Louisiana Right to Life: Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana
Action Alert!
Call Your Congressman Now!

"Please Vote No on the 'Rule' on H.R. 3962!"

November 4, 2009


Please pick up the phone today and call your Congressman (especially Cao and Melancon) and ask them to oppose the "rule" on H.R. 3962!  Even if you have called regarding health care before, CALL AGAIN!

Congressman Melancon: (202) 225-4031              Congressman Cao: (202) 225-6636
Congressman Scalise: (202) 225-3015                 Congressman Fleming: 202) 225-2777
Congressman Alexander: (202) 225-8490             Congressman Boustany: (202) 225-2031
                                 Congressman Cassidy: (202) 225-3901
Call Your Congressmen Today!
The House could vote this week, as early as today, on health care reform legislation that authorizes the direct federal funding of abortion, something that has not happened in the U.S. since 1976.

Even though many pro-life Democrats want to offer a pro-life amendment stopping the funding of abortion, Speaker Pelosi has indicated she will not allow this vote come to the floor!

If the Speaker does not allow this pro-life amendment, which we expect, then our Congressmen must be prepared to vote no on the "rule" that governs debate on H.R. 3928.  If this is the situation and our Congressmen vote for the rule, they have effectively voted in favor of federal funded abortion.  We cannot have health care reform that federally funds abortion!

If the rule is defeated, the bill will be stalled, but if the rule passes, then the government funding of abortion will move a step closer to reality. 

This, and other votes coming, could alter decades of pro-life policy and effect millions of unborn lives.  Make your call now and forward this email!

Forward this email

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper
Executive Director
Louisiana Right to Life Federation

P.S. After making your call, click on their names above and send an email!

P.P.S. While at it, give Senator Landrieu a call at 202.224.5824 and ask her to oppose health care reform unless abortion is explicitly excluded.  Health care legislation is quickly reaching the boiling point in the Senate, and Sen. Landrieu STILL has not answered our question.

Louisiana Right to Life (LARTL), established in 1970, works through education, legislation, activism, and service to restore the right to life in Louisiana by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and other life destroying actions.

Support our efforts by becoming an "Every Life, Every Month" Partner.

Visit us at www.ProLifeLouisiana.org.