Photos from the Open House Thanks to Donn Dufford for these photos.
 Jacquie Meyer greets visitors as they arrive.

Librarian Coordinator Linda Golovko conducts a tour. Marge Rossini give a quick consultation on Irish research. |
Featured SCGS Program: 1890 Project
| The 1890 Project, launched by Louise Calaway and Beth Uyehara in 2004, is a long-term initiative to reconstruct the Los Angeles County Census, which was lost to fire and neglect early in the 20th Century. The 1890 Committee has been scouring the County's records repositories to find bits and pieces of relevant data, including vital records (births, marriages, deaths), tax records, newspaper articles and obituaries, Civil War and GAR records, city directories, Los Angeles City Census, LA City jail and poor farm records, saloon permits and dental patients, among other record types. The project has already resulted in the compilation and publication of several records, such as naturalizations, 1892 Los Angeles Great Register of Voters, declarations of intent, marriages, and other listings. Descriptions of these publications, along with other SCGS publications can be found on the SCGS website. In addition to printed volumes, SCGS plans to make this information
available online in the members' section of the website. | 
Help us get more records online for the 1890 Project. Due to the
diligent efforts of our data entry typist, Bill Tully, there are several
data sets awaiting proofreading before they can be made available for research purposes.
1890 Proofreading Team meets each Friday between 10am and 4pm. Work as
few or as many hours as you wish. Where else but SCGS can you get to
know jail inmates, saloon permit applicants and poor farm residents?
Join the team!
SCGS and the Family Research Library
|  | Southern California Genealogical SocietyHours of Operation: 10:00am - 4:00pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 10:00am - 9:00pm Tuesdays 10:00am - 4:00pm 3rd and 4th Saturdays 10:00am - 4:00pm 1st and 2nd Sundays Closed MondaysLibrary open to the public; donations gratefully accepted.
SCGS NewsSCGS Open House 10 Jul 2010  | Open House Resounding Success
It was so much fun to greet over 100 new guests to the SCGS Library for the annual Open House! Thanks to the organizers of this very successful event, Marilyn Heck, Lynne Parmenter and Heidi Ziegler, who developed an effective "game" to encourage our guests to meet a number of volunteers and to learn about the many projects and interest groups at the Library. Our visitors were asking lots of questions and becoming acquainted with the many ways that SCGS can support them in their search for family.
Nominations for Board of Directors Nominations for the SCGS Board of Directors are being accepted. Joan Phillips is the Nominating Committee chair, and she is hard at work to line up candidates. Those interested in being placed on the slate should contact Joan by email at Phillips.Joan@att.net. A candidate for a Board vacancy may be nominated by petition signed by not fewer than five members in good standing, and delivered to the SCGS recording secretary, Heidi Ziegler, by October 14, 2009.

Lunch and Learn - Saturday, August 14
SCGS Library - 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 12:00 noon to 2:30 p.m. Lunch on your own from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Bring a brown bag or choose something tasty from Subway, Starbucks or the California Pizza House on the corner.
Cecil Brower will present "Computers Don't Bite: Learn Basic Computer Terminology and Computer Skills." The library is closed for research. For additional information, contact Charlotte Bocage rubymoon01@yahoo.com.
New Recording
Secretary - Heidi Ziegler Alice
Fairhurst has stepped down as Recording Secretary and has been replaced
by Heidi Ziegler. Thanks for stepping up, Heidi, to fill the very
capable and dedicated efforts of Alice.
Sign up for Notices from the Click to sign up for the SCGS online newsletter  | SCGS Online Newsletter Get
up-to-the-minute notice of SCGS activities, bargains from genealogy
suppliers, and news from Los Angeles record repositories and searchers.
Sign up to receive emails from the SCGS online newsletter. Enter
your email address in the upper right hand side of the page at SCGS's online newsletter and be in the know!
New Microfilm Equipment The
new microfilm reader / printer is on duty and ready to go to work for
you! Use the reader / printer when you rent LDS microfilms through
SCGS's program as a FamilySearch center. If you would like to support
our effort to purchase a second reader / printer, you can donate online, or you can use the form
below and designate your donation for the
"Microfilm/Microfiche Scanner purchase."
FGS Annual
Conference - Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-21, 2010 Are you planning to attend
the annual conference sponsored by the Federation of Genealogical
Societies in August? If so, be sure to wear your SCGS Tree Shirt and
let everyone know you're from Southern California. We will have
materials in the Society display areas.
Tips and Tricks
Disorganization, Organization, and Reorganization It must be the hot August days that has my mind wandering back to vacations spent at small rustic fishing resorts in Minnesota. Dad loved fishing. He approached it methodically, asking the locals for the best spots, going out at the right time of day, choosing the right bait and exercising interminable patience. If he caught a fish, he would clean it and prepare it and we'd have it for supper. If not, he would just move to another spot, or try a different type of bait or lure, and try again. He enjoyed the process of fishing as much as the catching.
Hmm. Setting a goal, researching a location, applying effective search techniques, waiting for results, adjusting
your strategy depending on whether you reach that goal. Sound familiar?
Carrying the fishing example just one step further, let's talk about clean-up. That wonderful meal, a feast of bass, northern pike or catfish with home-made tartar sauce and American fried potatoes, would eventually end; and I would be on KP duty to do the dishes. Clean-up, whether it's genealogy or a fresh fish dinner, is definitely the least favorite part for me.
Why? I chalk it up to the challenge of organization. What do I do with the paper that I accumulate after a search? What's the best method for storing documents and photos? How do I keep track of a document that has data on several family members?
SCGS member Denise Levenick, author of the informative and entertaining blog, TheFamilyCurator.com, recently posted some hints on solutions to the organization puzzle. You can read her suggestions at TheFamilyCurator.com.
Jamboree News
Call for Papers Announced The 2010 Jamboree Committee is officially up and running. The Call for Papers has been announced, and submissions are already coming in. The Committee will have lots of surprises for 2010, and we can already promise another excellent conference. Stay tuned.
Jamboree Session CDs
Available JAMB-Inc., the supplier who recorded several
sessions at Jamboree, has posted their CD-ordering website at JAMB-inc. SCGS is not involved in the sale of these CDs so please contact Jim
Pashia directly at his website if you have any questions or to order one
or more CDs.
Syllabus Copies Still Available Print
and CD copies of the Jamboree syllabus are available for purchase
through the SCGS
website. The printed syllabus is $20; the CD version is $10. The CD
requires Adobe Reader and is fully searchable. Quantities are limited so
act quickly. Buy yours at the SCGS Library or order online. |
August Calendar
 Aug 01 - UDC meetingAug 03 - Writers GroupAug 03 - German Work GroupAug 07 - GHSA-CA meetingAug 07 - TMG User GroupAug 09 - Legacy User GroupAug 12 - Long Range Planning Aug 14 - Jamboree CommitteeAug 14 - Lunch & LearnAug 14 - African American Interest GroupAug 17 - Hispanic TuesdayAug 19 - SCGS Board of Directors Aug 21 - German Interest Group MeetingAug 22 - Writers GroupAug 29 - Irish Interest GroupEvery Wednesday - French-Canadian Research Team Every Thursday -
German Research Team Every Friday - 1890 Project Proofreading Team Upcoming in SeptemberDeadline for submissions for Jamboree Call for Papers - September 2010. Contact Carma-Lu Thompson at SCGSJamboree@gmail.com for more information. SCGS Annual Trip to Salt Lake City - September 14-22, 2010. Contact Jan Jennings for more information jantj@sbcglobal.net. Beginners' Genealogy Class, September 9, 16, 23 and 30. Classes held at the SCGS Library, 417 Irving Drive, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Free and open to the public. Contact Beverly Truesdale at scgs@scgsgenealogy.com. Lunch and Learn, Saturday, September 11. It's a double-header! "Genealogy and World War 2 and Korean War Casualty Records" by William L. Beigel and "Military Research," by Liz Stookesberry Myers. For information, contact Charlotte Bocage at rubymoon01@yahoo.com
Donation: From: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________________ Purpose: [ ] unrestricted [ ] directed for: ________________________________ Amount: $____________
SCGS is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations may be deductible as allowed by law. Send to: Century Club, Southern California Genealogical Society, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504 August 2010 Monthly Update |