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   April eNewsletter Features
(Click hyperlinks below to be taken to a specific article)

Latest Video Release: Second installment of Valley to Peak series features Weather in Grand Teton 

Wildlife Whereabouts: Stay up-to-date on the wanderings of wildlife in Grand Teton   

April Activities: Ranger-guided tours present unique opportunities to view sage-grouse strut 

Springtime Park News: National Park Week is here! 

In the Spotlight: Signal Mountain Lodge 

Discover Grand Teton Online: A dynamic website focused on Grand Teton   



"If these peaks could speak, such as I believe they can,  

I fancy Thunder would be their voices..."  Fritiof Fryxell  



See Fryxell's words brought to life through the release of our newest video, Weather in Grand Teton--the second of four videos in our 'From Valley to Peak' series.  Recently completed by Jackson-based videographers New Thought Media, the series features some of the year's most spectacular footage of natural phenomena in the park.  




The Foundation partnered with Grand Teton Association to commission  the project in an effort to highlight the natural wonders of Grand Teton through a medium that is both contemporary and accessible. The four minute videos showcase a selection of striking natural occurrences through artfully captured landscapes, time-lapses and insightful narration.  As summarized by Foundation President Leslie Mattson, "our effort to connect people to the park and to educate them about this amazing resource remains one of the most important components of our mission at the Foundation.  Projects like this are a great way to spread the wonders of Grand Teton to national park lovers far and wide."


 The two additional videos will be released on a monthly basis in May and June.  Look for them in these monthly eNewsletters or find them on our website!    



'From Valley to Peak' videos will soon be available as part of a mobile phone app!  

Check Grand Teton Association's website for information.  

        Wildlife Whereabouts 
Check out this month's updates to see how the recent spell of warm weather is
affecting wildlife in Grand Teton!

  • Moose and other ungulates are experiencing the toughest time of the year as they emerge from winter with low reserves.  If warm weather continues, an early spring will help many animals get a jump on replenishing these critical energy reserves.
  • Since gestation lengths in mammals are fairly consistent, calving seasons will be similar to last year, even though last spring was very cold and snowy.  The first bison calves of the year are being born! 
  • Early melting snow has resulted in an early northern migration of elk from the National Elk Refuge into Grand Teton. 
  • Wolves are out and about, localizing around den sites and preparing to give birth to cubs in late April.
  • Bald eagles, ravens, great-horned owls, and other early season nesting birds are incubating eggs.
  • Birds that migrate out of Jackson Hole in the fall are returning in increasing numbers (the osprey are back!).
  • Bears are showing up in increasing numbers and are looking for the winter-killed carcasses, left over berries, and pine seeds on which they feed during the spring months.
Learn about the Foundation-funded Wildlife and Natural Resource Initiative and the crucial research of black and grizzly bears, wolves, and cougars it enables. 

Sage-grouse at Sunrise

This month: Participate in a ranger-led excursion for a unique opportunity to view sage-grouse during their annual spring strut.  April 14-15 marked the first of three weekends on which tours are being offered this month.  Dates for the remaining two weekends are April 21-22 and April 28-29.

Meet the ranger at 5:30 a.m. at the Foundation-funded Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center and caravan to a historic lek (strutting arena) near Mormon Row, where male sage-grouse put on a spectacular display for the females. 
Photo Credit: S. Kitch
Reservations are required, call (307) 739-3399.
Want to learn more about this fascinating species?  Read this article from ParkScience magazine:


Springtime Park News  



"Picture yourself at Grand Teton National Park," and celebrate National Park Week!  



Take advantage of FREE entrance to Grand Teton and all other national parks during the week of  

April 21-29.    


As part of this week-long celebration of our parks, April 28th is National Junior Ranger Day.  Check the park's website for a detailed schedule of youth-targeted festivities at the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center


Grand Teton National Park road crews recently completed their annual spring plowing. Non-motorized activities such as hiking, biking, and inline skating are now permitted on the following roads:
  • Moose-Wilson Road from Granite Canyon to Death Canyon
  • Teton Park Road from Taggart Lake parking area to Signal Mountain Lodge

The Teton Park Road and Moose-Wilson Road will open to vehicle traffic on Tuesday, May 1.  



In The Spotlight: Signal Mountain Lodge 



Signal Mountain Lodge, a unique, lakeside retreat set against a stunning backdrop of Teton spires, offers a relaxing place to experience the wonders of Grand Teton.  As a corporate partner of Grand Teton National Park Foundation since 1998 and a frontrunner among environmentally responsible resorts, the Lodge has shown a commitment to protecting the park's wondrous landscapes for generations to come.  


Located halfway between the town of Jackson and Yellowstone National Park, the Lodge was established in 1932 as a hunting and fishing camp on the shores of Jackson Lake. Today, the Lodge has grown to encompass over 80 lodging units that allow visitors to take full advantage of the park and all that Teton County has to offer, while also providing a convenient base for day trips into Yellowstone.  From the beginning, enthusiasm for outdoor recreation and the park has been a central feature among Signal's guests and staff alike.  "Whether skiing across Jackson Lake from the front doors of the Lodge or hiking up Signal Mountain on a lesser-known trail, we are able to enjoy the park all year long," says SML General Manager Jason Ryan.


Signal Mountain Lodge continues to show exemplary support for the legacy of stewardship and philanthropy in Grand Teton National Park.  For their efforts in waste minimization, water and energy efficiency, hazardous substances handling, and environmentally responsible purchasing, Signal is recognized as a Green Seal Certified Hotel and Lodging Property



On a broader scale, their efforts to instill a sincere regard for environmental protection among Lodge staff, visitors, and partners is rooted in a firm sense of responsibility to the legacy of the park and to its surrounding community.  As noted by Ryan, "There is no better business than a national park concessionaire to lead the resort industry in land stewardship and to set an example for environmentally responsible business."  SML's continuing support of the Foundation's work to enhance Grand Teton's treasured resources sets an example for other businesses working in or around our country's national parks.



Thank you Signal Mountain Lodge for your commitment to improving and preserving Grand Teton National Park!



Discover Grand Teton Online!  



This resource complements the park's existing website by highlighting the park's history, geology, ecosystems, flora and fauna as well as the Junior Ranger program.   

It's a fantastic reference for the entire family! 

Donate now


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25 S. Willow, Suite 10, Jackson, WY 83001

mailing address: P.O. Box 249, Moose, WY 83012                      

 tel: 307-732-0629 fax: 307-732-0639

e-mail: director@gtnpf.org  


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