


  August 10th, 2011    


With so many states who see no need for gun registration,  

it seems that legislators believe that the governments there don't really need to know where the guns are after all. In states where there is registration, officials are hard put to show how registration has solved a crime.  


All gun laws are a challenge to our authority as the Sovereign.  



Now in Paperback.   



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I'll be on the air on Talkradio in the weeks ahead, and one is Paul Revere Radio on September 1st. Be sure to tune in.     


Meanwhile, what do you do about smear when it emanates from your colleagues against other colleagues and patriots? My suggestion is to report it.  


David Codrea remarks on the 'pathetic condition of a great people' in the disarmed defenselessness of Great Britain this morning on his show War on Guns. Catch the recorded show here


Joseph Farah understands smear as a weapon. He is with us today to clear the air for our mainstream readers.  


Chronicler Mike Vanderboegh furnishes a moving memorial to a heroine patriot of another country. Thanks, Mike! [Be sure to bookmark his website.] 


Bob Parks has some interesting videos and insightful commentary as always.


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker  


John Longenecker          Safer Streets  Can America afford to lose liberty writers to gossip and personal revenge?

Is our movement so successful that we can afford to lose allies?

Over time, I have heard a very hostile smear of friends of mine, colleagues in the liberty movement. Some of it has been extremely obvious, and one question comes to mind: are second amendment efforts so successful now that we can afford to get rid of people we don't like?

I think not.

This is not backbiting or infighting over opinion; this is not misquoting someone: this is worse, something liberals do, the practice of smearing people perceived to be enemies. It is the personal abuse of communications in ruining someone's name and reputation to get even for imagined injustices. This acts out of pure spite.

The best way to fight these wherever you hear the gossip is to take the smear to the person slandered and tell them. Let them decide.

The second reason is that we are not Marxists; we do not get rid of people we don't like, we continue to work with them whether we like them or not. It's too important even to believe we can afford to drop anyone. And besides: we're not liberals inside. You might say we will come to the aid of another when we hear smear and report it to the person smeared.

Anyone within our ranks who slanders another patriot has to be reported so the subject of the smear at least has a chance. Anyone hearing such smear has a duty not to believe it and go to the source. Anything less is to be a part of the slander. Anything less is to deny them self-defense.

In my investigating one of these for a friend of mine, one editor said that she did not want to be put in the middle: I told her that she remains in the middle until she gets herself out of it only by refusing to believe the smear and then hearing my friend's answer. She has to take the side of the writer and find out for herself. This indolence or refusal to be 'put in the middle' is how smear works and grows. It depends on our timidity, and not wanting to be 'in the middle' is cowardly and without the sense of values we boast of. Liberty purists cannot become dupes of this kind of attack on our educating the electorate. Patriots who smear patriots go over to the other side.

His smear was overcome and he's doing fine. Others aren't so lucky. Can we afford this morbid self-indulgence of smear?

We already have our hands full fighting the smear from the left, and we don't need it from within our own. The left's is political; smear from bitter colleagues is personal. It is very disheartening that a man or woman who is a patriot on the second amendment on Monday conveniently becomes a liberal in utilizing liberal underhandedness on Tuesday when personally angry with another and can't let it go.

I've heard three smears in this past month alone on different people we cannot afford to lose. I reported these to the persons involved.

Why such an emphasis? Because there is a right and a wrong, and our battle for our sovereignty is not merely another opinion, it is right. It means integrity for all. The safety of the nation will be won with integrity, not dishonor the electorate can compare to the left. No one on our side can call himself a patriot if we shun integrity for a little spiteful personal revenge. _________________________________________________
 David Codrea     Second Amendment   BREAKING NEWS: US attorney opposes victim status for Terry parents in gun case.  



[ . . ] "This Court should deny the motion to intervene as victims because the intervenors are not victims in this case," Burke wrote, stating they do not qualify as victims under the Crime Victim Rights Act.

More . . 
 Mike Vanderboegh         Patriotism  The White Mouse crosses over to her reward.     




[ . . .] THE most decorated woman of World War II, Nancy Wake had a five-million-franc price put on her head by the feared German secret police, the Gestapo, for helping the French Resistance. Branded the White Mouse by her hunters, she became the most wanted resistance fighter in France.  


More . . . 

Bob Parks.        Integrity as Patriotism

Black & Right:  

Bob Parks writes his political and cultural commentary, and he has a great Video lineup.

Read Black & Right.

Joseph Farah    Integrity as Patriotism You want to see the face of Terrorism?

farahPeople who characterize the Tea Party as terrorists are clearly incapable of rationally processing information.


They don't know right from wrong. They have no appreciation for American history and constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and petitioning for redress of grievances. They don't recognize that when Tea Party groups get together, they clean up after themselves. They don't burn, loot, commit arson, rape or murder.


Yet people like Vice President Joe Biden call the Tea Party activists "terrorists."


More . . . 



The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.



Read more about The CPR Corollary. 

Now in Paperback. Order Publisher direct for an autographed copy and two bonus gifts.  

Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value.

Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

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