In Your Box
- Arugula
- Eggplant
- Bok Choy
- Sweet Peppers
- Beans
- ~Roma Flat Italian
- ~Purple or Green French Filet
- Lettuce
- Okra
- Endamame
- Radish
- Greens
- ~Purple Mizuna
- ~Red Frilly Mustard
- ~Broadleaf Mustard
- ~Broccoli Raab
- ~Red Russian Kale
- Baby Haikuri Turnips
- Winter Squash
- ~Acorn
- ~African
- ~Butternut
- ~Spaghetti
- Sweet Potato
- Persimmons
- Apples
- Scuppernongs
Please note a selection of 9 Veggies above plus one fruit will come in all CSA Boxes
Home Grown Recipes
Well-ripened persimmons and stiffly whipped cream are sweetened and blended together. This simple dessert is delicious as is, or it may be frozen with or without a pie crust and enjoyed as a frozen treat. Creamy and delicious!"
Ingredients 3 1/2 tablespoons honey 7 ripe persimmons, peeled and pureed 1 pint chilled whipping cream
Directions 1. Stir the honey into the persimmon puree to taste; it should be very sweet, since it will be mixed with the unsweetened cream. 2. With an electric mixer, whip the cream to stiff peaks. Gently fold the persimmon-honey mixture into the whipped cream. Divide the cream into parfait glasses, serving dishes, or a baked pie shell. Serve immediately, chill, or freeze for a frozen mousse.
Use 6 to 8 persimmons, depending on the size of the fruit. You may sweeten the persimmons with sugar instead of honey, if you prefer. This recipe makes enough to fill one 9-inch pie shell.
Blueberry Jam--Rabbiteye
$8.00 18 oz Jar
$5.00 9 oz Jar~ Contains organic blueberries.
Please email us with any special request. You can get extras of anything we include in your box so you can put them up for the winter. You can blanch the vegetables and freeze them. Look for an article in September's newsletter.
As a reminder, please send any skips,orders or special request to taylorganic@gmail.com by Saturday evening before the requested date. We will send a response on Monday afternoon to let you know we received a skip request.
As always Thanks for your continued support with our CSA program here at TaylOrganic Farm.
Neil Taylor and Laurie Ann
TaylOrganic Farm |