Alternative Fuels and Vehicles News
Weekly News Digest
If you missed last week's Vehicle Maintenance Conference, you can read all about it in this week's digest. Plus, don't miss WSDOT's March report, news on energy efficiency at FedEx, and a new Senate Bill. As always, follow Western Washington Clean Cities on Facebook and Twitter to stay on top of all the week's news! 

LocalnewsVehicle Maintenance Management Conference features clean propane autogas technology

via GlobeNewswire on 4/2/2012

"Blue Star Gas educated automotive professionals on the advantages of running fleets on clean affordable propane autogas at the 61st annual Vehicle Maintenance Management Conference in Shoreline, Wash., last week."


WSDOT Fuel and Vehicle Trends Report March 2012

via Washington State Department of Transportation on 3/30/2012

"This report is a summary of the latest fuel prices and other oil industry key statistics. In addition, this report provides the latest trends in vehicle registrations and transportation tax collections for the state of Washington."

via CS News on 3/30/2012

"Bipartisan legislation aimed at removing the legal and infrastructure obstacles to the sale of alternative fuels in the United States was introduced Thursday in the U.S. Senate."


Major fleet operators sign on with clean energy fuels for CNG, LNG services

via NGT News on 3/26/12 

"Clean Energy Fuels Corp., a company focused on natural gas transportation-fuel products and services, says it has recently signed contracts with a number of carrier fleet operators for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueling services."


"The rising cost of oil isn't just a hit to the family budget. Businesses are hurt, too. Few are more affected than firms like FedEx. It deploys nearly 700 planes and tens of thousands of trucks and vans every day to deliver packages around the world."

April 9, 2012
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What's Inside



Vehicle Maintenance Management Conference features clean propane autogas technology


WSDOT Fuel and Vehicle Trends Report March 2012


National News


New Senate bill takes market-based approach to future fuels


Major fleet operators sign on with clean energy fuels for CNG, LNG services


Oil scare turns FedEx on to energy efficiency


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Western Washington Clean Cities Coalition
1904 Third Ave,
Suite 105
Seattle, Washington 98101