


  August 8th, 2011    


The Anti-gun Crowd is not in need of education: there is little doubt that they already know as well as we do the vital importance of the second amendment. Their political position is one of hostility to our sovereignty.  


It is the balance of the electorate who are in need of education. They seek it for smaller government, they ask, they read and they listen. Our mission is to meet that need and inspire them to meet the needs of their next generation too by education of how the second amendment is the force which backs our sovereign authority as supreme under our system.


Now in Paperback.   



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David Codrea is with us today.  


Bob Parks has some interesting videos and insightful commentary as always.


Streets become safer with Good Samaritans. Another story of a Good Sam rescuer in the news today...   


Michelle Malkin has an interesting profile of isolationism.. I mean, elitism... as part of the battle we fight from within. 


Alan Caruba offers a profile, too: US.   


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker  


John Longenecker          Safer Streets 
Safer streets when Good Samaritans are encouraged.

MEI have been writing about Good Samaritans for a long time. The Good Samaritan is the bystander, witness or citizen who is on scene sooner than first responders, one who acts to mitigate the circumstances or conditions to the benefit of the victim.

We have Good Sams who intervene with first-aid and we have them who intervene with judgment and authority (and force) in coming to the aid of another in time of violence. Good citizens - I mean, Good Samaritans - are in much larger numbers than professional police and EMS. It's good for the country that such Good Sams be encouraged. Someone could make a nice living by holding seminars for citizens who want to learn more. A group of lawyers could get together with a group of Paramedics and those get together with gun owners to round out the optimized Good Samaritan course.

The Los Angeles City Fire Department created CERT - Citizen Emergency Rescue Training - for laymen. Preparedness groups around the country adopt this kind of content in their programs. Here are a few other significant reports:

. So-called 'untrained' citizens save lives with Automatic Defibrillator equipment available... 


. Having a friendly policy in place affirms the value of the concept . . .


. Changing attitudes which understand and embrace the value of the concept make for safer streets ...


. Even off-duty professionals add to the concept . . . 


And in emergencies of criminal violence, there is an abundance of reports available at Keep and bear and David Codrea's morning talk show, War on Guns.  


Good Sams are within many of us. Bystanders who can help can make all the difference in the victim's world. These people with these values should learn more about their their role and their immediate importance. A deeper understanding of specific protections, an understanding of one's reasonable latitude to act, and a good understanding of its importance can greatly enhance community safety.


These people are not designated persons, only decent people who might like to learn more so they can not only do their very best, but also be freer to do it at all.


The momentum and early work are already underway. The reason I call attention to the value of an already established Good Samaritan is because there are those who oppose this societal safeguard.

Gun control.
 David Codrea      Second Amendment Profiling and predicting a leftist agenda in academic papers on gun control.    



Social Science Research Network has published a new scholarly work, "Profiling and Predicting Opinions on Gun Control: A Comparative Perspective on the Factors Underlying Opinion on Different Gun Control Measures." The researchers who wrote it are Amy Semet of Columbia University. Nathaniel Persily from Columbia Law School, and Stephen Ansolabehere, Harvard University - Department of Government. They surveyed "over 1,000 participants."

More . . .

And look at another article on David's column... Don't trust sloppy mainstream reporting of gun news.
Good Samaritans         Independence Even brief lessons in CPR can improve survival rates.

[ . . .] The most common cause of cardiac arrest in infants and young children is what Licking Memorial Health Systems pediatrician Rick Baltisberger classifies as a "respiratory event" -- a drowning or near drowning, respiratory infection or choking, among others.  Although cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques have changed throughout the years, Baltisberger emphasized the importance of parents, grandparents and child care providers familiarizing themselves with the basic CPR process. More . . .


Bob Parks.        Integrity as Patriotism

Black & Right:  

Bob Parks writes his political and cultural commentary, and he has a great Video lineup.

Read Black & Right.

Michelle Malkin              Sovereignty Schooling Matt Damon. 

MALKINActor Matt Damon is a walking, talking public service reminder to immunize your children early and often against La-La-Land disease.


In Damon's world, all public school teachers are selfless angels. Government workers and Hollywood entertainers are impervious to economic incentives. And anyone who disagrees is a know-nothing, "corporate reformer" ingrate who hates education.


More . . .
Alan Caruba             Warning Signs. Flirting with the Great Depression 2.0 

alan_caruba[ . . .] When a nation's debt equals its entire annual gross domestic product, it is bankrupt. It can still produce goods and services, but it will likely encounter fewer customers worldwide as they too are drawn deeper into their own debt crises.

When it must borrow billions daily just to meet its obligations to other nations and individuals who have purchased its treasury notes, it is has reached a point of "moral hazard" that threatens the wealth of every single citizen.

More . . .


The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.



Read more about The CPR Corollary. 

Now in Paperback. Order Publisher direct for an autographed copy and two bonus gifts.  

Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value.

Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

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Comments to John?