SCGS Banner
In This Issue
Tech Talk 2-Minute Survey
This Month's Featured SCGS Program: Virtual Surname Wall
Volunteers - All Hands on Deck
SCGS and the Family Research Library
Tips and Tricks
Jamboree News
Interest Groups
Calendar and Upcoming Events
Tech Talk
2-Minute Survey

September:  Cell Phones

Dial Phone
SCGS is developing new programs for our society's members and friends. Because these new programs will take advantage of today's technology, we want to find the best way to deliver the programs.

To gather the necessary information, we are starting a new monthly feature called "Tech Talk." Each "Tech Talk" survey will have no more than 5 questions and take about 2 minutes to complete.

The first "Tech Talk" survey asks about your use of cell phones. Please click this link to take the survey. Your responses will be anonymous, and you will be able to see the combined results thus far once you are finished.
Featured SCGS Program:
Virtual Surname Wall 

Virtual Surname Wall The SCGS Virtual Surname Wall provides a worry-free way to post information about your ancestors online and find others who are researching your families.

"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." 
Dickens was not thinking of online genealogy when he wrote those words, but they certainly do fit. 
Why is it the Best of Times...?
� The internet provides an opportunity to reach thousands of people with a single posting or email. 
� Messages remain available for years, ready to be seen by new cousins as the popularity of genealogy grows.
� Accurate information can be released to correct mistakes in electronic or print resources.
And why the Worst of Times...?
� Even before the Internet, inaccurate data has haunted family historians.  However, the speed and extent to which inaccurate data is distributed online is magnified many times over.
� Unethical or inconsiderate researchers have distributed another person's data without giving credit or citing the source.
� Concerns for privacy and methods to prevent identity theft discourage genealogists from placing information online.
We welcome family information from any geographic area, not just California, and not just from the US.
To participate in the Virtual Surname Wall, you will be asked for the following information.
1. Your family surnames, including any spelling variations.
2.  The geographic area(s) in which they lived, or the migration path.
3.  The associated period of time.
How do you participate?  Just click on the Virtual Surname Wall above. You'll be taken to the SCGS web to learn more about the program and be taken to the data entry page.

Your identifying information will not be displayed. Should we receive an inquiry regarding a possible family connection, SCGS will forward the contact information to you.  Alternately, you can authorize SCGS to release only your email address or your full contact  information.

There is no charge for this service, and the offer is open to the public. Please share this invitation to your cousins, genealogy email lists, and your family history genealogy acquaintances.

Genealogy newsletters are authorized to reprint this with mention of SCGS.

All Hands on Deck
Library Cleaning Weekend
October 24 and 25, 2010

All Hands On Deck!  It's fall cleaning at the Library on Sunday and Monday, October 24 and 25, 2010.  Come join in and help us get organized and spiffed up for the coming months.  The more the merrier!  Watch for next month's update for the details, but be sure to add it to your calendar now.

SCGS and the
Family Research Library
SCGS Library
Southern California Genealogical Society
417 Irving Drive
Burbank, CA  91504-2408
818.843.7247 phone
818.843.7262 fax
[email protected]
Get Directions

Hours of Operation:
10:00am - 4:00pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
10:00am - 9:00pm Tuesdays
10:00am - 4:00pm 3rd and 4th Saturdays
10:00am - 4:00pm 1st and 2nd Sundays
Closed Mondays

Library open to the public; donations gratefully accepted.
1890 project
Lunch and Learn
Saturday, September 11
The September Lunch and Learn is a double-header.  William L Biegel will spear on "Genealogy and World War 2 and Korean War Casualty Records" and Liz Stookesberry Myers will follow up with "Military Research." 
SCGS Library - 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA
12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m.  Lunch on your own from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.  Bring a brown bag or choose something tasty from Subway, Starbucks or California Pizza House on the corner. The library is closed for research.  For additional information, contact Charlotte Bocage at [email protected].

Help SCGS by Shopping and Swiping at Ralphs or Food4Less

September 1 is the day that the Ralphs Community Contribution program starts its new year.  All of the participants in the program must re-enroll in order for SCGS to receive donations through this program.

This program is not limited to SCGS members.  Anyone in the Ralphs marketing territory can participate and help support the many programs of SCGS. It's painless and it costs nothing to join.  If you don't shop at Ralphs, you can also participate if you shop at Food4Less.

We have averaged about $1500 a year in donations through Ralphs; however, in recent years, that number has decreased due to the requirement that everyone enroll each year. We are asking everyone to sign up today, before you forget. Let's make some money with those those tailgate party hot dogs and burgers!

Thanks to Cheri Mello, who sent along these easy-to-follow directions:

  1. Go to the Ralphs Community Contribution page.
  2. Scroll down to where it says PARTICIPANT and click on the reddish ENROLL button (even if you are renewing).
  3. LOG IN if you are renewing, or ENROLL if you are new. (You will need your Ralphs Club Card number if you are enrolling for the first time.)
  4. Once you are in, type SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GENEALOGICAL and do not abbreviate.
  5. You should see only that entry show up.  Click in the small round button.
  6. Scroll down and click SAVE CHANGES.

Sign up for Notices from the
Click to sign up for the SCGS online newsletter
Subscribe via email

SCGS Online Newsletter
Get up-to-the-minute notice of SCGS activities, bargains from genealogy suppliers, and news from Los Angeles record repositories and searchers. Sign up to receive emails from the SCGS  online newsletter.  Enter your email address in the upper right hand side of the page at SCGS's online newsletter and be in the know!

Nominations for Board of Directors

Nominations for the SCGS Board of Directors are being accepted.  Joan Phillips is the Nominating Committee chair, and she is hard at work to line up candidates. Those interested in being placed on the slate should contact Joan by email at [email protected]. A candidate for a Board vacancy may be nominated by petition signed by not fewer than five members in good standing, and delivered to the SCGS recording secretary, Heidi Ziegler, by October 14, 2010.

Tips and Tricks
Success Story!
Elena Lee sent us the following note:

I went on and discovered a message from a cousin from Massachusetts that I didn't even know!  She asked if an uncle of mine was her grandfather whom she had never met. Since she gave me some information that indicated that her grandmother was my aunt, I confirmed for her that my uncle was indeed her grandfather.
She sent me a huge package of birth certificates, death certificates and military records. I sent her our family tree and church records of French Canadian and French ancestors going back several centuries that I had found at the SCGS Library. I also sent her copies of photos of her grandfather and grandmother's wedding, among other family photos.  We both had filled in each others' blocks, which was very exciting!  Just as exciting is that I now have a "new" cousin and a great source for new information!! 

Congratulations, Elena!

Resources and Blog Posts of Note

With over 1000 genealogy blogs, and more being added every day, news about new resources is available with just a few keystrokes.  Here are just a few that were announced recently:

From Dick Eastman's Online Newsletter
Livingston County (Missouri) Genealogical Society Newsletters are now Available Online
Digital Hand-Held Scanner Updated
Scottish Online Records of Birth, Death, Marriage
300,000 Alien Files Available in Kansas City
Family Tree 2011 Maker Software Launched

From Ancestry Insider:
Zero to Search Success in 60 Seconds
FamilySearch in a Corner

Sources for Free Online Genealogy Webinars
RootsTelevision How-To Videos (there are dozens of others!)
You Tube
Millennia Corp offers Free Webinar on 9/15 - Mapping Software for Genealogy
NGS Video features Elizabeth Shown Mills:  "We are All Cousins"
Jamboree News

We received proposals from over 75 potential speakers for the 2011 Jamboree, and the lecture descriptions look so interesting!  Keep watching this space as our plans get formalized.  The program will be announced at the SCGS Annual Meeting on December 11, 2010.

The Committee members, which are located throughout the Los Angeles area as well as in Arizona, Utah and Canada, are meeting by computer using the society's GoToMeeting software. It's fantastic to have the involvement of so many hard-working volunteers.
Interest Groups


French-Canadian Heritage Society of California (FCHSC)
 Le Programme de Recherche en D�mographie Historique (PRDH)

Added to the excellent French-Canadian resources available at the SCGS Library is the online PRDH. The database is accessible on all patron computers at the library. For those not familiar with the PRDH, the database is a reconstruction of the population of Qu�bec from the beginnings of French colonization in the 17th century through the late 18th century. Online data are based on parish records and include the full names of almost everyone who was listed on a baptismal, marriage, or burial certificate (including witnesses and spouses). For every individual mentioned, the PRDH includes their sex, age, marital status, whether living or deceased, occupation, kinship, and places of residence and origin if that information was available.

French-Canadian Heritage Society of California
Semi-Annual Meeting

November 21, 2010
11 a.m. - Noon "Beginning French-Canadian Research" by Pam Wiedenbeck
Noon - 1 p.m. Social hour with potluck lunch
1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Discussion of the major resources in FCHSC's research collection - Panel: Doug Miller, Joan Phillips, & Raymonde Motil
2 p.m. - 3 p.m. "Hands-on" research assistance from our team of experts
Doors open at 10 a.m. The show starts at 11. Join us for one activity or stay the entire time.

Legacy Software Users Group
Meets the 2nd Monday of each Month

Attention Legacy Family Tree users!  The Legacy Users Group, led by Rich Schulthies, holds the answers to your questions. At the monthly meetings, members bring questions that are discussed by the group members. If there is time, Rich covers some of the software's many bells and whistles. Bring your laptop for hands-on help, or take the hints home and try them out after the meeting. Examples of discussion topics include To-Do Lists, photos, GEDCOMs in and out, naming sources, organizing locations, creating HTML, etc.  Send your questions to Rich in advance and he'll cover them in an upcoming meeting.  Drop him a line at [email protected].

September Calendar

09 Sept - Beginners ClassSeptember Calendar
11 Sept - Jamboree Committee
11 Sept - Lunch 'n' Learn
13 Sept - Legacy User Group
14 Sept - Salt Lake City Trip
16 Sept - Beginners Class
16 Sept - Board of Directors
18 Sept - German Interest Group
19 Sept - RootsMagic User Group
21 Sept - Hispanic Tuesday
23 Sept - Beginners Class
30 Sept - Beginners Class

Every Wednesday - French-Canadian Research Team
Every Thursday - German Research Team
Every Friday - 1890 Project Proofreading Team

Upcoming in October
October - Family History Month
October - California Archives Month
09 Oct - Lunch 'n' Learn
24/25 Oct - All Hands Clean-Up

Upcoming Events
15 Sept - NARA Riverside Open House
18 Sept - Capturing the Spoken Word (Fullerton)
28 Sept - Lisa Kudrow at Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles
02 Oct  - California State Archives Open House - Sacramento
02 Oct - Chula Vista Genealogical Society Annual Seminar
08/09 Oct - SCGS at Family History Expos at Pleasanton, California
08/10 Oct - Seaside Highland Games
16 Oct - Kin-Dig Antelope Valley Genealogical Society- Palmdale
16 Oct - CSGA / Fresno County Genealogical Society Seminar
16 Oct - South Orange County California Genealogical Society Seminar
23 Oct - SCGS at LA as Subject Archives Bazaar at USC
06 Nov - DNA Interest Group at SCGS
21 Nov - French-Canadian Researchers Meeting at SCGS

If you have events that you would like listed in the SCGS update, please send an email to phinkel@scgsgenealogy. Put "Area Event" in the subject line.

Donation:  From: ____________________________________________________  Phone: ___________________

             Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
             City, State, Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________________
Purpose:  [   ] unrestricted     [   ] directed for: ________________________________   Amount: $____________

SCGS is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations may be deductible as allowed by law.
Send to: Century Club, Southern California Genealogical Society, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504
September 2010 Monthly Update