


  May 9th, 2011  


The modern family may be versed in health care, unemployment news, healthful foods, politics and auto mechanics, but how the home will meet, manage and even survive an encounter with violent crime is the most neglected area of household management.



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Even Safer Streets 2011 

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Virtual Book Tour.


May tour stops include the Oakland Gun Rights Examiner, Yih-Chau Chang and

Pastor Kenn Blanchard at Black Man With A Gun, Friday, May 13th.


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Privacy is in the news again. (How can you keep it a secret?)  


David Codrea is with us with a link to a great cartoon for all Americans who are puzzled as to our direction and speed.


But I have selected two articles from Codrea today. This is because we're not all about second amendment as much as we are  Liberty. David reports on a political hostility that is at the core of all gun control, and this is important to the entire nation. Please look at both of his articles today.


Bob Parks today, too.


News on the second Safer Streets Gun Owner Survey later this week.


Liberty in sovereignty,

John Longenecker  



John Longenecker        Safer Streets  As the second amendment - and Privacy - go, so goes the nation.   


METhe health of the second amendment is the primary indicator of the overall health of the nation. As a parameter of freedom, government and governed rapport and general respect for the Sovereign, officials can't say respect for law and order better than the repeal of gun laws. The best part is that we get to say whether it is respected enough. Is it? No, it is not respected enough.


Privacy also is an indicator of health of the nation, revealing either support for people or abuses of due process in undermining people. For a long time now, it has become weaponized for political puposes. I should say undermined for political purposes.  


Lately, I've seen quite a few articles on the subject of revealing who owns guns, one of those tasteless tactics of liberals under color of authority and safety. Fewer and fewer citizens are being fooled, and the insistence of officials in spite of objection reveals more of a hostility than a genuine concern for safety. It is not that these people get things backwards under good intentions; it is that vexing citizens is their intentions. Americans keep forgetting the name Saul Alinsky and the real purpose of leftism: a renewed permission to take revenge.


One of the neat things about states is that many do not register guns. This means that they do not need to know where the guns are after all. And that means that the idea of revealing who owns guns is far from a consensus (as if smothering rights is merely a matter of majority).  


Privacy as a functioning safeguard of the United States is in preventing mistake, abuse and retaliation. Cause or need or necessity has long been used as a bogus means of pushing rights out of the way to grow the State. Rights keep the size of the State small by one dynamic: independence of the citizen impeaches the need for many state policies and programs. Politically crushing independence of the citizen is essential by way of a crafted disiquilibrium, or the dislocation of the sovereign such that the officials prevail and citizen does not.


Privacy is one of the safeguards of equilibirum of the healthier relationship between our governments and the governed. By preventing mistake, abuse and retaliation, privacy prevents the looting of the nation under color of necessity. Like gun registration, destroying privacy doesn't do a thing but defy the Sovereign and destroy the healthier rapport of officials and citizens. There is such a thing, you know, as a healthy government of public service, only we get to define it: it cannot legally or morally define itself.


We won't see safer streets of a healthier equilibrium of self-rule as long as the people tolerate the excuses for pushing privacy and the second amendment out of the way.  


As the second amendment and privacy go, so goes the nation.


 David Codrea      Second Amendment


Chris Muir, who produces the popular webcomic Day by Day, features a "Project Gunwalker" storyline in today's strip.


More . . .





 David Codrea      Second Amendment Anti-gun Brady supporters promoting religious intolerance, ideolgical cleansing...



The group is the Brady Campaign, and just as the representation of its purpose as being "anti-violence" is a subjective editorial assessment on the part of the " authorized journalists" at the Trib, so too is it's rating system-if one assesses it objectively. And while no one would pretend that they are a disinterested party, the National Rifle Association offer a counter-argument to the Brady methodology that is documented and demonstrable:


More . . .



 Bob Parks                 Black & Right


See Bob Parks' news analysis daily at Black & Right.


More . . .  And see this Video on YouTube..





The CPR Corollary

is the identity of moral purpose and public interest of both the ubiquitous armed citizen and a CPR-trained citizenry. 


A must-have if you're talking to non-gun owner Americans.

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Read more about the CPR Corollary.
Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value available at Amazon.  

Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.

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Comments to John?