


  July 11th, 2011    


           The beauty of Independence . . .

   is that it cannot really be improved upon. However, if you do not take care of business in exercising your independence, someone else will claim to, and they will charge you exorbitant brokerage fees and carrying charges.  


They call that Tyranny.


An independent people have no need for bureaucracies. 



Virtual Book Tour.


Stops you can visit include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun.

Visits also at Angels Fear To Tread website 

I stopped paid a visit to Kurt Hofmann's page at Examiner....

The latest was a visit to South Bay Open Carry  

for a talk on the CPR Corollary.  

David Codrea's radio show War on Guns - Notes from the Resistance - hosted me on the air.  

Hear it on mp3 here.  

Thanks, David! 


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David Codrea is with us today with a very gratifying report on the armed citizen.

Bob Parks is with us.


It is very important for the American non-gun owner to understand how the anti-gun personality views due process and how gun owners view due process. Who would you rather call American: people who disregard due process or the adherents who love it? Kurt Hofmann has an illustrative case on this concept in our lineup today.  [Please click through those links in his article for more.]  


And me, I'm here, too.  

Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker   


John Longenecker          Safer Streets      Being armed in time of disaster. 



It's all about Independence. if you don't exercise your own independence, you can't really blame snakes for being snakes and moving in on your turf.

Some officials were snakes before they ran for office. Office doesn't really change them all that much. Lincoln said it best: "If you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Where officials confirm our suspicions is in their lust for more power than we gave them in enumerated powers.

When it comes to disaster, you have three sections: Disaster preparedness, disaster management, and disaster recovery. I'm glad to see more coverage of the armed citizen in preparedness. I'm glad to see how gun owners impart knowledge to non-gun owners as integral to a community's overall preparedness model.

If there's one thing a community must know about survival in time of disaster, it is that there will be such a demand on assets that the assets will be overwhelmed and unable to respond effectively. The part that the community must grasp is that they are free to act in response until the arrival of those assets. This may be days to weeks, and that's a long time to hold your breath. Or await extrication. Or wait for medicine or food.. or await rescue from looters and opportunistic predators.

Many laymen who balk at this doubt this length of time. And they also doubt the severity of the conditions of a disaster.

Two truths which have come from experts who study disasters are: 1. A great deal of rescue can be accomplished immediately by volunteers and without technical rescue skills. This means a lot of lives saved and a lot of injury mitigated by laymen instead of waiting days to weeks for assistance.

2. Many predators await a change in conditions in order to prey on victims whom society otherwise protects in peacetime by way of witnesses and other safeguards. Disaster changes conditions to chaos such that the confusion is a cover for such predators.

These are the Scavengers. It's a clean way of characterizing sick people who are on the lookout for opportunity to do what they want to do, whether it is a rape, a robbery, or an abduction. The key is that there is no one to stop them. For instance, an Amber Alert would be ineffective in time of chaos. The only thing that will stop Scavengers is someone present.

The Scavenger doesn't mean a single episode of abduction here or there as if a community can absorb a missing child here or there; it means repeated abductions by multiple scavengers until they are caught. Perhaps they never will be caught, but they can be stopped from completing their acts of violence. With the number of molesters in any given neighborhood, you have a real problem when the neighborhood is unarmed as if robbers, rapists and looters weren't enough!

Finally, non-gun owners need to consult gun owners on the role and freedom of movement to be exercised for the continuing safety of the community.

Another thing to think about: how professional assets perceive armed citizens. During Hurricane Katrina, homeowners were said to be shooting at helicopters. In fact, they were later reported to be signalling helicopters who might see a muzzle flash like a flare.

Professionals need to abandon the concept that armed citizens mean trouble, and be trained in how the armed citizen is the first line of defense and the last line of defense when professionals are stretched beyond their limits.

It's time that the armed citizen be welcomed by communities who are accustomed to gun bans and regulations, including professional assets.

In the middle 1980's, the Los Angeles Fire Department created a volunteer program and named it CERT: Community Emergency Response Team, a program for volunteers and business. Several of my readers are members of similar groups around the nation. On a large scale, I know they would love to see that communities became armed with knowledge of their own authority as much as medical preparedness.

Independence is viewed by servants as a foe of Centralization, but it much more of a pre-existing safeguard of freedom from the centralization that never should have been in this country. Independence means survival this way, survival in every sense, and agencies cannot vie for survival of their centralization at the expense of the citizens they serve.

Centralization has to yield to citizen. Quote me on this.

It's time assets everywhere came to appreciate and respect armed citizens as what many professionals call the original first responders for disaster management and recovery: the citizens.
David Codrea      Second Amendment   

More 'preppers' going mainstream as more realize no one is immune to disaster.




The Economic Collapse blog reports that Robert Kiyosaki is  warning of an impending economic collapse-and advises on preparations that include buying guns.

By way of credentials, Kiyosaki is the author of the successful "Rich Dad Poor Dad" books, reportedly having sold over 26 million copies, and runs the Rich Dad financial education website. He co-authored "Why We Want You to be Rich" with Donald Trump.
More . . .
Bob Parks.         Integrity as Patriotism.

Black & Right:  

Bob Parks writes the Bonehead of the Day and other features...

See his

Read Black & Right.

John M. Snyder    Second Amendment 

gundean[ . . .] "True to form, Obama, gun rights opponents in Congress and the media and others will try to shift the blame for Fast and Furious in other directions. They will attempt to blame what they will claim is the inadequacy of United States gun laws. But who in his or her right mind is going to lend them any credence?"

More . . .
Kurt Hofmann     Second Amendment

Using the courts to remind Illinois of 'bear' in the right to keep and bear arms.

HOFMANNLast Thursday, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Illinois Carry, and four individual Illinois residents moved for an injunction in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois against the state's outright ban of armed self-defense in public.

. . .


The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

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Read more about The CPR Corollary. In digital format and soon in Paperback, this July. Click here for more.  
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value.

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.


"When you make wellness Priority One,

the rest can take care of itself."


-- Aurea Longenecker, R.N., Independent Associate 


Questions for John?
Comments to John?