October 2010
Inspired Path® Inc. E-Newsletter
(425) 785-5389     www.inspiredpath.com    noladr@inspiredpath.com 

Photo of Nola Drazdoff

Nola Drazdoff
In This Issue
Welcome to October
Inspiration for the Path
Growing Pains
Inspirational Song
Nola's Movie Pick
Useful Links
Join Our Mailing List 

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Welcome to October!
Something is different. It's all around us. The weather patterns are shifting. The days are shorter. There is less daylight, and more darkness each day. The season of summer has ended.

When the fall comes, it's a time of major transition. Transition requires attention and energy. It's as though we are being invited inside ourselves, out of the bright summer days into a deeper, inner process of change and growth.
The leaves on the trees are turning color and are letting go of all they've ever known: life on the tree. Their cycle is completing, and it's time to let go and make way for the new growth that will come in the spring. We could all take a lesson from the graceful release of the trees!

As nature reminds us of the beauty present in transition, may we all embrace the natural unfolding of life! Life is change. When we stop growing and changing, life really has ended. Let's not let our lives end before our hearts stop beating!

Life is a gift. Live it!

~ Inspiration for the Path ~

"When you are through changing, you are through."
~Bruce Barton

"The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions."  ~Ellen Glasgow
"Oh, would that my mind could let fall its dead ideas, as the tree does its withered leaves!"  ~Andre Gide

Growing Pains

The pinching sensations of change

I was recently listening to some inspirational talks on CD and came across a fantastic quote by Mike Wickett,

"The only person that welcomes change is a wet baby!"

Why is it that we are so resistant to change? Impermanence is one of the facts of life. Everything changes. Everything eventually ends. It's a fact. Why do we resist it so?

Change and transformation require energy. It takes a lot out of us to reinvent ourselves and our lives. Moving through transition and transformation is not easy. Yet, life is change. If we resist change, we resist the essence of life.

Yet, we all do it. Resist change, that is. Inertia is a powerful force. Change is uncomfortable. Remaining the same... takes less energy. Even when the status quo is uncomfortable, we sometimes choose that over enthusiastically embracing the process of change. 

If I had one wish for myself and the rest of the human race, it would be that we could face change with grace, courage and optimism. We can't actually avoid it, so we might as well find a way to be with it in a powerful and positive way.

Inspirational Song

Hold On
Wilson Phillips
Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.

This is a great song about the power that we have to alter our perspectives, our minds and therefore, our lives.
Back when I had a stressful job that was extremely difficult for me, I used to listen to this song in my office every Friday afternoon. It was my way of building my courage to leave that job and move into a more fulfilling future for myself.  
Music as therapy!
Here are some excerpts from the song lyrics:

I know this pain
Why do lock yourself up in these chains?
No one can change your life except for you
Don't ever let anyone step all over you
Just open your heart and your mind
Is it really fair to feel this way inside?

You could sustain
Or are you comfortable with the pain?
You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness
You got yourself into your own mess
Let your worries pass you by
Don't you think it's worth your time
To change your mind?

I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free from the chains

Listen to the song here on Youtube: 

Nola's Movie Pick

Last Holiday

 Secret Life of Bees DVD Cover

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us, embedded within the stories they tell.


Last Holiday is the story of mild mannered, Georgia Bird. Ms. Bird lives a reserved, sedate life, works as a store clerk, cooks gourmet food she never eats and basically leaves the 'full on living of life' to other people. Georgia plays it safe because of her fear.


Suddenly, she is told that she has 3 weeks to live and she sets out to fulfill some of her dreams. In the process of letting go of her fears and inhibitions, she discovers how life is meant to be lived.

Georgia is a great example to us all. Life is short. We can squander our time, or we can revel in it!

Link to trailer about "Last Holiday" 

Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on this thing called life.
I invite you to check it out:

Change it up!
Nola Drazdoff
Inspired Path, Inc.