Volume 46, Issue 5 January 2012 |
...still learning
James T. Langlois, Ed.D.
The Challenge Ahead
Winter has been slow to arrive this year. The squirrels and deer -- usually living off nothing but body fat by now -- are out scavenging, looking as well fed as they usually do only up until November. Nonetheless, the temperature has finally decided to get serious and challenge us with the first single-digit wind chills of the season. Winter is finally arriving...just in time for the new year.
And however cold it is, or maybe because of how cold it is, January is always a time for new beginnings. It is that irrepressible hope in the face of the darkest, coldest time of the year that keeps us moving forward, keeps us from crumbling in light of seemingly insurmountable challenges from the season, the weather, the world around us or even from the shadows within ourselves. At the start of each new year, we stand up tall. We make our resolutions. We are resolute. We are determined to begin again.
For our BOCES, this year, 2012, is especially a time for new resolutions, a time to begin anew. So much is new. Our districts face financial challenges greater than they have ever faced before, challenges that have to fundamentally change the ways we serve them. At the same time our leadership team has changed. A couple of years ago Renée Gargano retired. At the end of December, Tom Higgins retired. And Susan Micolo retired. Tom Gill retires in a couple of months. Decades of BOCES experience, of institutional BOCES memory and leadership, are walking away. Stepping into their shoes are John McCarthy, who first took Renée's place, and is now in Tom's position; Lynn Allen takes over for John; Margaret Muenkel, who comes to us from the Arlington School District, is picking up where Susan left off; and we still have to search for Tom Gill's replacement.
So, like each of us individually, in the deep winter of the new year, BOCES, once more, begins. We stand tall and resolute. We turn our backs on the cold and the darkness. Filled with hope, we turn our faces toward the spring, toward the sun, and, together, we begin the great task -- with new leadership and new challenges -- of creating our BOCES anew.
A 'Great Fun' Gala
Saluting Higgins, Micolo
 | DO IT YOUR WAY: Teachers belt out a tribute to retiring adminstrators. |
There were skits and specially written songs for the honorees, good food and music, and well wishes in abundance at the farewell party for longtime BOCES administrators, Susan Micolo, and Tom Higgins, who retired at the end of the year.
The party, held at the Piatto Grill in Yorktown, was organized by a committee including Renée Gargano, Lynn Allen, Michele Wilson, Amy Gasparini, Donna Ardovini, Tricia O'Neill, Mike Sellet, Ed Catapano and Mary Lorenzo. Chef Jenn Guiffre and her students added rainbow and pecan cookies, cream puffs and éclairs.
"It was absolutely fabulous," said Michele. "Tom and Susan were thrilled and overwhelmed. The number of people who came was gratifying. And the party was just what they would have wanted -- casual, fun and not over the top."
More than 200 guests included staff, regional colleagues, retirees, family and friends.
Michele and fellow BOCES administrators sang a tune from Hello, Dolly, a parody of "Elegance," renamed "Intelligence" for "Tommy H and Suzie M," while a dozen teachers belted out a version of "My Way," written by MaryAnn Alvord. John McCarthy amused all as emcee.
Tricia designed the invitations and scenes for posters created by Dave Quas and the Copy Center. Ed Catapano crafted videos that played throughout the event. Aaron Armisto took photos which, after editing, will be posted on Aaron's web site.
PARTING PARTY: More than 200 guests joined in the farewell. |
"It was great fun," Mike said, "even though we're sorry to see them go."
Susan Micolo, who was director of Human Resources & Administrative Services, will be replaced by Margaret Muenkel of Hopewell Junction on January 17. A former math teacher, Mrs. Muenkel has been director of personnel for the Arlington Central School District in LaGrangeville, NY, since 2004. Assistant Superintendent John McCarthy is taking on Tom Higgins's role and Dr. Lynn Allen replaces John McCarthy.
Photos by Tech teacher Aaron Armisto See related stories below. |
Susan Micolo
"I was fortunate to have found the right career from the get-go," Susan Micolo said last month, reflecting on her work at BOCES and her retirement December 30.
Starting as a teacher in Syosset, Long Island, 33 years ago, Susan continued teaching in New York City. She then served as supervisor of alternative programs at Orange-Ulster BOCES before moving to PNW BOCES as a Tech Center principal in 1996. In 1999, she accepted the newly created post of Director of Human Resources, the job for which most of us know her best. A few years later, Administrative Services were added to her responsibilities.
"Moving to administration was one of my hardest decisions," Susan said. "Although I would not have daily contact with students, I focused on having the ability to hire quality staff -- a way of making sure to put the right people in the right job."
With community service projects, she put her own "touches" on the job, and they have become a part of her legacy: activities such as Fill the Bus and United for the Troops, the Wellness Committee, health fairs, bowling outings, Weight Watchers, annual fund raisers and the opening and closing brunches that help create a "culture of BOCES family -- recognizing that we are human beings that matter," she said. "I will miss all that greatly."
Going forward she said, "I am looking for an opportunity to repurpose myself, to find a new niche. With a house in Florida and one in Fishkill, I want to be a snowbird. We'll start in January and see how it plays out. Life is short. Tomorrow is not promised." She and her husband, Anthony, who is also retired, want time to travel. "I've worked really hard," she said, "and now I want to put more balance in my life... to see what's out there... "
Tom Higgins
For BOCES Assistant Superintendent Tom Higgins, job changes seemed to come in decades.
He taught for 10 years, was a school building administrator for 10, a district administrator for 10 and BOCES assistant supervisor for, well... 12 1/2. "Forty-two and a half years," he said in response to why he decided to retire last month -- a good, long career.
At BOCES, Tom supervised multiple programs: Curriculum & Instruction, the Business Office, Information Technology, Operations & Maintenance, Risk & Safety, School Communications Service and the Health Insurance Consortium, which includes 13 districts and BOCES. He also coordinated monthly meetings for the superintendents in our region, directed superintendent searches, facilitated board informational retreats and oversaw the annual budget development process.
"I've enjoyed my nearly 13 years here immensely, both the nature of the job -- working with 18 superintendents keeping me in touch with what's going on in the districts -- and internally, the wide range of services and the quality of service we provide," he said. "The entrepreneurial spirit here makes this place so vibrant."
Before coming to BOCES, Tom was a history and social studies teacher in Danbury, Connecticut; an assistant principal in Mahopac; and a principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent in Carmel. He chose education as a career, he said, as a direct result of his experience student teaching while a senior at Trinity College in Hartford. He knew immediately it was a fit.
Today, he still is teaching -- a course in the Future School Leaders Academy -- but otherwise, "I'm open to possibilities," he said. "I haven't decided what happens next. I'm leaving it wide open."
Whatever his future holds, there's one thing most of us won't forget: The phone rings before dawn; a sonorous voice, "Good morning, this is Tom Higgins, BOCES Assistant Superintendent. Today, January 1, 2011, BOCES is closed." |
Yearly Asbestos Management Notice
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires local education agencies to inspect their schools for asbestos-containing building material and prepare management plans to prevent or reduce asbestos hazards.
In accordance with the federal regulations, building workers and occupants are to be notified in writing of the availability of AHERA Asbestos Management Plans once each year. This is the required annual notification.
At BOCES, Asbestos Management Plans are available in the Building A library for all buildings on Pines Bridge, Fox Meadow and Madden campuses; and in the main office at Fox Meadow's Building 9 for all buildings at Fox Meadow.
The contact people to assist in procuring information for the Yorktown campus are:
- Judy Ashby, school library system coordinator, Building A;
- Mike Sowul, supervisor of Special Education, Walden;
- Steven Lowery, Career Academy principal, The Tech Center;
- James Bellucci, Career Academy principal, Tech South.
For Fox Meadow, the contact is Adam Van Der Stuyf, supervisor of Special Education, Building 9; for Madden, Dorna Schroeter, Outdoor Education coordinator, Building A.
A complete set of AHERA facility reports is also maintained at the Projects Building in the Operations & Maintenance office. Director of School Facilities and Operations Katharina Cerreta is the PNW BOCES AHERA compliance designee and may be contacted at ext. 203 concerning any questions you may have.
Loretta Acosta Russell, regular substitute teacher, Pines Bridge.
Lori Agosta, manager- quality assurance, Special Education and Guidance & Child Study, Building A.
Maureen O'Shea, senior office assistant, Pines Bridge.
Theresa Randall, occupational therapist, Walden.
Margaret Muenkel, director of Human Resources & Professional Development, Building A.
To Copy Center Specialist Dave Quas and his wife, Debra, on the birth of their second daughter, Cameron Rose, on December 27. Congratulations, too, to Grandma Kathryn Quas, BOCES switchboard operator, Papa Dan and Cameron's sister, Genna, 3.
Marie Ackerman, Jason Adams, Lynn Allen, Magaly Almonte, Adrienne Almstead, Mary Ann Alvord, Lynn Ammann, Robert Angiello, Judith Ashby, Catherine Balestrieri, Cameron Blaine, Antoinette Borst, Elizabeth Bowler, Daniela Campbell, Evelyn Case, Katharina Cerreta, Lorraine DiBiase, Christina Egan, Victoria Fanning, Pamela Farrell, Linda Felix, Kim Fontana, Elaine Gerlt, Patricia Gilman, Antonia Griggs, Ann Gullen, Rose Guthman, Kim Johnson Grace, Mona Kelly, Bettina Limongelli, Erin Martins, Sara Mills-Cohen, Fiona Mitchell, Bernadine Ordonez, Catherine Pascarelli, Giovanni Petriccione, Cathy Prior, Marianne Ragusa, Michael Rattner, Virginia Recine, Michelle Rose, Maria Scala, Michelle Sherer, Gail Stelluti, Athena Swikata, Andrea Vezos, Barbara Waldron, Dawn Wargula and Susan Zakrzewski.
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Barbara Coats, editor: bcoats@pnwboces.org or ext. 818
BOCES Reporter
Dr. James Langlois, Superintendent Barbara Coats, Editor Valerie Laudato, Designer Click here to visit www. pnwboces.org |