February 2010
Inspired Path® Inc. E-Newsletter
(425) 785-5389     www.inspiredpath.com    noladr@inspiredpath.com 

Photo of Nola Drazdoff

Nola Drazdoff
In This Issue
Welcome to February
Hear Nola Speak
New Product Release
Inspiration for the Path
Gaining Perspective
Inspirational Song
Nola's Movie Pick
Useful Links
Join Our Mailing List 

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Welcome to February!
The dark days of winter are upon us in Seattle. Everything seems to be asleep. The trees... the grass... the flowers... everything is at rest.

The days are long, and often dark. It's the time of inner processes and inner work.

As you strive in the outer world, remember to tend to the needs of the inner realm.

This is the time of year to honor the inner!
Facing Fear... Finding Freedom
Yesterday, I spoke at Celebration Church in Oregon.

My message was entitled "Facing Fear... Finding Freedom."

In this talk I explored the universal human experience of fear, what it is, how it gets in our way, and what to do about it!

You don't have to let fear stop you from enjoying your life and achieving your dreams! Listen to this talk and learn some powerful tips for how to face and conquer your fear.

You can listen to this talk, and others I've given in my audio archives at the link below:

Nola's Audio Archive @ www.inspiredpath.com

New Product Release!

PathPositives: Overcoming Fear & Anxiety

PathPositives: Overcoming Fear & Anxiety CD CoverPathPositives: Overcoming Fear & Anxiety is an affirmation program designed to help you face and conquer fear and anxiety.

It is not necessary to allow fear to control you and run your life. It is totally possible to transform your relationship to fear, and blast through all that holds you back!

Buy it here: Link to the Inspired Path Store

~ Inspiration for the Path ~

"If you don't like where you are, then change it!
You're not a tree."
~ Jim Rohn

"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up."
~ Babe Ruth 
"When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."
~ Wayne Dyer 

Gaining Perspective

Haiti: Absolute Suffering Helps Us See

The devastating earthquake in Haiti has touched all our hearts. The images of complete destruction and despair are impossible to ignore.

As this was unfolding last month, I had a conversation with a friend who was feeling frustrated about the status postings he was seeing on Facebook in the wake of the earthquake. He was grieving for the people of Haiti and wondering how we could all do more to help. Simultaneously, as he saw people complaining about trivial details of their lives, and witnessed people being self absorbed with their minutia - he couldn't believe it.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of people are dead or missing, an already poor country was brought to it's knees, and people where still caught up in their own petty concerns. He just couldn't understand it.

Sometimes we all become very self absorbed. We don't realize that there is a world beyond our own problems and struggles. Our challenges seem more important than any one else's.

When something like the Haiti earthquake occurs, and we see the state of life for those much less fortunate than ourselves, we suddenly realize how much we actually have by comparison.

Our lives don't feel so overwhelming after all. Most of us have food to eat, clothes to wear and a place to live. That puts us far beyond many in Haiti at the moment. Not only are they homeless and without food or clothing - the infrastructure of their society has been destroyed, they have little to no access to health care, and many have been completely separated from friends and family. Many lost their very lives.

I'm not writing this to make us 'feel bad.' I'm merely suggesting that it gives an opportunity to pause, reflect, and be grateful for all that we have! Our lives really aren't as tough as they could be. That is something to be very, very grateful for!

If you haven't already done something to help the people of Haiti, I encourage you to do so. Do what you can. Every little effort helps! At the very least, give thanks for your many blessings!
Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on this thing called life.

Here's what one reader recently shared with me:

"Nola, just a note to let you know how much I've been enjoying your blog each day! I love and relate to so many of them!

Your writings give me something special to read and consider each day, and I make it a point to start out with that before I hit the daily job search.

I find the stories and lessons stay with me, long after I've read them. Thank you for what you do!"
I invite you to check it out:


Inspirational Song
Beautiful World

Paul Carrack

Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.

I love the music of Paul Carrack. I have several of his albums, and they are all wonderful. He has a soothing and soulful voice.
This song of his, Beautiful World, is one of my all time favorites. It reminds us that the world is a beautiful place, if we but have eyes to see it.
Here is an excerpt from the song lyrics:
Beautiful World, you taught me to remember
All the feelings, I lost along the way

I was afraid, alone in my confusion
Running and hiding 'stead of living from day to day

When we were walking,
we touched the summer flowers

And I saw the wonder, oh in a young child's eye

Well I looked around and saw how truly grateful
That I should be for all the love I've found

Beautiful World - you shook me to my senses
And opened my eyes to the love inside of me

It's up to me, if I can always believe
In the way I see it now,

what a Beautiful World
It would always be

You can listen to the song on Youtube accompanying
someone's personal slideshow!) at this link:
"Beautiful World" by Paul Carrack

Nola's Movie Pick


 Invictus DVD Cover

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us, embedded within the stories they tell.


Invictus is a true story that is guaranteed to redefine your personal definition of hardship and difficulty! When Nelson Mandela is released from prison, and assumes the presidency of South Africa, he faces many difficult and potentially overwhelming challenges. One of the greatest obstacles he faced, was the fear and distrust of the white population of his country. The whites, who were used to being rulers and 'superiors' in the Apartheid society, they were suspicion and angry at the change in the status quo. Mandela faced a delicate situation: How to turn around the injustices perpetrated upon the black, native population in that past without alienating the white population. It was a challenging and tenuous moment in history. He rose to the challenge as brilliantly as any human being ever could.


To most blacks in the country, the national rugby team, the Springboks, represented the old, Apartheid regime. Mandela fought to save the beloved team, seeing it as an opportunity to unite the country and heal some of the old racially charged wounds. This team didn't show much promise at the time, but when Mandela meets the Captain and they share their visions and beliefs... magic begins to happen!


This is a fantastic movie... and a must see!

The poem, Invictus, for which the movie was named (and which was an inspiration to Mandela during his more than 20 years in prison), is also amazing.

Here's the poem by William Ernest Henley:
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Official website for the film Invictus  
Enjoy the dark winter days of inner reflection and gestation.  Important work is happening even in the quiet and darkness!

Take the opportunity to sleep a bit more and rest your body, mind and spirit!

Be grateful for your unconquerable soul!
Nola Drazdoff
Inspired Path, Inc.