I am absent today because I am on assignment. (I am working on my paperback edition of my book).
I selected three of David Codrea's articles because they are urgent.
Gun owners should use David's examination of the Norway shootings as a case study for what will happen in a disarmed United States. Please click the LIKE button on the top of this page to circulate this edition around the web.
Bob Parks is with us with analysis of why and how the debt talks are so... what's the word... Oh, you know what it is.
See you next week.
Liberty in sovereignty,
John Longenecker
David Codrea Second Amendment Exclusive: Story of central 'Operation castaway' figure in his own words.
 [...] Mr. Altman approached this correspondent and Mike Vanderboegh of for details on this story on July 12, and this is what Vanderboegh took special care to point out in his responding email.. More . . . _____________________________________________________
David Codrea Second Amendment Canton, Ohio "Only Ones' put the lie to their public pledge.. not to mention oath.

Several readers have sent me a dashcam video of the Canton, OH stopping a concealed carry permit holder. I was going to hold off on posting anything on until I finished my story-gathering for tomorrow's radio show, but the video made me so angry I thought I'd best dash something off now or it would bug me until I did. More . . . _____________________________________________________
David Codrea Second Amendment Norway terror attacks illustrate several truths...

As the death toll continues to rise in Norway's apparently related bombing and shooting attacks, a few truths are once again revealed for any who would see: · Unarmed victims are defenseless and easy prey for any evil lunatic bent on slaughtering them at will. The adults at the youth camp were utterly unprepared to protect themselves, let alone their charges.
More . . . ____________________________________________________
Bob Parks. Integrity as Patriotism.
Black & Right:
Bob Parks writes the Bonehead of the Day and other features...
See his commentary. Read Black & Right.
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