


  June 6th, 2011    


Gun control to any degree whatsover is the moral, ethical and integrity equivalent of destroying the body's immune system and

then expecting the patient to trust officials further. 



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Even Safer Streets 2011 

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 at both Amazon


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Virtual Book Tour.


May tour stops include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun.

Visits also at Angels Fear To Tread website 

I stopped at last week and Kurt Hofmann's page at Examiner....


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Citizen CPR is in the news and I have a brief comment.


I want to call your attention to David Codrea's newsbreak. It makes me wonder if we can trust anybody.  


I also selected TWO articles from the Second Amendment Center.


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker   


John Longenecker        Safer Streets  



This morning, I noticed that an article about bystander CPR was put into the lineup at today's edition of


Good one, Bruce. 


I'm commenting on bystander CPR this morning, and later this month at a talk I'm giving. I'm also making available to any gun owners The CPR Corollary, if you should like a copy. It's a single page .pdf  you can use in speaking to non-gun owners who can understand the need for Citizen CPR, but not a handgun. [I'm available for follow-up questions.]


You can also write me for a copy of the CPR Corollary poster put together by liberty photographer Oleg Volk and myself for Instructors or anyone else who likes posters. 


Do both make our streets safer? Yes, they do.


See other articles at Patriot Post and elsewhere under search term Safer Streets 2011.  


David Codrea    Second Amendment  Tea Party Express premptively surrenders gun rights to RINOS.   

codrea-new[. .] What does that mean for gun owners?


Despite attempts to put on a public face that belies his record (with assistance provided courtesy of NRA management on more than one occasion), Romney has sided with the gungrabbers when he's had the power to do so.  


More . . .


Bob Parks                      Black & Right




Open Thread, Bonehead of the Day and other features add a sparkle to the day.


 More . . .


 And see this week's June 6th Video... 


Tenth Amendment Center Sovereignty The Health Care Compact: A Trojan Horse?

tenth[. . .] ObamaCare is the primary reason that many tea parties want to form and interstate compact.  It's an admirable goal, but can it be done and are we jumping from the frying pan into the fire?


More . . .


Tenth Amendment Center Sovereignty Yes, you can vote on taxes...

tenth[. . .] There is an old, and bogus, claim that to the contrary: that the U.S. Constitution requires states to lock citizens out from direct lawmaking.  The argument is that only a system in which the politicians decide everything is permitted by Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.  In that clause, the United States guarantees to each state a "republican Form of Government."


More . . .



The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

kindle cover
Read more about the CPR Corollary.
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value available at Amazon.  

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

Aurea Longenecker, R.N., Independent Associate  
For a healthy lifestyle and
wealth opportunities . . .
for an Online Presentation. 

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Comments to John?