March 2010
Inspired Path® Inc. E-Newsletter
(425) 785-5389 

Photo of Nola Drazdoff

Nola Drazdoff
In This Issue
Welcome to March
Inspiration for the Path
Teachers All Around Us
Inspirational Song
Nola's Movie Pick
Useful Links
Join Our Mailing List 

Inspired Path Dragon Fly Image

Welcome to March!
We've turned a seasonal corner! Each day, we have a little more daylight. It's amazing that even this subtle change, a few extra minutes of light, can bring an increased sense of hope to the heart.

I've spent the winter doing 'indoor' projects and now, as the days get a little longer, and we're having nice weather once in a while, I'm starting to shift focus to some outdoor projects. Transitions intrigue me.

One of the great skills in life is how to appreciate where we find ourselves at any given point in time and then allow changes to happen when necessary. Contentment comes from allowing life to flow and unfold, rather than clinging and resisting the natural processes of change that comprise the human experience.

As the season (and your life) continues to shift and change, I wish you a deeper embrace of 'transition.' Welcome and allow the transitions that come your way.

~ Inspiration for the Path ~

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
~ Joshua Marine

"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."
~ Evan Esar 
"No man is free who is not master of himself."
       ~ Epictetus

Teachers All Around Us

Valuing Those Who Move Through Our Lives

March is a special month for me. On March 4th, I mark the passing of a great man, and one of my primary spiritual teachers, Jack Boland. Although he passed away in 1992, I feel the impact of his life, on my own, each and every day.

Rev. Jack Boland: 
Jack Boland Image
We are all influenced by many people who pass through our lives. Some closely, some from a distance. Some people touch us with love and goodness like Jack touched me.

Others move through our lives causing pain and despair. (I won't include pictures of all those people from my life!) The truth is that all of them teach us whether they bring us joy or pain.

It's important to recognize and realize this. We don't get to choose all the teachers who will pass through our life.

Jack Boland taught that all our life experiences are opportunities for spiritual growth and development. Absolutely everything that happens to us, especially the tough stuff, is a chance to strengthen our spiritual muscles.

Part of that learning will come from other people. I've had many people pass through my life in blazes of chaos and pain. People I loved and trusted who abused my trust, and sometimes my generosity, only to turn their backs on me or betray me in some way. Those lessons are never easy. It hurts to have people treat you with disregard or disrespect. Yet each of these situations have taught me great lessons about myself and afforded me a chance to learn some powerful spiritual lessons. For example, I continue to learn about setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries. I have had to learn to really 'walk the talk' when it comes to not seeking revenge and treating other people badly, even when they have treated me that way.

It feels unfair when we've treated someone well and they basically spit in our face. It feels so 'right' to be angry and to want to lash back at them. That, however, doesn't hurt them. It only hurts us. When this happens, we have to look at what is ours to learn from these situations, and realize that 'hurt people... hurt people.'  We have a right to walk away. We have a right to not tolerate abuse. What we don't have a (spiritual) right to do, however, is to stoop to their level. Every spiritual tradition on the planet teaches us to rise above those very human impulses and act with more dignity and honor. We are the better for it when we are able to do this.

It's about developing spiritual maturity. Thankfully, I have had the benefit of magnificent teachers, like Jack Boland, to show me the way to cultivate and expand my consciousness! It sure helps in dealing with those... other types of teachers!

Recognize all the teachers in your life, even the ones who have come in a difficult and prickly package. 

Inspirational Song

Written by Ken Medema
Performed by Amy Frank

Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.

Amy Frank contacted me last year to tell me about a song she recorded that she thought might be meaningful to me. It is called, "Dragonfly" and it was written by Ken Medema. Amy recorded the song. She was right! I absolutely love this song. Amy's voice is amazing, and the words of this song speak clearly to any of us who have a special relationship to the dragonfly.
Jack Boland used to tell as story about waterbugs and dragonflies that provides a beautiful and powerful metaphor for human death. The dragonfly has always reminded me of Jack Boland, and I have come to believe that dragonflies often appear to me as messengers from loved ones who have made the transition we call death. I selected the dragonfly as the symbol for my Inspired Path logo.
On a hike in California over this past new year's holiday, I encountered this amazing dragonfly. He hung out with my hiking partner and I for about 30 minutes. We had quite an encounter with him.  
 Dragonfly Photo
I encourage you to visit Amy's website and buy her Dragonfly CD. You can listen to the song on her site. You will not be disappointed!
Here is an excerpt from the song lyrics:

Dragon fly, sitting on my shoulder
Here for just a little while
Then you will be gone
Dragon fly, reminding us of one we've loved
With us for the briefest time
Then called to travel on.
Lovely one, sister friend and blessing,
Thriving in the morning sun
Relishing each day
Lovely one, child of God and gift of grace,
Yesterday you walked with us
Now you've gone away.
All at once we know she's near us
Come to comfort us and cheer us
It's a gentle sweet hello beyond goodbye
Now a holy hush surrounds us
For this gift of love has found us
And we see her gentle face in memory's eye
She is here and you're a sign, little dragon fly
You can listen to the song on Amy's website by clicking "SONGS" on the site/link below: 

"Dragonfly" by Ken Medema & Amy Frank

Nola's Movie Pick

Akeelah and the Bee

 Akeelah and the Bee DVD Cover

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us, embedded within the stories they tell.


Akeelah and the Bee is a great story about a bright, shy teenager who is struggling with the loss of her father and a less-than-ideal environment to grow up in. Although she struggles to fit in and has little motivation to try very hard in school, she has an interest and a passion for words - something she shared with her late father.


Her principal discovers that she has a knack for spelling and involves Akeelah in the world of spelling bees. She is paired up with a spelling coach, Dr. Larabee, a retired UCLA professor who is lost in his own suffering and grief after his young daughter's death.

Akeelah must overcome many obstacles in the pursuit of her goal to get tot he Scripps National Spelling Bee. Both Akeelah and Dr. Larabee must also come face to face with their deepest fears and insecurities as they move Akeelah forward in the progression of spelling bees. Dr. Larabee becomes a mentor, coach and steadying influence in Akeelah's young life.


This is a beautiful, inspiring movie about finding one's way in the complexity and challenges of life.


This is a fantastic movie to watch with the kids!

Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on this thing called life.

Here's what one reader recently shared with me:

"Nola, just a note to let you know how much I've been enjoying your blog each day! I love and relate to so many of them!

Your writings give me something special to read and consider each day, and I make it a point to start out with that before I hit the daily job search.

I find the stories and lessons stay with me, long after I've read them. Thank you for what you do!"
I invite you to check it out:
Enjoy the times of transition in the season... and in your life

Appreciate all those who have come into your life - the difficult people as well as the marvelously inspirational ones. They are all our teachers!

March Forth!
Nola Drazdoff
Inspired Path, Inc.