Welcome to August!
Summer time! Ah, long sunny days... BBQs... playing in the water... ice cream and fresh fruit. There are so many great things about summer! I have many memories of my summers on the farm where I grew up. Even as kids, we worked hard every day, but were rewarded with a much deserved swim in the river after we were done. Hard work and hard play. It was a good life. I can still smell the tomatoes and cucumbers picked right off the vine, and taste the cherries and blackberries that never made it into my bucket! Summer is a special time for kids, but I personally still feel its magic. Summer is a great opportunity to eat fresh, locally grown produce and treat our bodies to the bounty of the season. Recapture the magic of summer! Eat a popsicle. Play in a sprinkler. Roll down a hill of grass - when was the last time you did that? I did it just the other day at a vacant house in my neighborhood! No one was around... and I giggled all the way down the hill! Feel yourself come alive in the vibrance of summer's embrace!
Listen To:
"Living in True Liberty"
On July 4th, 2010, I gave a talk at Celebration Church in Wilsonville Oregon. No matter what is going on in your life or the world around you, freedom and liberty can be yours! How is that possible, you ask? Listen to this talk and learn some powerful keys to help you claim and experience your absolute birthright - to live in full freedom and true liberty! Listen to "Living in True Liberty" and other talks I've given at the Inspired Path Audio Archive. |
~ Inspiration for the Path ~
"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." ~ Aesop, Greek fabulist "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." ~ Elbert Hubbard "It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is." ~ Hermann Hesse
Purge, Purge, Purge
Let Go of the Old and Make Way for the New
I have a new project underway this month. I am going through all of my bathroom closets, cupboards and medicine cabinets and throwing away old bath/body products and expired medicines. I'm embarrassed at how much of this stuff I actually have!
It has been years, and I mean years, since I've tackled this project. I am encountering ancient artifacts in this process.
I've had to be ruthless in my efforts. Things fall in to several categories: expired, no longer products I am interested in/willing to use, things I don't like, and things that are quite literally rotten/rancid!
I have thrown away bags and bags full of stuff. I've given away quite a few things as well. With each step I have reminded myself that these products, piled up and wasting away are representative of some of the corners of my mind.
Some of these products are expired. They are literally not safe to use anymore. Why would I keep something around if it wasn't safe for me to use? Likewise in my life, when something is potentially hazardous to me - be it a relationship or a habit, why would I keep it around?
Some of the things I'm finding are products that I once loved and used regularly. Now, however, either my tastes have changed, or a product no longer works for me the way it used to. I've changed to something I like better, but have been unwilling to toss things that are still 'good.' Likewise in my life, there are relationships and things that once were really wonderful in my life. Now, their time has passed. They are still good and valuable. Someone else would love to have them. It is time to release those things so that they can be better matched to other people who would enjoy and appreciate them.
Finally, there are literally things that have been there so long that they have spoiled. I was actually shocked at how many things had a horrible odor when I opened them. Still other products that once were liquid had solidified. No one would want or use these items. They had stayed on long past their useful life. Those went straight into the trash. Likewise in my life, there are relationships and experiences that have been around far too long. They are no longer sweet smelling and pleasant. It's time to let go. It's also good to remember in the future that I can let go of things earlier, and maybe someone else can enjoy them!!
It's a powerful process to clean house! I encourage you to give it a try! Next up for me is to weed out my vast shoe collection. You'll hear about that when I get to it - because it won't be an easy task for me!
Purge the old - create space for the new! |
Inspirational Song What a Feeling
Irene Cara
Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.
This is the theme song for this month's movie, Flashdance. I remember hearing this song on the radio as I was driving away from my last day working for a large software company. I was making a major change in my life, returning to graduate school to study psychology.
Hearing this song sincerely buoyed my courage and conviction in the face of the enormous decision I had made and was executing.
You can't help but be inspired by this song!
Here is an excerpt from the song lyrics:
First when there's nothing but a slow blowing dream that your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind. All alone I have cried silent tears full of pride in a world made of steel, made of stone.
Well, I hear the music, close my eyes, feel the rhythm, wrap around, take a hold of my heart.
What a feeling. Bein's believin'. I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life.
Take your passion and make it happen. Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.
Listen to the song here on Youtube:
Nola's Movie Pick

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us, embedded within the stories they tell.
Flashdance is a classic movie from the 1980s about a young woman, Alex, with a seemingly impossible dream to become a ballerina. She works as a welder by day and an exotic dancer by night. Alex seems to be trapped, by her fear, in a life that is 'ok' but is far from her dreams.
Flashdance came out when I was in college and was eventually released on video. I remember sitting with a group of friends watching it one night, when one of the male friends said, gazing approvingly at Alex (played by Jennifer Beals), "Now that's what a woman's thighs should look like." Every woman in the room threw something at him, including me!
While I don't advocate this movie as a realistic depiction of women's bodies, there is fun dancing and a lot of beauty to be celebrated. The main message rings through loud and clear: follow your dreams and never allow your fear to stop you. It is still one of the best 'feel good' movies of all time!
Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on this thing called life. I invite you to check it out: www.inspiredpath.blogspot.com |
Enjoy the dog days of summer! |
Nola Drazdoff
Inspired Path, Inc. |