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November 2010

Inspired Path® Inc. E-Newsletter
(425) 785-5389 

Photo of Nola Drazdoff

Nola Drazdoff
In This Issue
Welcome to November
Inspiration for the Path
The Crooked Path
Useful Links
Join Our Mailing List 

Inspired Path Dragon Fly Image

Welcome to November!
One of the most powerful spiritual practices available to us is the practice of taking note of what is good and right about our lives. It is all too easy to become focused on what is wrong, and what hurts, and totally ignore everything that is there for us. It's called taking things for granted and it dilutes the sweetness of life.

In this month, when we roast the turkey, and gather with friends and loved ones, we are provided with a reminder that in every life there is abundance in one form or another. We just need to look for it and acknowledge it. What we focus on grows stronger! Focus on what you are happy with and enjoy about your current life and you'll get more of it!

Let's use this month of "Thanksgiving" to take stock of what we have in our lives that we can be truly thankful for. Instead of focusing on what we've lost, let's look at what is right in front of us just waiting to be enjoyed.

Let the thankfulness begin!

~ Inspiration for the Path ~


"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
~  Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Hide not your talents, they for use were made.
What's a sun-dial in the shade?"
~ Benjamin Franklin 
"When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard',
I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'"
~ Sydney J. Harris

The Crooked Path
One step forward and a couple to the side

We've all heard the saying that "the fastest route between two points is a straight line." The truth is, that rarely in life do we ever travel a completely straight line when we are on our way somewhere, be it a destination, or a goal. There are many detours along the way, and we frequently feel like we are sliding sideways when we are on the way to a new place in our lives.

The program that I use to produce this newsletter recently released a new version of its 'email editor.' It is 'supposed' to make everything easier. The unfortunate reality is that it is full of bugs! What used to be simple, in the old system, is now completely unpredictable and often produces unexpected and erroneous results.

The old editor had many problems and it was not easy to use. I must admit, that I was excited for the new version. I believed my life would get better instantly. Ha!

The truth is, that things have gotten worse. Much worse! It takes 5 times as long to do my work. Stuff disappears without warning. Things are moved around within my emails unexpectedly. It's WORSE, not BETTER.

And yet, I know we are on our way somewhere. I know that eventually, they will fix all these bugs, and the product improvements will outweigh the pain I went through to get there.

While I wish they had tested this software better before releasing it on all of us users, I see the beauty in the analogy that this provides for life itself.

What the software designer is telling us users, is that we need to 'recreate' all our emails. That might sound easy, but when you have a ton of 'templates' that you've created and use regularly, it is a HUGE requirement. When you create new emails from 'scratch' the editor works better... much better. When you try to copy and update old emails (that were created with the old editor) life becomes a living hell. Hmmmm... didn't Jesus say something about the futility of trying to put new wine into old wine skins?

Although I'm annoyed at this 'change' I think the metaphor is powerful. Stop trying to make your new life fit into your old ways of doing things. It ain't gonna work!

Change is messy. Leaving behind the old, uncomfortable and irritating editor sounded really appealing, and in truth... it is necessary. The old editor had too many limitations and problems. It couldn't do the job. It was time for a change.
The process of getting to a better situation is going to take some time, a little bit of effort and yes, some frustration. There are adjustments to be made, new methods to learn, and some definite kinks to be worked out before the sailing is smooth.

Life calls us to the same process. Instant results are not the norm. Time, patience, continued effort and faith are the qualities that will get us to our destination. No magic bullet exists - for any situation that we face. It's about putting one foot in front of the other!

Inspirational Song

Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.

This is a song that takes me back to my high school days. I recently rediscovered it and it reminded me that my love for 'feel good' and inspirational songs goes all the way back to my youth!

This song is an upbeat little ditty about being down on one's luck, feeling 'picked on by life' and suddenly experiencing a turn around. This can happen to any of us!

Let this song perk up your mood!

Here is an excerpt from the song lyrics:

One day I was on the ground
When I needed a hand
And it couldn't be found
I was so far down
That I couldn't get up
You know and
One day I was one of life's losers
Even my friends were my accusers
And in my head
Lost before I'd begun

I had a dream
But it turned to dust
What I thought was love
That must have been lust
I was living in style
When the walls fell in
When I played my hand
I looked like a joker
Turn around
Fate must have woke her
'Cause lady luck she was
Waiting outside the door
Listen to the song here on YouTube:

"Winning" by Santana

Nola's Movie Pick


Always DVD Cover

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us embedded within the stories they tell.

Always is a touching story of love, loss and the magical power of "inspiration." In this enchanting story, Pete is a daring fire fighting pilot who's talent and skill are admired by everyone who knows him. His girlfriend, Dorinda, lives with a constant fear that Pete's heroic and sometimes cavalier flying will be his undoing.


Unfortunately, her fears are realized, and Pete dies in his plane, while fighting a fire, after bravely saving his best friend's life.


What follows is a wonderful perspective on the meaning and source of the inspiration that is available to us all. After his death, Pete is guided into his 'after-life' by a beautiful Spirit named Hap. He learns that inspiration comes to each of us from those who have gone before us and blazed the trails that we travel in this life. When a person passes out of life on this earth, they have the opportunity to give back to those still living by being the source behind the magical force of inspiration.


It's an oldie, but a goodie! You will be inspired by this uplifting and delightful movie!


Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on this thing called life.
I invite you to check it out:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Funky Turkey

Nola Drazdoff
Inspired Path, Inc.