August 11th, 2010    

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.

                          Justice Robert H. Jackson 
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David Codrea sounds a sentiment a lot are experiencing about the NRA.
J.D. Foster of the Heritage Foundation makes a good case for Republicans to locate their spine as much as their voice.
Every article in our liberty lineup here is made possible by special arrangment. FOXNewsRadio joins our liberty lineup, and we'll be selecting, with thanks to them, from among their very best liberty audio items. Welcome aboard.
L Brent Bozell has some recommended reading.
Thank you very much for joining me.
Love of Liberty,
John Longenecker
John Longenecker    Safer Streets
Where have all the cowboys gone? 
The current crop of congress candidates seems to prefer courtesy over candor, and patience over clarity in stumping. They're too busy being ladies and gentlement to articulate anything better than the most abstract, general liberty concepts.  I think those smaller wastelines are from the Democrats' eating the Republicans' lunch and stealing their milk money.
Every interview is a chance to speak to the electorate, and we haven't heard a great many Republicans really articulating the liberty views we need to hear. Candidates need to have guts and put a higher priority on understanding our liberty values over looking courteous - and weak - with interviewers. Courtesy is a not a value the voter will remember when they pull the handle; only courage and liberty values this year.
We need wranglers who can take the bull by the horns and not let mistaken notions about the issues nor the candidate take hold, nor allow themselves to be played for their courtesy over clarity in order to waste their air time and dilute their message.
Where have all the cowboys gone? After all, it's the left who likes to put a boot on the throats of people.  
Republicans a have a long way to go before they'll earn the vote. Opposing the left may not be enough; they'll need to announce that they will repeal a lot of leftist content, and we haven't really heard this from them. What worries me is that they still don't get it, for if they did get it, they would have announced this early on.
If Republicans think they'll mount a sneak attack by keeping plans under wraps until elected, it might backfire: they might not get elected if they don't state a resonance of our values boldly. Too much of that "We have to work with these guys" mentality on Capitol Hill. They call it bi-partisanship; we call it selling out.
We have only a handful of cowboys and cowgirls running for office, and it could very well be that the Republicans lose to the independents, the libertarians and conservatives as much as to the democrats. The idea isn't to get along with colleagues as if there is something the constituents will not understand, but to do the job the way we understand it. This means smaller government with one goal: our greater independence from the very people in office, including Republicans. 
We need a real roundup, since some of these officials are treating our independence as if this is going to be their first rodeo.
David Codrea       Second Amendment
NRA lets down TX (and all) gun owners with Chet Edwards endorsement
"Texas Rep. Chet Edwards is the latest endangered Democrat to win a critical conservative credential: an endorsement from the National Rifle Association," Politico's Kasie Hunt informs us. [..] So what's the problem?  More . . .
The Heritage Foundation Sovereignty 
What Boehner should have told Gregory,
by J.D. Foster

HeritageThe mainstream media is having a field day with House Minority Leader John Boehner's (R-OH) less-than-stellar handling of a simple When did you stop beating your wife question posed by NBC's David Gregory on Sunday's Meet the Press.

Gregory repeatedly badgered Boehner about how he could square the Republicans' newfound concern over the budget deficit with an unwillingness to pay for "tax cuts," at one point asking, "How can you be for cutting the deficit and also cutting taxes, as well, when they're not paid for?"  More . . ________________________________________________________

FOXNewsRadio         Liberty

A story in a men's magazine has Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul fighting mad. Fox News Radio's Jane Metzler reports. ______________________________________________________

L. Brent Bozell        Sovereignty
America On The Brink 
BOZELLTerence P. Jeffrey has written a new book. It is required reading for any conservative worried about, but perhaps not understanding, exactly what the Obama regime is trying to do to America. That demographic includes every conservative who hasn't yet read Jeffrey's new book.
 More . . . 
Go to John Longenecker's web page . . . 
May you see your grandchildren playing in Freedom. 