Did you know at the TaylOrganic Farm Mini Markets you can-
Change your CSA drop off location to the YMCA in Decatur and customize your box
Buy fruits and veggies by the pound
Buy any of our Value Added Items plus additional items we may have found from local sources
- These markets are open to the public!!
- Bring a friend to a Y Market and tell us about it and we will give you 10% discount on what you purchase that day!!

Decatur YMCA
3:00 pm-8:00pm
1100 Clairmont Ave.
Decatur, GA 30030
Buckhead YMCA
1160 Moores Mill Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
First and Third Tuesdays
You do not have to be a member of the YMCA
to come shop at the market.

Sandy Springs Farmers Market
235 Sandy Springs Circle NW
Sandy Springs,GA 30328
Please visit their website for more information and join their mailing list by clicking this link:
Sandy Springs Farmers Market Website

Piedmont Green Market
Click link below for more information
Piedmont Park Green Market Website

Chamblee Tucker Farmers Market
Click link below for more information
Chamblee Tucker Farmers Market Website
Visit their website here
Saturdays 8:00 am to Noon
Visit their website here
Honey!! Available from our farm made by our bees.
We have our honey extracted from the hives now and in bottles.
Available in two sizes 8 0z for $4.00 or a New Size 1 lb for $8.00.
We still have a few of the half combs available @ $13.95. Get this unique product while it last.

Oven Roasted Chestnuts 
1.Take a cutting board and a knife, and make a cut in the round side of every chestnut. If you are afraid of cutting yourself, use a serrated knife with a short blade. I myself prefer them. There are special chestnut knifes, but it is not necessary that you go out and buy one. A serrated knife works fine.
2.Scatter the chestnuts on a baking dish with the flat side down. Drizzle drops of water over the chestnuts with your fingers. That is, you put your fingers in a cup full of water, and drizzle the water drops over the chestnuts. This step is very important. If you have a water filter in your kitchen, use filtered water.
3.Put the baking dish with the chestnuts in the oven at about 425 degrees F. Place the baking dish as low as possible, that is, as near to the heat source as possible.
4.After roasting the chestnuts for 10 minutes on one side turn them over one by one. Unless you are roasting chestnuts for a huge crowd, the best way to ensure that they are all evenly roasted is to turn them over one by one. If you are roasting chestnuts for a huge crowd, stir them after 10 minutes, and then two more times, every 5 minutes. Whatever the case, don't put more than one single layer of chestnuts in the baking dish.
5.After 20 minutes in the oven they are ready to be eaten. Serve them hot. When you get them right, peeling them is very easy. Traditionally, you use your fingers to peel the roasted chestnuts.
6.If you don't eat them immediately, wrap them in a woolen cloth. In wool, chestnuts can keep warm for up to one hour. After this time, they begin to get cold, even in a woolen cloth, and lose most of its natural flavors. And peeling cold roasted chestnuts becomes very difficult, or near to impossible.
Simple Country Apple Dessert Recipe
Use our TaylOrganic Farm Country apples for this simple recipe. The spots on the apples are freckles and are safe to eat the peelings.
*4 to 5 cups peeled and sliced apples
*2 tbsp flour
*1/3 cup granulated sugar
*1/3 cup raisins
*1/4 tsp cinnamon
*2/3 cup quick cooking or regular rolled oats
*3 tbsp melted butter
*3/4 cup brown sugar
Put apples in a mixing bowl; toss with the flour and granulated sugar. Stir in raisins, cinnamon, and oats. Pour 1 cup water into crockery. Add apple mixture. Pour melted butter over apples and then sprinkle with brown sugar. Cover and cook on LOW 4 to 6 hours.
Planned Produce for Box
- Tomatoes~Heirloom/Cherries
- Sweet Potatoes
- Basil~Lemon, Sweet and Thai, Blue Spice or Purple
- Beans~Rattle Snake Pole
- Sweet Potato Leaves
- Eggplant
- Peppers
- Okra
- Arugula
- Fresh Herbs~Rosemary, Mint, Sage and Thyme
- Chinese Chestnuts
- Fruit Shares~Country Apples and Asian Pears
- As always you will receive 9 of the vegetables listed above and one fruit in your box
As always Thanks for your continued support with our CSA program here at TaylOrganic Farm.
As a reminder, please send any skips,orders or special request to
by Saturday evening before the requested date. We will send a response on Monday afternoon to let you know we received your request!!