


  August 16th, 2011     


The question all journalists should ask all 2012 Candidates for office . . .


Sir or Madam, do you believe that the people of the United States  

are the Sovereign in our country?  


Now in Paperback.   



Order Publisher-direct for a copy autographed by the author and with  

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I'll be on Blog Talk Radio on September 1st. Be sure to tune in to Paul Revere Radio. I'll be on Liberty Speaks on KABC Talkradio 790 this Saturday at 7 pm Pacific Time. Tune in to KABC's home page to listen live.   


I selected two stories on Issa this morning. The Heritage Foundation looks at it and David Codrea furnishes an added analysis from the second amendment perspective.  


Bob Parks is with us.    


This lineup is for mainstream Americans. If you as a second amendment reader believe the content here is something your non-gun owner friends should know in understanding our values better, then please click the LIKE button above and urge them to opt-in to receive the Newsletter.  


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker  


John Longenecker          Safer Streets

 David Codrea     Second Amendment  New York Times' hit piece shows desperation of the administration.  



[ . . .] The Grey Lady has commissioned a hit piece on Rep. Darrel Issa; Eric Lichtblau put out a multi-page attack titled "A Businessman in Congress Helps His District and Himself." The object is to smear the congressman as someone who abuses his position so that his ethics, and thus the credibility of his efforts can be challenged-efforts like getting to the bottom of "Project Gunwalker."

Actually, that's wrong. I should have said "getting to the top."

More . . .

The Heritage Foundation      Integrity   New York Times story on rep. Issa riddled with factual errors.  

Heritage[ . . .] The newspaper already admitted to one mistake in the 2,700-word story, but reporter Eric Lichtblau said he would not correct other factual errors pointed out by Issa's staff. Now, the central assertion of Lichtblau's story - that Issa directed federal funds to increase the value of property he owns - appears to be crumbling as well.

More . . .


Bob Parks.        Integrity as Patriotism

Black & Right:  

Bob Parks writes his political and cultural commentary, and he has a great Video lineup.

Read Black & Right.

John M. Snyder   Second Amendment

Gun rights activists should meet with Congressmen during summer recess.  

gundean "Firearm rights activists throughout the United States should use the congressional recess to meet with their U.S. Representative and both of their U.S. Senators and let the officials know in courteous but firm conversation how they stand on the gun rights for life issues of the day," gun law expert John M. Snyder said here today.

More . . .


The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.



Read more about The CPR Corollary. 

Now in Paperback. Order Publisher direct for an autographed copy and two bonus gifts.  

Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value.

Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

Questions for John?
Comments to John?