


  May 25th, 2011  

With tornadoes ravaging our southern states,

it is Volunteers who are on scene first, by days.


This is the core of Militia

within the meaning of the second amendment.




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Even Safer Streets 2011 

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Virtual Book Tour.


May tour stops include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun.

Visit also Patrick Butts' website I stopped at last week.  


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I'm worried that integrity is a lost value. Today's lineup dwells on integrity.


David Codrea reports on another Czar being seated.


Gun Dean John M. Snyder is with us with a video clip.


Dennis Prager observes the plank in the eye of the leftists, and Dr. Laura gets real with both men and women on her observation of integrity lost.


Bob Parks' compendium of commentary and video is with us.


Liberty in sovereignty,  

John Longenecker  


John Longenecker        Safer Streets   Integrity is about as important as the second amendment.. and vice-versa. 



Integrity is only part of an aggregate of values which will regain our self-rule. Our self-rule depends on many things: our involvement, our values system of right and wrong, our willingness to follow through and then teach it to our kids. It's even more than that, but Integrity and our sovereign authority give us the right and moral authority to expect it from others. Preachy? Judgmental?


Yep. Because expectations are part of the glue which holds our society together. We see a tragedy in lowered expectations, and the idea of challenging reasonable expectations as 'judgmental' or 'intolerant' sounds a lot more like an attack on your resolve than anything good faith.


What worries me is the current crop of Congress who cannot find their backbones to keep their stumping promises. Smaller government should be underway by now. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a better example of courage - and integrity - than most servants here are. His strong suit is in having an open mind without letting his brains fall out. Integrity.


Public servant Marie Parente said that once you sit down to negotiate, you've lost. Yep.


One of the strongest examples of integrity is not to sit down and talk, but to refuse. Some things are not negotiable, and it's rather silly to imagine that they are. It signals the left that there will be surrender to them somewhere soon.


How Conservatives want to look in terms of fairness or even-handedness reflects a poor grasp of why they were even sent to Washington. We didn't vote for you to give anything away, but to put something back the way it was. You're not keeping your promise. You should be much further along by now.


We need Congressmen with integrity, not more compromise. How Conservatives perform in Congress will impact the 2012 election. Fairness, even-handedness and compromise are not what we need from you. What we need is your ability to know what we want and to do it; not find reasons why it can't be done.


After all, it doesn't really take courage to change America, it takes courage - and integrity - to keep it.  


 David Codrea      Second Amendment  Open challenge to new White House Propaganda Czar: Let's talk Gunwalker.


The Obama administration has created and staffed a new position tucked inside their communications shop for helping coordinate rapid response to unfavorable stories and fostering and improving relations with the progressive online community," The Huffington Post's Sam Stein writes.


More . . .


Bob Parks                      Black & Right




Open Thread, Bonehead of the Day and other features add a sparkle to the day.


 More . . .


  And see this Video on YouTube..


Dr. Laura Schlessinger            Integrity  Why men are failing.


DL[ . .] Yes, I blame it on the women, and I am a woman. We are the ones who determine everything when it comes to relationships. A guy used to have to get down on one knee, convince your parents he was worthy and could support a family, had to court you for at least a year and a half, then maybe you'd say "yes" if you thought he'd make a quality husband and father. Now, women just drop their pants if it's Tuesday....or Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.


More . .


John M. Snyder   Second Amendment Guns needed in face of Lone Wolf terrorist threat.

gundean[ . . .] "Difficult to prevent indeed," said Snyder. "That's practically an admission that officials may be unable to prevent such a lone wolf attack. That's why an armed citizenry now is more needed than ever."

More . . .



Dennis Prager                         IntegrityWhen it comes to Doomsdays, the left shouldn't laugh at the religious.


dennis[ . . .] But the left should not laugh too loudly. The religious world has far fewer doomsday predictions than the left does. At least every few years, the secular-left frightens itself - and tries to frighten everyone else - about another doomsday scenario.


More . . .




The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

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Read more about the CPR Corollary.
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value available at Amazon.  

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

Questions for John?
Comments to John?