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Dear Teachers,
This week I thought I'd share a testimonial we recently received from one of our new sellers whose pen name on TpT is Litteacher. It's a good reminder of how sharing on TpT can, as she says, 'fire up your teaching engines', and also how TpT is a great place to safely store all your digitized lesson materials (while they earn you money!).
"TpT ROCKS!! I love this site--it has renewed my enthusiasm for creating cool lessons! Over the years I've lost many great lessons via computer failure or loss of files, so I became pretty lazy about re-creating my lessons. I have hard copies of everything, so off to the copy machine I would go. But joining TpT has fired up my creative engine--with all the creative people on this site, it's a must! Thanks TpT--Thanks for the positive peer motivation on the Seller's Forum, and thanks for making me want to work harder at a profession I already love. Sincerely, Litteacher"
If interested, you can find out more about selling on TpT here. Join Litteacher and thousands of other teachers in our vibrant and invigorating teacher2teacher exchange!
Teach and be well,
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Amy McCullen aka Science Stuff
Biology I, Chemistry, AP Biology
High School
"I have been both a science teacher and science supervisor during my 27 year teaching career.
My greater levels of competence and experience lie in the areas of Biology, Advanced Placement
Biology, and Chemistry. While I certainly understand the need to offer assignments that are both
entertaining and engaging, at the end of the day, I hope to cover all the material in a logical and factually
driven manner. My goal is to not only teach GOOD science, but to teach kids to LOVE science."
Four Great Products by Amy McCullen!
Lab: Acids, Bases, and Cells
Biochemistry Powerpoint
Significant Digits Powerpoint
Biology Unit on CD: Cell Structure and Function
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Following up on the note above, TpT is like a digital warehouse in the cloud for your lesson plans and other materials. You can upload an unlimited number of files and access them anytime from anywhere. All you need is a free seller's account and your materials are forever safe with us. |
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Those seeking Veteran's Day materials can browse our selection here. |
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For interesting and diverse perspectives on education and ed reform, the Huffington Post has a new section devoted to the topic. Check it out if interested, and enjoy the 10 free downloads below! |
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