Self Esteem Enhancement Courses and Summer Special on Coaching Packages Coming in June!
Upcoming Events
Self Esteem Enhancement
Life Coaching

In this issue you will find opportunities to enhance your personal development. 
Attend a valuable FREE preview of the upcoming Self Esteem Enhancement (SEE) Course on May 19, and learn a technique that will assist you in raising your self esteem at any time, whether or not you choose to enroll in one of the courses. 
Make this summer count!  Find out how you can unlock your true potential and achieve your goals when working with a certified personal coach.  Special summer discounts are available until August 31.
The Power of Self Esteem
 5-Week Course
Mondays in June, 2009
June 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
4 - 7 p.m. in our Galveston Office
2-Day Course
Saturday and Sunday
June 27 & 28, 2009
9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. each day 
 in Friendswood, Texas
Cost: $225.00
(includes $65 registration deposit, all course materials and a set of audio CD's) 
For more information on the course, call 409-744-1900 or
click here
Self Esteem Enhancement 
FREE Preview Session 
Tuesday, May 19
6 - 8 p.m.

Have you ever noticed that your self esteem seems to rise and fall, depending on certain areas of your life?  What if you could learn some techniques that will help you literally enhance what you're thinking and how you're feeling about yourself at any given moment? 

Register to attend a FREE Preview session on Tuesday, May 19, from 6-8 p.m. to learn a technique to teach you about raising your self esteem at will.
Whether or not you enroll in one of the courses, the technique will be a valuable "tool" that you can add to your "toolkit" to use at any time.
Call or click here to register for the free preview.
Next Steps:
  • E-mail us to receive a course registration form.
  • If you cannot attend the preview session and you know you want to enroll in one of the courses, return the completed registration form and check ($65.00 made payable to Kairos Foundation) to our office.
  • The course registration fee will not be deposited until the course actually begins.
Summer Special on 
Life Coaching
Do you ever find yourself wondering how to get from here (where you are) to there (where you wanna be)?

Jump for Joy

  • I keep saying I want (fill in the blank), but it never happens for me.  Something is blocking me from getting there.  If only I could break through what's in my way, I could be on my way. 
  • I wish somebody would just listen to me and give my some straight feedback without telling me what to do.
  • How can I achieve the next level of (fill in the blank)?
Consider working with a coach to clarify what you want or to break through what gets in your way so you can achieve the results you say you want to achieve.  Dedicate six sessions of undivided attention to yourself with Janet, who is certified by More to Life to do just that.  Click here for more information on her coaching style.  
Save 30%
Purchase your 6-Session Coaching Package for $500.00 and save more than 30% off the single-session price!
Sessions are available in Galveston, by telephone or by Skype.  And if you're the type of person who usually puts others before yourself, this could be the prime time to try something different in a safe, supportive, atmosphere.
Empower yourself!!! Contact us today to see how coaching can benefit you.    
Offer Expires: August 31, 2009
JCC Triangle LogoJanet Cohen Consulting, LLC
6511 Stewart Road, Suite 4-C
Galveston, Texas 77551