Dear Friends of Lewis & Clark, I am still not finished with setting up the travel, study and photo and video gallery forums. I have been busy reorganizing my home office space, getting ready to host the forums and getting some other matters out of the way before dealing with possible federal grand jury service during the month of November.
I will be looking forward to your contributions when we go "live." Reports, photos, videos, links to material already posted on the web, and forum entries will all be welcome.
PayPal Sales Outlet I am setting up a PayPal business account and will be able to fill your orders for personally inscribed copies of Lewis and Clark Road Trips in time for holiday gift giving. I am also willing to serve as a consignment sales outlet for all of those rare and wonderful Lewis and Clark items that have no real home in the commercial market. Please contact me if you have something to sell.
Kira Visit our website |
Beauty Queens stage protest at Sacagawea statue in Charlottesville VA

A Columbus Day protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, criticizing the depiction of Sacagawea crouching behind Lewis and Clark, was led by "Miss Representation" and "Miss Information." Protesters carried signs "Sacagawea never cowered," "The only Indian represented in our city is not from Virginia," and "Let history tell the whole story."
The statue is located in the heart of downtown Charlottesville. Check out destination #1-19 in our Trip Planner. The statue was erected in 1919; the sculptor, Charles Keck, was considered progressive at the time for insisting that Sacagawea be included. Since the 1970's there have been occasional protests. It has been suggested that a new sign be placed on the monument acknowledging the conflict with modern attitudes.
Read more in the Charlottesville The Daily Progress, Downtown statue draws protesters (10/09/07); Keep statue, with footnote (10/10/07). Wikipedia article on sculptor Charles Keck. |
Final design chosen for Lewis bust at Virginia Capitol
 The Locust Hill Graveyard Association and the Home Front Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation have chosen a design for a bust of Meriwether Lewis to go into the old hall of the House of Delegates in the Virginia Capitol in Richmond. Meriwether Lewis was born at Locust Hill in Albemarle County near Charlottesville. A bronze plaque with a bas relief of the bust will be placed near Lewis's home in Ivy, VA (destination #1-21 in the Trip Planner). The sculptor is Dr. John Lanzalotti of Williamsburg, Virginia who works in the style of Houdon. Dr. Lanzalotti is a plastic surgeon who has received many commissions for portraiture sculpture.
The bust, shown here in a plaster model, will be carved in marble. Presentation of the bust to the Commonwealth of Virginia is planned for late 2008.
Donations are welcome A little over $28,000 has been raised towards the $43,000 cost. The plaque will recognize donors who contribute $5,000, $2,500, and $1,000. In addition, each $500 donation receives one entry in a drawing for a 3/4 life size bonded marble bust. Donations of any amount are welcome, and are entirely tax-deductible. Send donations to the Locust Hill Graveyard Foundation, 2200 Owensville Rd, Charlottesville VA, 22901; or to the Home Front Chapter, LCTHF, P.O. Box 4737, Charlottesville VA, 22905.
DESC reenactors encounter bad weather on the Ohio River

The Discovery Expedition of St Charles's October outing on the Ohio River was cut short by days of stormy weather, hail, and big waves which made traveling unsafe. They departed from Clarksville, Indiana after participating in the annual Lewis and Clark festival; held an event for the public at Owensboro, Kentucky; set up a camp at Fort Massac's 250th anniversary celebration; and finally decided to call it quits at Cairo, Illinois. Original plans called for traveling up the Mississippi River to Tower Rock.
Biddle the Bear Goes on First Outing Alone
 Biddle the Bear's owner Vicki Correia of Missoula, Montana was agreeable to letting Biddle travel alone to join the DESC expedition on the Ohio. He is shown here relaxing with his remote control after arriving in a FedEx box.
It was quite an adventure, but Biddle is a well traveled Bear and has visited many of the famous sites on the Lewis and Clark Trail. We are thinking to make a book of Biddle's adventures, and Vicki might be persuaded to let him go out again alone.
DESC Membership Betty Kluesner, who has taken thousands of digital photos of the DESC reenactors, is shown here on the white pirogue. Betty writes a monthly newsletter, and often posts messages and links to news stories and photo albums on the web. She was kind enough to take Biddle the Bear around for his adventure on the Ohio. DESC welcomes new members and now has 201 members. For more information about joining, contact Bill Brecht at the St Charles Boat Center Museum. (636) 947-3199 or send an email to
Chinooks needs our support in their appearance before Senate Committee
The Chinook Nation has been a strong supporter of Lewis and Clark events. Chairman Ray Gardner will be going to Washington DC November 4-7th to appear before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, chaired by Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, to seek recognition by the federal government of their status as an Indian nation. The Chinooks gave a special blessing to a beautiful Chinook canoe, seen here in the Virginia countryside, which the DESC has taken all over the United States as part of their encampment and educational programs.
Call or email your Senators this week Contact information from website Please contact your United States Senators and urge them to support a bill establishing nation status for the Chinooks. It will provide fishing rights and much needed services for the Chinooks, who live in the area surrounding Cape Disappointment on the Pacific Coast. To learn more about the Chinooks visit the Lewis and Clark Rediscovery Project website.
November is Native American Heritage Month The Smithsonian Institutions are hosting many events and activities during the month of November. Check out the calendar of events. |
Lewis & Clark Happenings
 Ground Broken for Lewis and Clark Monument at Jefferson City, Missouri A ground breaking ceremony was held on October 4, 2007 for a bronze monument depicting Lewis, Clark, York, George Drouillard and Seaman which will be placed between the Missouri State Capitol and the Governor's Mansion in Jefferson City. Sabra Tull Myer is the sculptor. Dedication ceremonies will be held in the spring of 2008.
Portage Route power plant stalled out The Trail Heritage Foundation Orderly Report (Oct 2007) reports that legal challenges will continue to keep plans for the proposed coal-fired electricty generation plant on hold through 2007. Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
Reader verifies Sacagawea coins in Ecuador & Galapagos Sally Thomas writes that they were surprised to see Sacagawea coins in Ecuador and the Galapagos, and enjoyed reading about it in Proceeding On when they got home.
Native American Coin Act is Law The President has signed the legislation requiring the U. S. Mint to issue annual redesigns of the Sacagawea coin reverse image. They will be issued at "not less than 20% of the total number of $1 coins minted each year." Where will these dollar coins go? They won't go into our credit card wallets. They will probably serve as goodwill ambassadors around the world, as the Ecuadorian experience suggests. Read more at
"First Post in the Far West" hyperlinked history Joseph Mussulman sends out monthly emails regarding additions to his monumental website. This month he notes there is a new article by Dr. Raymond Wood of the University of Missouri on Manuel Lisa's Fort Raymond established in 1807 at the junction of the Big Horn and Yellowstone Rivers in Montana. Corps of Discovery members who accompanied the Missouri Fur Company expedition included George Drouillard, John Potts, Peter Wiser and John Colter. Visit the Discovering Lewis & Clark website and see how the master of "hyperlinked history" does it.
Lewis & Clark and the Indian Country Exhibit begins five year U.S.tour
A highly regarded exhibit from the Newberry Library in Chicago, Lewis & Clark and the Indian Country:Two Hundred Years of American History is now appearing at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The exhibit will be on view for six weeks each at 23 libraries and 2 Native American museums. The tour is sponsored by the American Library Association, The Newberry Library, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The exhibits are free and open to the public, and include at least two scholarly programs.
The host libraries in alphabetical order by state are:
University of Arkansas at
Monticello, Monticello, AR University of Colorado at Denver Auraria Library,
Denver, CO Clewiston Public Library, Clewiston, FL Augusta-Richmond County
Library, Augusta, GA Briar Cliff University Library/Sioux City Lewis & ClarkInterpretive Center, Sioux City, IA Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette,
IN Wichita State University Libraries, Wichita, KS Boone County Public
Library, Union, KY St. Mary Parish Library, Franklin, LA Bay Mills
Community College Library & Heritage Center, Brimley, MI Petoskey Public
Library, Petoskey, MI St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN University
of Minnesota/Duluth, Duluth, MN Chadron State College, Chadron,
NE University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE Dartmouth College
Baker-Berry Library, Dartmouth, NH Ocean County Library, Toms River,
NJ Poughkeepsie Public Library District, Poughkeepsie, NY Wayne County
Public Library, Wooster, OH Multnomah County Library, Portland, OR Brigham
City Public Library, Brigham City, UT Marquette University, Milwaukee,
Other sites on the tour are the Tamastlikt Institute in Pendleton, OR and the Three Affiliated Tribes Museum in New Town, ND.
To view the 5 year travel schedule on the American Library Association website, click here.
To view a virtual exhibit on the Newberry Library website, click here.
Photo credits: Biddle the bear photos, Chinook canoe, red pirogue by Betty Kluesner, DESC; Sacagawea protest photos by The Daily Progress; Lewis and Clark in the Indian Country by Newberry Library; Meriwether Lewis bust by Dr. John Lanzalotti.
Please contact me with news, corrections, suggestions; and for how to order inscribed copies.
Kira Gale River Junction Press LLC |
Lewis and Clark Road Trips
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$29.95, 274 pages, 161 maps, over 400 photos, full color Amazon Affiliate BookstoreWebsite Bookstore Featuring the Top Fifty
Featured Sales Outlets
If you are selling Lewis and Clark Road Trips, and are not on this list, send me an email. If you want to sell the book, visit our retail orders.
Blackfeet Nation Store Browning MT
John Heinz History Center Pittsburgh PA
Powell's Store Rare Books Section Lewis and Clark Portland OR
Columbia River Gateway Bookstore Cape Disappointment Ilwaco WA
Fort Clatsop Bookstore Astoria Oregon
Blackfeet Nation Store Browning Montana
Skamokawa Center Skamokawa Washington
Garst Museum Greenville Ohio
Appaloosa Museum, Moscow Idaho
Great River Road Interpretive Center, Ste Genevieve, Missouri
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Gateway Arch, St Louis Missouri
General Crook House Omaha Nebraska General Dodge House Council Bluffs IowaLewis and Clark Boat House and Nature Center, St Charles MissouriMissouri River Basin Lewis and Clark Center, Nebraska City NebraskaKreycik Riverview Elk and Buffalo Ranch, Niobrara NebraskaDakota Dinosaur Museum Dickinson, North DakotaLog Cabin Visitors' Center Vincennes IndianaCottonwoods Gift Shop, Fort Mandan Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, Washburn North DakotaArt's Sleeping Buffalo Resort Store, Malta MontanaKlein Museum, Mobridge South DakotaPortage Cache Store Lewis and Clark National Historic Interpetive Center Great Falls MontanaSquire Boone Caverns near Historic Corydon, IndianaAtchison Visitor Information Center, Atchison KansasMuseum of the American Quilter's Society, Paducah KentuckyWestern Historic Trails Center, Council Bluffs IowaStore of Discovery, Lewis & Clark State Historic Site, Hartford Illinois |
To the Ends of the Earth: the Last Journey of Lewis & Clark
To the Ends of the Earth: the Last Journey of Lewis & Clark is an
award winning fictional account of the death of Meriwether Lewis by
Frances Hunter. Frances Hunter is the pen name of two talented sisters,
Mary and Liz Clare, who live in Austin, Texas. They are innovative and
original. They blog about their road trips on the Lewis and Clark
trail, and they have created a very dynamic video promoting their book
on Youtube. If you want a good read, and enjoy historical fiction, buy
their book through my Amazon link and check out their Francis Hunter website to learn more about them.
Support this newsletter See and buy the book on Amazon
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Past issues of the newsletter are available in the Media section of the Lewis and Clark Road Trips website. | |