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Coach's Corner by Aleks Mihailovic |
In our game, coaches must be more capable then just evaluating talent and assembling teams.
An area that is often over looked is organizing a proper warm up. Team warm-up session can be as long as 45 minutes or as short as 30 minutes. Goal keepers require a different warm up preparation.
What is a warm-up session good for? Read More. | |

Midyear Meeting & Summit Just Around the Corner! |
The USASA Midyear Meeting & Soccer Summit kicks off this Thursday, October 8th at the Phoenix Hilton in Mesa, Arizona. The Strategic Summit will be convened on Friday, October 9th from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm at the Kiva Ballroom. Click to download the complete schedule, final summit agenda, and summiteer survey summary.
"The goal of the Summit is to be open, inclusive, and transparent" said USASA Chairman, Brooks McCormick. "Our objective is to develop a shared vision of USASA and the right supporting mission. We will identify key areas of excellence that we must achieve to fulfill that vision."
The initial summary of results from the Adult Soccer Engagement Survey that the Summit Task Force fielded this summer is now available. The task force will be going through the highlights and conclusions from this survey along with a synthesis of the many interviews with Summiteers and other USASA stakeholders at the Summit.
We invite you to review this survey information for familiarization with the perspectives that have been captured by the survey. Download USASA's Summit Survey Results here.
USASA vs. Ireland Recap |
By Aleks Mihailovic, USASA Men's National Team Head CoachI would like to take a moment and express my sincere gratitude to the United States Adult Soccer Association and the Republic of Ireland's National Football Association for giving me the opportunity to represent USASA against the National Amateur Team of Ireland in San Francisco on September 26th at Kezar Stadium. The match was a tough encounter with no score by either side. See pictures from the game here and here. From the coach's point of view, this game was very successful especially because of the unexpected challenges our team had to overcome in a very short period of time. Two days before we were suppose to arrive in San Francisco, I received news that our starting outside midfielder, Bojan Jovicic was involved in a motorcycle accident, Read More. | |
USASA Announces Regional Coaches of the Year & Lifetime Achievement Award Regional Referees |
USASA would like to congratulate the 2008 Coaches of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award Regional Referees who were selected due to their dedication to both Men's and Women's programs at the state, regional and national levels. Every year, USASA chooses one coach and referee per region. The finalists are honored at an Awards Luncheon during the Midyear Meeting but only one coach and one referee gets to receive the annual award. This year's Luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th at the Phoenix Hilton in Mesa, Arizona.
USASA Hall of Fame 2009 Spotlight: Consalvo Turchi, Pat Varsallona |
Back in July USASA started its Hall of Fame Spotlight, bringing two inductees at a time. We conclude our series this month with the last two individuals who along the other six will be honored at the Hall of Fame Dinner Ceremony on October 10th in Mesa, Arizona. Here are this month's Bios:
Consalvo Turchi came to the United States with his family of eight from Sardinia, Italy, in August of 1958. With soccer in his blood and endowed with organizational skills, within his first week in this country, Turchi started the Maiella Soccer Club with his father and played with three of his brothers on that team. In 1964, he began to play with Molfetta and stayed in the Schaffer League for nine years. Read More.
Pat Varsallona began playing while still a little boy living in Italy. In 1969, he played at Mercer County Community College for the 1969-1970 season. There, he played as a member of the Defending National Champions in 1969 and contributed to their third place national finish in 1970. Pat was also a member of Drexel University's soccer team in 1971, and a year later he was positioned as a midfielder leading the team to their only other appearance in the NCAA Playoffs since the school's 1956 National Championship. Read More.
Meet Susan Kueser - New USASA Staff Member |
 Susan joined the USASA family back in September and brings to the Organization an extended knowledge in the administrative field. She has worked many years in that area which has allowed her to work for various corporations. Originally from Jacksonville, Fla., Susan is happy to be the new Administrative Assistant.
"As an employee of USASA, I enjoy being part of an organization which main goal is soccer - that promotes physical fitness among men and women" Susan said.
Most recently Susan worked for a company that builds housing and commercial businesses across the United States.
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