Table of Contents
2012 Call for Nominations
Legislative Briefing Update
Byways FYI

The Hawaii Department of Transportation has announced the 2012 call for nominations! Nomination process information and documents can be found on the HDOT website as well as the Hawaii Scenic Byways website (see links in article below).  We look forward to expanding our state program to include new and amazing corridors that enhance Hawaii's legacy.  

As always, I appreciate your continued support of our program.  If I can answer any questions or provide you further information, contact me any time.  




David L. Zevenbergen
Hawaii Scenic Byways Coordinator
Hawaii Department of Transportation
(808) 587-6341


Hawaii Department of Transportation 
2012 Call for Nominations

The Hawaii Department of Transportation is pleased to announce the availability of nomination applications and related informational documents for potential Hawaii Scenic Byways statewide. The process for selection as a State Designated Scenic Byway begins with this initial nomination application.


DEADLINE: In order to qualify for review, the completed nomination applications must be mailed to the Hawaii Scenic Byways Coordinator and postmarked by Friday April 20, 2012. Please provide one signed original, one reproducible copy of all documents and media (i.e. DVD), and one electronic CD copy of all documents, including any brochures, maps, etc. in PDF format.


Information and application documents can be downloaded from either of these websites:






For clarification about the program and a review of the nomination application process, there will be an informational teleconference scheduled for Friday, March 16th, 2012 at 10:00 am.


Please pre-register for the teleconference by contacting David Zevenbergen or Kashmira Reid to receive a toll-free number and participant code by email or phone.  When registering for the teleconference or submitting questions for response, please include your name, contact information (telephone and/or email) and organization you are representing.

Event Update
Legislative Briefing
Leg Brief 2012

On January 13th, 2012, the Hawaii Department of Transportation and representatives from each of the 4 state designated byway groups met with, and presented the Hawaii Scenic Byways program to members of the Hawaii State Legislature.  


This meeting was called in response to inquiries about the program, and was meant to educate the elected officials about the program elements and resources, should they receive requests for information or questions from their constituents.  


Representatives from over 20 offices in the legislature, as well  as several other government agencies were present for the hour and a half long briefing.  Thank you to all who were able to attend, and a special mahalo to Represenatives Karen Awana, Chris Lee, and Dee Morikawa for their attendance and continued support of the program. 


For further information on this briefing, or to request a copy of the program materials, please email projectteam@hawaiiscenicbyways.org. 

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Hawaii Byways
Community FYI

The National Scenic Byways Program has previously been funded through Federal transportation legislation. The current authorization package has been moving through the House (HR7- American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012) and Senate (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act), and should be finalized in the coming weeks. More information and updates on these packages can be found on the National Scenic Byways Foundation website (http://www.nsbfoundation.com/)
 or by contacting the offices of Hawaii's Congressional representatives in the Senate and the House of Representatives (http://portal.ehawaii.gov/government/elected-officials.html

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The National Scenic Byways Foundation
The National Scenic Byway Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization originally formed in 2003, has a new mission and vision, as well as a renewed effort to be an active voice in the byway community. 
The Foundation's Board of Directors will be working closely with FHWA and the America's Byways Resource Center to ensure the Foundation is a strong voice for the Byway community with legislators, national partners and byway stakeholders.
For further information on the National Scenic Byway Foundations visit 
Diacritical markings have been omitted from this newsletter for ADA compliance. Please contact us if you require more information about these diacritical markings.
If you would like to submit a comment, suggestion or correction, please contact Kashimira Reid at kash@lyonassociates.com

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