


  January 12th, 2011  


The modern family may be versed in health care, unemployment news, healthful foods, politics, and auto mechanics, but how the home will meet, manage and even survive an encounter with violent crime is the most neglected area of household management.




Are America's gun owners talking to non-gun owners about guns, or about your personal independence, safer streets and smaller government?



"Independence is defined by the Sovereign, not the servants. To reduce the size of government, then, the repeal of gun laws has to come first, or the incoming Congress will not have any real undserstanding in keeping its promise for smaller government."  - JL


Safer Streets 2010 is also available Publisher Direct.



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The word decency is becoming a very appropriate assessment for liberals who continue the practice of assassination by the character smear of Americans who want smaller government. I chose Judi McLeod's analysis this morning to remind us of the first casualty of most conflicts: truth. Thanks, Judi.


L. Brent Bozell has another analysis with us, along with Bob Parks, David Codrea and Michelle Malkin.


Thanks for being with me.

Liberty in sovereignty,

John Longenecker


John Longenecker       Safer Streets    Servants as spoiled brats is becoming tiresome.  


MEYou're not going to get closer to safer streets when public servants refuse to do their job and think their job is their idea of duty to the exclusion of the citizens.


 America's problem with her public servants is with these kinds of individuals -- not all of government -- who believe they do not take orders from us. Americans are not against 'government', we are against corruption and the assumption of powers not granted. We are tired - very tired - of being played for our tolerance and then regretting the patience we showed only to be abused repeatedly.  


Now, we are insulted and smeared for noticing and objecting. This abuse of the electorate does not come from 'government', but from individual officials who break the law or abandon their duty, or cut themselves in for some piece of the pie or no performance, or simply loaf and dodge work. It has gone by the name Potomac Fever, but it's really a national disgrace. What makes it a disgrace is that some officials are spoiled brats. 


Any indignation of the electorate is shaped by misshaped officials to retaliate and vex the people by characterizing reasonable supervision over our officials as hatred of government. Don't flatter yourself; you're only servants. The truth is that they want to do something other than what they were hired to do, and got caught.


For all of the criticism of their self-indulgence, they have earned every single ounce of the public's disrespect, admonishment and perhaps even firing.


The best part is that you can be sure of one thing, and that is that when such loons are recalled, impeached, unseated, or otherwise disciplined, it will be by due process.  


That, of course, would not be Hate: it would be disappointment.



David Codrea   Second Amendment  Restricting freedom after Tucson shooting will galvanize gun owners.  



Proposals by lawmakers following the shooting of a Congresswoman in Tucson reveal a broad legislative intent to clamp down on personal liberties and ratchet up on state controls. Foremost in these efforts are self-styled "progressives," who, in true Orwellian style, have advocated stepping up the freedom regression on several fronts.


More . . .


 Bob Parks        Black & Right


See Bob Parks' analysis daily at Black & Right.


More . . .





Judi McLeod                     Sovereignty Truth escapes Dems' ready made coffin.



Democrats are learning the hard way that Rahm Emanuel's famous pronouncement,  "Never let a crisis go to waste" does not include getting away with blaming the mass murder of a deranged killer on the Tea Party and Talk Radio.


It will not be tolerated by the masses who recognize straight off that there is no decency in exploiting the deaths of six innocents and the wounding of 14 others, including a representative of the US House of Congress. More . . .


L. Brent Bozell                 Sovereignty  Liberal sickos exploit a rampage.  



Nobody in America should greet this scene with any other initial reaction than horror. Six people were killed, including Roll, several retirees and a 9-year-old girl. More than a dozen others were seriously injured in the carnage. Giffords was shot in the head and remains in critical condition. Sadly, shamefully, within just minutes, a nasty political spin was kicking in without any brake for decency or evidence. Conservatives were to blame.


More . . .


Michelle Malkin                 Sovereignty  The worst Sheriff in America.


MALKINThere are many heroes who showed indomitable courage and grace under fire during this weekend's horrific Tucson massacre. Blowhard Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was not one of them.


If the White House has any sense, President Obama will stay far away from the demagogic Dupnik and his media entourage when he visits Arizona on Wednesday to memorialize the victims. Indeed, if the White House is truly committed to unifying the country, it will explicitly disavow Dupnik's vulture-like exploitation of the shooting rampage.


More . . .


Plain talk columnist Gerard Valentino launches his first book...
Tenth Amendment Center's Enumerated Powers article is especially sharp at clarifying the nature of the relationship between the government and the governed. It's a must-read for any Good WIll Ambassador for our Bill Of Rights. See it here.
Go to John's web page . . www.GoodForTheCountry.com 
May you see your grandchildren playing in Freedom. 

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