


  May 27th, 2011  

Safer streets are a reflection of a healthier self-rule.

You won't get safe streets until you regain self-rule,

and you won't get self-rule until the repeal of all gun control. 



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Even Safer Streets 2011 

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May tour stops include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun.

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Patriotism.. it's a decency thing.


David Codrea asks for Action. 


Bob Parks' compendium of commentary and video is with us. 


Middle class conservative Gerard Valentino notes a passing . . . 


And The Heritage Foundation reports a welcome breakthrough.


Liberty in sovereignty,   

John Longenecker   


John Longenecker        Safer Streets    The Bruce Herschensonn Rule (It's a decency thing.)



It's a decency thing.  And foreign policy expert Bruce Herschensonn is one of the most decent men I can think of.


Bruce Herschensonn, foreign policy expert among other credentials, years ago observed something which I think of often, and I apply his observation as a measurement of good faith dealings. Integrity is absolutely essential in our disaster recovery from abuse of due process, and the application of Mr. Herschensonn's observation is a rule I see as being a rather reliable parameter.


Bruce once noted on the air with liberty and morality host Dennis Prager that (paraphrased) one of the major defects in liberal thought is that, on their way to saving humanity, liberals step all over humans. Others such as Lyndon Johnson have enunciated similar truths, but Bruce's statement is more articulate and bluntly meaningful.


For years now, I have said that safer streets are a reflection of a healthier self-rule, but that we will not get back to self-rule or safer streets without the repeal of all gun control first.


I am joining the two because gun control in the name of student safety is rather silly. It is so obvious that the trustees who insist on disarming those who would be the very targets of violence are stepping all over humans on their way to saving humanity. In other words, if the Bruce Herschensonn Rule were rather the Bruce Herschenson Test, trustees would fail that test of good faith dealings.


Really? How? On grounds of decency, for one thing.


This is because leftist views also hold other values, namely that the ends justify the means (cheating), and that goals and objectives of the leftist thought differ so radically that they are utterly incompatible with our way of life. As such, they could not possibly be dealing with America in good faith. They want the ascendancy of the State and we want the supremacy of the citizen over the State. Gun control facilitates the assumption of powers not granted for so many other issues.


The keenness of the Herschensonn Rule is essential to even grasping the concept of the left, especially when it comes to gun control. There is no possibility that we both want the same for the country but differ in methods. That common goal died forty years ago. Or longer.


It is time to realize that when the left claims to act on behalf of humanity - such as the environment's light bulb mandates, gun bans in the name of student safety, or even crashing currency for some sort of remedy - it does not really seek safety or clean water or stability, it seeks the growth of the State.


Many have said this, and still too many Americans refuse to accept that the left deals with us in bad faith. They just don't want to believe it.


Believe it. Resisting mandated light bulbs, currency collapse and gun control means a return to safer streets. And the only way we'll get them back is when we regain self-rule.


It's not only a patriotic thing, it's a decency thing.



See other articles at Patriot Post and elsewhere under search term Safer Streets 2011.


David Codrea       Second Amendment   Will gun owner apathy enable ATF's 'emergency' long gun registration scheme?


[ . . .] During the last comment period on this gun owners were outnumbered by the prohibitionists. That should NEVER happen! We outnumber them 10 to one and our response to outrageous proposals like this should reflect that numbers advantage.   More . . .



Bob Parks                      Black & Right




Open Thread, Bonehead of the Day and other features add a sparkle to the day.


 More . . .


  And see this Video on YouTube..


Gerard Valentino Middle-class conservative  Richard Daley - Chicago's Emperor Nero Retires.


valentino for N[ . . .] If Daley had to walk down the street in one of Chicago's worst neighborhoods, or spend several months living in a high crime area of the city without his bodyguards, we can only wonder how his view of gun control would change. Maybe if he walked out of his front door each day completely vulnerable because only the criminals on his street were armed, he might find humanity, or a sense of reality.


More . . .


The Heritage Foundation    Sovereignty School choice is the new norm.
HeritageIn places like Washington, D.C., where the now-revived D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program is providing low-income children with vouchers to attend a private school of their choice, dramatic results have been achieved. These children, who once attended the poorest-performing public schools in the country, are thriving in schools chosen by their parents - not assigned based on their zip code. Academic achievement has risen, and impressively, students who received a voucher and used it to attend private schools of their choice had a 91 percent graduation rate. 
More . .



The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

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Read more about the CPR Corollary.
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value available at Amazon.  

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

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