Welcome to August!
We are having a full blown heat wave in Seattle. I don't recall a 'hot stretch' like this ever before. Dealing with unexpected events is something that all of us must do. The heat wave is making many people uncomfortable. Tasks that are easy are more difficult in the heat. Gardens are struggling and need more water. Our bodies need to be cared for differently in high heat. Routines are being disrupted and modified to accommodate the weather development.
In the movie, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," Benjamin's mother is fond of saying, "You never know what's comin' for ya." It's so very true. We never know what life has in store for us. Could be a snow storm or a heat wave. Any number of unexpected (and sometimes unwelcome) events can show up in our life. It does no good to complain and resist. Best to just surrender to 'what is' and get on with it. Make the needed adjustments and continue on with the business of living and enjoying life.
If life is turning up the heat on you - find a way to keep on keeping on. Adjust, compensate, redirect... do whatever it takes to keep moving. Stay cool!
~ Inspiration for the Path ~
"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." ~ John Ruskin "There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." ~ Freya Stark
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. " ~ Helen Keller |
If We Only Knew
Living Life One Step At a Time
I heard a teacher once say that if we knew in advance what would be required of us in any major endeavor, we would never take the first step. In my own life experience, I've really come to realize how true this is.
Things are rarely as simple as they seem on the surface. Once we dig in to a project many unforeseen requirements appear.
When I decided to make my PathPositives recordings for example, I knew there would be several steps in that process, but I had no idea all that would be involved. I was focused on selecting topics and creating the product scripts. That seemed like the 'meat' of the project. Little did I know...
Of course I had to get recording equipment (microphone, etc) and recording/editing software. I had to learn to use those things. I had to learn to control my voice to minimize puffs and unwanted noises on the recordings and figure out how to keep my volume level consistent. I had to train my voice to make it sound soothing and relaxed.
There were the technical considerations of how to break the 30 - 45 minute recordings into tracks, deciding on product and file naming schemes to keep all the various audio tracks organized properly. I had to learn how to edit out background noises from the recordings, like the buzzing of the private planes that fly over my house constantly in the summer time!
Getting good CD burning software, learning to burn and duplicate CDs, do quality control on the CDs themselves - all came along as areas I had to learn about and purchase equipment for.
Packaging was another issue - creating the CD jewel cases and CD labels with a graphic designer, figuring out how to print those in a cost effective manner for small quantities, buying a shrink wrap machine (which was stolen in a burglary at my home before I ever got to use it), and spending many hours actually creating the final CD packaged products - all took a lot of time and money.
Then came product distribution. Setting up my online store and payment systems, creating an online catalog, researching postage and sales tax issues all required me to learn and stretch outside my comfort zone and areas of expertise.
The list simply never ends!
It was hundreds and hundreds of hours of work. Now, I have all the mechanisms in place and 'turning out a new product' doesn't take that long. Creating the script, recording it, and putting it into the production/sales system is fairly straight forward and efficient, but it took about 2 years from the 'first idea' to get to that point. If anyone saw me go from 'concept to product' now, they might think it seemed pretty easy. They would have no idea what I went through to get to this place!!
I'm seriously not sure I would have done it if I could have foreseen every challenge or requirement that came up along the way! I'm serious about that!
Lucky for me, and for all of us who step into big projects, we only have to do what's right in front of us to do at any given moment. Sure, we should do our best to plan and schedule, but if we try to shoulder the burdens of the entire journey in the first step, we'll collapse and give up. We aren't meant to work that way!
It's all about taking one step at a time and doing our best in that moment. There is a Christian scripture that says, "The Lord is a lamp unto my feet..." If we have a lamp at our feet, it doesn't illuminate the next mile of our path. It illuminates only the next step. That's all we need to see and it's all we need to take on at the moment. The very next step is our only concern.
Thankfully, many creative and innovative people in our world focus on what's in front of them in the fulfillment of grand visions.
Take the next step on your grand adventure with determination and awareness, and wait for what comes next to be revealed to you. All you need to focus on in this moment is the next task in the sequence.
What's your next step? | |
Inspired Path® Living Blog
Each week day, I use my blog to share my thoughts and spiritual perspective on the events going on in the world - both close by and around the globe. Through my blog I seek to inspire, uplift and stimulate ever widening and deepening perspectives on life and how to best live it. I invite you to check it out! www.inspiredpath.blogspot.com | |
Inspirational Song The Climb - Miley Cyrus
Music is a huge part of my personal and spiritual growth process. I use music every single day for motivation, inspiration, and as a tonic when I need comfort and encouragement.
Young artists with powerful voices always amaze and inspire me. Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana is one of the new talented, up and coming singers on the radar screen and she has a new song out that surely doesn't disappoint: The Climb.
No one goes through life without hitting tough patches, major obstacles and tremendous loss. It's part of the human condition. Sometimes we, for some reason, believe we shouldn't be subject to the hard times of life. We feel we should be immune or like we've done something wrong if hard times come. Life teaches us, over and over again that we are not ever going to be free of challenge. It's part of the deal.
This fantastic song reminds us that even the goal itself is not as important as the journey we are on as we try to reach our goals - even if its just the living of our life. Who we are becoming as we work towards our aspirations is what matters most. The goals themselves are not the most valuable aspect of the experience. They are the incentive. They are the motivation. They jazz us up and get us going, but they aren't 'what it's all about.' They are but the props of this life. Our spiritual and personal growth are really what has value.
Let this song remind you that it's not about what you get at the end of the journey, it's actually about
Here is an excerpt from the song:
The struggles I'm facing, The chances I'm taking Sometimes they knock me down but No I'm not breaking
I may not know it But these are the moments that I'm going to remember most yeah Just got to keep going And I, I got to be strong Just keep pushing on, cause
There's always going to be another mountain I'm always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose, Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb
You can listen to the song on Youtube at this link:
"The Climb" by Miley Cyrus
Nola's Movie Pick

Movies are one of my favorite ways to relax and inspire myself! Many movies have profound messages for us, embedded within the stories they tell.
Freedom Writers tells the true story of Erin Gruwell, a bright young teacher who decides to work in a troubled inner city school in Los Angeles after being touched by the Rodney King Riots.
As Erin starts her career as a teacher, she is horrified at the racial tensions, gang violence and the apathy of some of her teaching associates that are devastating the lives of her students. Her youthful optimism and creativity carry her through the dark days of her beginnings as a teacher. She has difficulty reaching her students, but her persistence and dedication eventually break through. She comes up with an idea to have her students keep personal journals to write about their lives. This becomes a key to unlocking the hearts and minds of 'her kids.' As she meets resistance from her schools' administration and copes with limited resources, she takes on a second and third job to earn money to pay for books and field trips for her students. Her father is disappointed in her for not choosing a prestigious law or business career. Her husband resents the time and resources she devotes to her teaching. Yet, with all her personal sacrifices, she starts to see remarkable positive changes in 'her kids.' This true story reminds us once again of what one person can accomplish with passion, determination and commitment. Erin Gruwell changed (and continues to change) many young lives with her efforts. She's a true inspiration. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie! If you know any teenagers, have them watch it with you! Link to Freedom Writers Website |
Whatever is going on in your life and world, I wish you peace, patience and unstoppable determination.
And always remember...
It's the CLIMB! |
Nola Drazdoff Inspired Path, Inc. |