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Pro-Life Event Notice
Danielle Inn

Lafayette Health Care Rally
Free Food!  Free T-Shirt!  Great Speakers!

Are you interested or concerned about health care reform?  If so, this event is a must!!

Patients United Now
is hosting a rally to spread the awareness about the dangers of health care reform efforts in DC.  Louisiana Right to Life has been invited to discuss the threats against human life that are coming through tax-funded abortions and rationed health care.

We can't wait any longer. Now is the time to take a stand!
  • DATE: Tuesday, July 28th
  • TIME: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • PLACE: Lafayette Hilton (1521 W Pinhook Rd)

Speakers, from many perspectives, to include:
  • Ben Clapper, Louisiana Right to Life
  • Kevin Kane, Pelican Institute for Public Policy
  • Ellen Carmichael, Americans for Prosperity
  • Ben Turpen, Patient and Tulane University School of Law Student
www.ProLifeLouisiana.org/Healthcare to learn more!

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Louisiana Right to Life (LARTL), established in 1970, works through education, legislation, activism, and service to restore the right to life in Louisiana by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and other life destroying actions.

Support our efforts by becoming an "Every Life, Every Month" Partner.

Visit us at www.ProLifeLouisiana.org.