


  June 1st, 2011  


Civilized men sleep soundly because rough men

stand ready to do violence on their behalf.


                                                         - George Orwell  




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Even Safer Streets 2011 

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Virtual Book Tour.


May tour stops include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun.

Visit also at Angels Fear To Tread website 

I stopped at last week.  


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My virtual book tour will have me visiting Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann this Friday.


Michelle Malkin castigates poor values, habits of no-accountability, bad taste and hounding in those who traipse after Sarah Palin's bus.


Dennis Prager has similar thoughts, only on pastors who object to finally getting a killer.


Kurt Hofmann notices something on the RADAR...


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker   


John Longenecker        Safer Streets    Integrity, II.



I've always believed - and said - that integrity ensures our self-rule.  (Being armed is part of integrity.)


We don't 'win' our self-rule back per se by way of majority, but we certainly can lose it by way of a majority through simple social decay. The best road back to self-rule is to set the example such that Americans once again prefer it and insist on it.  


When it comes to the second amendment, it means showing where it works and explaining how and why it works in handing down knowledge in legacy. Many law enforcement professionals understand as a reality of their own experience what I am about to say. I hear this maxim from time to time, and I heard it again this morning.


First of all, we believe that a case is won - or that justice is served - on the street and not in the courtroom. This is because protocols are observed or not. However, it's also true for the violent crime and effective self-defense. A crime can be stopped before it is completed instead of remedied long after it has won and had its way. A person can avert injury as preferable to being injured and then fighting even harder to be made whole again perhaps years later in receiving a favorable judgment. But it's never the same as avoiding trouble to begin with.


This is not an obigation of the State, it is an obligation of the citizen. Trouble is avoided by being armed. One is armed not only with a handful of lethal force, but also by the law if one is reasonable throughout. The integrity I am speaking of is best in both the people in meeting their obligation and the officials in not fighting them but supporting them in this.


It is then the citizen's job, and in refusing it, many are only consistent in abandong other values as well. This contributes to our social decay and invites Statist insistence. Our mission is for those who welcome deeper understanding of what the second amendment is really all about, and one segment of that is that justice -- and community safety -- are decided and protected on the street primarily and perhaps in court secondarily. 


Remember that you do not find violence, it finds you. You are not the stalking predator, thugs are. 


Meeting and managing violent crime is done best by the target of crime as a community's own best first line of defense.


No matter how you say it, be sure to say it to the non-gun owner electorate; the armed citizen as an essential of community safety is a matter of integrity, integrity in honesty, good faith and the capacity to understand where crime is fought best.


The real test of this will be how gun control has served officials to preside over crisis instead of prosperity and freedom. Turf battle, you might say. Where Integrity comes in is in how long they will continue to refuse their understanding of how and where violence is fought best.



See other articles at Patriot Post and elsewhere under search term Safer Streets 2011.


David Codrea       Second Amendment   Accurate Mexican crime gun reporting better late than never.  


 "Is the U.S. Arming Mexican Cartels?" Fox News asks in an account published yesterday.


 "If you ever watch video or look at pictures of the drug war in Mexico, you'll notice some pretty heavy weapons. This is a war being waged with rockets and plastic explosives, not pea shooters and Saturday Night Specials," the report states.


"You can't buy this stuff at a U.S. gun store," it confirms. "So where do the cartels get it?"  More . . .


Bob Parks                      Black & Right




Open Thread, Bonehead of the Day and other features add a sparkle to the day.


 More . . .


  And see this Video on YouTube..


Kurt Hofmann     Second Amendment

Obama and 'gun control': 'Under the radar,' or is the radar going unwatched?


HOFMANNBack in April, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea noted that the Brady Campaign's Sarah Brady had been quoted in the Washington Post as having received a promise from President Obama that the administration is working on enacting more restrictive gun regulation by stealth . . . 


More . . .


Michelle Malkin            Independence  Chasing Sarah: the boys behind the bus.

MALKIN[...] They call her dumb and then run around in circles trying to figure out her "mystery" tour and blame her for "faking them out."


They blast her for incompetence, but grudgingly acknowledge that she is a master of social media who has changed the rules of the presidential campaign game.


More . . .


Dennis Prager                   Sovereignty On celebrating the death of evil people.


dennisOsama Bin Laden - a man whose purpose in life was to inflict death and suffering on as many innocent people as possible - was finally killed, and much of the Western world's religious and secular elite have expressed moral objections to those who celebrated this death.


More . . .



The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

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Read more about the CPR Corollary.
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value available at Amazon.  

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

Aurea Longenecker, R.N., Independent Associate  
For a healthy lifestyle and
wealth opportunities . . .
for an Online Presentation. 

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Comments to John?