Training e-Newsletter
August 2011


Check out the Out & Equal blog 


Join us for these great upcoming learning opportunities:


Town Calls


August 25 - A View from the Top: LGBT Executives

September 29 - Business of Change Update Report

October 20 - Topic TBA

November 17 - Transgender Workplace Issues

December 15 - Health & World AIDs Day Issues

Classroom Trainings/Events


August 25 - Dr. David Hall   Ally Empowerment Tour      Los Angeles, CA   

September 13 - Train the Trainer, Tampa Bay RA hosted by Raymond James 

September 14 - Building Bridges toward LGBT Diversity, Tampa Bay RA hosted by Raymond James

Oct 25-28 - Out & Equal Workplace Summit, Dallas, TX Day long leadership seminars on Oct 28th.   

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Online Training

*All courses will be recorded and available on demand after the class date   

  Taking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality from theory to reality!
Sept 7 & 14 - 2 part series at 1:00pm Pacific
with Brian McNaught


Trainer's Forum

Monthly Trainers' Forum 

August 26 at 10am (Pacific) 

Moderated by

Pat Baillie

 Trainer's Forum Archives     

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Monthly Insights
Thoughts from
Pat Baillie, Associate Director of Training & Professional Development

I just had an interesting experience while I was at the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) National Conference. I was presenting on the Women's Business Initiative panel, and came in for the last two days of the conference. I had been on vacation with my partner, Sharrin, so we added a stop in Las Vegas on the way home to do the panel. As we talked to various attendees afterwards, several people came up to me and said they had met my wife. I was quick to say, "Sharrin is not my wife, she's my partner." I actually had someone say to me "oh, that's a safe word."    

I am in support of marriage as one of a myriad of options for our families of choice in the LGBT community, but it is not for everyone! It hit me that as more states adopt marriage equality, and as we hopefully will soon see the end of DOMA, the new "standard" in the community may become the heteronormative view of husband/husband or wife/wife.

Something I work for every day is the freedom for the LGBT community to name and claim their own identities and relationships. I think, just as we have learned to check with others on what pronouns they prefer to be called, we are going to have to add relationship nomenclature to our list of questions as we discover more about each other. I will definitely be there celebrating when DOMA is dead, with my partner, congratulating all those newly married couples as we add one more page of diversity to the history books. 



Pat Baillie

August Town Call

A View from the Top: LGBT Executives 

Join this call as we hear from senior LGBT executives on how they made it to the top and what they learned about bringing their whole selves to the workplace.

Read more about this month's FREE Town Call here.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Noon Pacific | 1 pm Mountain | 2 pm Central | 3 pm Eastern
One hour in length        

Register here.  


Featured Online Training  

Sept 7 - Taking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality from theory to reality!  (Part I) | 1 pm (PT)

Sept 14 - Taking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality from theory to reality! (Part II) | 1 pm (PT) 


 Register now 


*This course will be recorded and available on demand after the class date     

Out & Equal University webinars sponsored by: 

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Classroom Trainings   

Brought to You by Out & Equal Tampa Bay 


Sept. 13 - Train the Trainer - Registration now open!
Hosted by Raymond James   

Train the Trainer for LGBT Diversity Leadership is a Trainer certification course that is designed to break down barriers and fosters communication between all employees.  


Sept. 14 - Building Bridges - Registration now open!
Hosted by Raymond James

The course is designed to help employers get the most from all employees, LGBT and non-LGBT.  This training fosters increased awareness to develop a healthier and safer workplace where all employees are engaged in the mission of the organization, increasing the level of comfort for all and improving communication between LGBT and straight employees and the customers they serve.



Workplace Summit Leadership Seminars  

Join us on Friday, October 28, for the following Leadership Seminars at the 2011 Workplace Summit in Dallas, Texas. 

  • Cultural Competency/Humility for Leaders
  • Developing a Strong LGBT Ally Program
  • ERGs Working towards Success Across Affinities
  • LGBT Diversity Leadership Train the Trainer Course
  • Implementing Transgender Inclusion: Comprehensive Programming to Ensure Workplace Equality
  • Inclusion At All Levels - From the Board Room to the Stock Room


 Register now   

Out and About

Out & Equal at Conferences and Summits  

Oct 13 - OutServe Conference in Las Vegas 
Out & Equal will be attending


Oct 24 - Linkage Diversity Summit in Washington DC
Out & Equal's Pat Baillie will be presenting


Out & Equal Workplace Advocates™ is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Out & Equal is committed to ending employment discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees. We believe that people should be judged by the work they do, not by their sexual orientation or gender identity. Every day, we work to protect and empower employees to be productive and successful-so they can support themselves, their families, and contribute to achieving a world free of discrimination for everyone.