Become a part of the work that we do to sustain the arts in New England and beyond. Support NEFA today!
| NEFA supports artists with grants and professional resources; establishes vital connections between artists, arts programmers, and the public; and strengthens the region's creative economy through research that informs public policy. Learn more about NEFA.
Dear Friends,
With a slew of program funding deadlines and panel meetings, spring is NEFA's busiest grantmaking season. Since January, we've awarded over $1.6 million and we're supporting creative exchange all over the country---from Naples, Maine, to Alamogordo, New Mexico.
NEFA is in the midst of strategic planning and your input is invited. I sent you an email on May 8 with a link to a brief (but important) survey. Many thanks to those who have taken a few minutes to respond. If you have not yet filled it out or missed it, a reminder was sent out on May 15. The survey closes on May 22, so if you are not able to find it, don't hesitate to contact Maren Brown of Maren Brown Associates, who is compiling and synthesizing responses. She'd be happy to hear from you.
Read on for more NEFA news and updates.
Very truly yours,

Rebecca Blunk
Executive Director
P.S. Mark your calendars now for two upcoming NEFA events: Idea Swap (November 8, 2012) and Creative Communities Exchange (June 6-7, 2013).
We are pleased to announce recent awards from:
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NEFA has awarded a total of $1,668,553 in grants since January 2012. Click below to learn more about the grant recipients and projects.
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In appreciation of their support, NEFA's annual fund donors were invited to join NEFA's Board of Directors at the ICA in Boston for a performance and reception with the artists of NEFA-supported Trey McIntyre Project on March 18. Guests had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with the company.
Contact NEFA's development associate Liz Epsen to learn more about NEFA's Annual Spring Event and other meet-the-artist opportunities offered exclusively to NEFA's annual fund donors. You can donate to NEFA's annual fund year-round by clicking here.
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Here's a sampling of what NEFA has been up to in recent months:
Sparking connections in devised theater
On February 7-8 at Arena Stage in Washington, DC, NEFA offered an opportunity for artists, presenters, and funders of the National Theater Project to meet. The convening, part of the program's efforts to strengthen this network, sparked connections and created dynamic exchange and learning about the field of devised theater. (Pictured: NTP grantee Rainpan 43)
What are New England's creative economy practitioners talking about?
Read the summary from the NEFA's Creative Economy Network meeting on March 23 to find out. What creative economy projects and topics are important to you? Let us know by completing this quick survey (deadline: June 1) or contacting NEFA's New England Services coordinator Nella Young.
Workshop for New England public artists and administrators
On March 29, NEFA hosted its fourth Public Art Discussion Series of the year, where Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston's executive director Jim Grace (pictured) provided tips on negotiating, demystified copyright laws, and clarified contract processes. Join us on May 29 for the last event of this year's Public Art Discussion Series in Providence, RI.
Greenway on its way
Hundreds of community members, artists, and arts advocates have been drawn in to participate in the Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy's public art plan since it received support from NEFA's Fund for the Arts earlier this year. NEFA hosted the latest of two public planning meetings on April 29, where the Greenway's consultants presented draft strategies, guiding principles, and sample projects.
Native American Artists & the Field of Folklore: Exploring Commonalities & New Ideas
NEFA hosted this gathering on April 20-21 at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center. Participants, including Native artists, folklorists, and NEFA staff, shared ideas, discussed current issues, and gained understanding of each other as resources. One participant noted, "This gathering presented me with a deeper appreciation for the intersections between art, culture, tradition, and academic viewpoints." Plans are in the works to continue the conversation. (Pictured: Elizabeth Perry (Aquinnah Wampanoag), artist; photo by Winifred Lambrecht.)
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NEFA hosts workshops, convenings, and informational/professional development sessions throughout New England. Check out NEFA's Facebook page, YouTube channel, events calendar, and the NEFA Network to find out about projects and events happening near you!
A day of public art presentations, discussion, networking, and sight-seeing! Observe a public art panel in action followed by a brief walking tour of Rhode Island's Convention Center.
 The not to be missed event of the year for New England-based nonprofit presenting organizations to network and share project ideas that may qualify for funding from NEFA's Expeditions grant program. Creative Communities Exchange: June 6-7, 2013 in Portland ME Creative and cultural leaders will come together in a peer exchange to share successes, challenges, and lessons learned from New England creative economy projects. |
NEFA's Fund for the Arts will continue to fund the Public Art Discussion Series for the 2012-2013 season. Be the first to hear about upcoming events in this popular series; contact public art intern Elysian McNiff to be added to NEFA's public art mailing list.
In 2011, Meet the Composer, Inc., merged with the American Music Center to become New Music USA. As a result of the merger, funding for Meet the Composer/New England is no longer available. Learn more.
Recent enhancements to the New England States Touring grant program include funding criteria changes and higher grant amounts available. Read more and apply today.
The federal government now requires that all NEFA organizational grantees supported by federal funds register for DUNS numbers. More specifics on the requirement will be included in all NEFA grant applications. Applicants who are individuals are exempt from this requirement.
| NEFA updates guidelines annually; be sure to review carefully before applying. Click below for details.
- Colleen Jennings-Roggensack (Executive Director for ASU Gammage and Assistant Vice President for Cultural Affairs, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ)
- Howard Shalwitz (Artistic Director, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Washington, DC)
- Lisa Steindler (Executive Artistic Director, Z Space, San Francisco, CA)
Thank you to Rob Orchard (ArtsEmerson, Emerson College), who served as a National Theater Project advisor for two years and is rotating off.
Also, a warm welcome to our new executive and development associate Lindsay Poulin (left) and program associate Summer Confuorto (Gros Ventre/Mi'kmaq, right).