Lenny's Pest Control
Lenny's Bug News 

Proudly Serving SWFL for Ten Years!

In This Issue
Got Grubs?
No Laughing Matter
Pantry Pests
Customer Reviews
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Lenny's Pest Control

Lenny's Pest Control, Inc

 Len Volberg

4205 SE 1st Ct

Cape Coral Fl 33904   

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Issue: 3November/2011


Dear (Contact First Name),

Lenny's Bug NewsWelcome to the third edition of Lenny's Bug News! We hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday! Wow how time flies! I can't believe it's almost Christmas time! Shopping days are upon us! Speaking of which, did you know that you can give the gift of a bug free home this year? Give us a call and find out how you can stock that stuffing with some bug protection and prevention from Lenny's Pest Control! We love this time of year but please remember that the bugs to do. We have some great articles below on Holiday Bugs and Pantry Bugs so take a moment to read up and kindly share this newsletter with your family, friends and facebook wall if you feel anyone else could use the advice.
Lenny's Pest Control has been proudly serving the southwest floirida community for over ten years now and we appreciate your patronage! We thank you for your time today and look forward to seeing you soon! Please call us at (239) 945-6543 and let us know how we can help you! 

Lenny's Bug Blog!


Holiday Bugs are Happy Bugs!


Holiday BugsSo how was your Thanksgiving? Are you ready for Christmas this year? Where did the days go? I can't believe it's that time of the year again! This Holiday is a favorite in our home! We love the family, fun, friends and the freedom to eat a little more of the good stuff without any of the guilt. I read a post recently on facebook that said "Holiday Calories Don't Count!" I chuckled a little before I responded "Yeah, wouldn't that be the perfect Holiday gift?!"


So, are you planning a fabulous family get together with all the relatives over for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and all the fixings? Is everyone invited? Even the bugs? Did you do know that Holiday Bugs are the happiest bugs in the world? Do you know why? Guess!  


Click here to read full blog post article.

No laughing Matter!


Don't Feed The Bugs!


Pantry Bugs 


Bug Prevention Tip: If you don't want bugs hanging around your home then don't feed them! Clean up your kitchen and wipe down your counters. Take the trash out often and package your food in air tight containers!  


Contact us today to get a quote and find out more about how we can help you keep your home protected!
Call 1-800-737-8266 now!
Do you have Uninvited House Guests?


Got Pests in your Pantry?

Pantry Pests
So have you ever gone into your pantry and reached for a box of pasta to pour into the hot boiling water - ready for a delicious home cooked meal with the family only to find a bunch of black bugs floating at the top of the water right after pouring in the pasta? What a way to turn a home cooked meal into pizza delivery night huh? I hate it when that happens! How about reaching for the flour for that amazing banana nut bread recipe that grandma left you on her last visit... you got the eggs out, bananas mushed - all the ingredients ready to go and as soon as you open up the flour bag you see tons of black tiny bugs having a wild party in your flour bag! Woah! Where did these critters come from and why are they everywhere? Yup, go check - click here to read more...


Contact us today to get a quote and find out more about how we can help you keep your home protected!
Call 1-800-737-8266 now!
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
Here's what people are saying about Lenny's Pest Control!

Just a note to tell you that I didn't realize how much worry, money, and bug infestation you have saved me. I had always dealt with the guy with the pump up can which I had to be home for so he could spray my home. Your outside wash works great. I don't have to be home and I don't have any ants or bugs of any kind in my home anymore. I would have thought this type of service would have cost me a lot more than I was paying but after reviewing my statements I'm not spending a dime more.


I would also like to mention that my lawn has never looked better. No more fire ant bites on the Grandkids and I haven't had to deal with grub worm patches since you have taken over. If you ever need a testimonial for your services I would be glad to tell others about my experience with your company. Keep up the good work. I actually look forward to your truck in my driveway.



Quentin Queisser


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Social Media At Lenny's Pest Control we know how important it is to stay connected with our friends and clients. We're happy to announce that we're making ourselves available to you on all the social media sites online. Our goal is to educate & empower YOU the reader with all the important industry news. In order to better serve you we have created a blog to keep you informed and updated with fun, interesting and informative articles so you always know what's going on and what we recommend. We would like to invite you to take a few moments and LIKE our facebook fan page, follow us on twitter (we'll follow you back), connect to us on Linkedin and subscribe to our blog!
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We hope you enjoyed our newsletter and found it's content useful. Please feel free to foreward this email to anyone you feel might be interested by using the link below.




Lenny's Pest Control

Leonard Volberg
Lenny's Pest Control, Inc

Lee County: 239-945-6543

Charlotte County: 941-621-2424

Collier County: 239-963-2644




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