism, and service to restore the right to life in Louisiana by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and other life destroying actions.

Support our efforts by becoming an "Every Life, Every Month" Partner.

Visit us at www.ProLifeLouisiana.org.