In most companies, just about all the cards are stacked against the nurturing of innovation,
especially the kinds of new ideas and disruptive innovations that
generally lead to major changes in the marketplace and within the
Please join us for a half-day Innovation and Leadership Strategies session on any of the following days - October 8th, 9th, or 10th at the Hyatt Newport Beach Resort. Distinguished faculty member Paul Sloane, a Cambridge graduate, former IBM employee and consultant to leading companies will lead the sessions.
The following are some of the behaviors observed in companies throughout the years that have convinced us how difficult it is to create an environment in which innovation can flourish (read more in our blog).
Michael Arrigo Managing Partner, CEO
PS If you want to improve your team's creativity and innovation we can help. Questions about customizing an innovation workshop? Please contact us.
Innovation and Leadership Strategies
Management team pricing until 5pm September 24th on team reservations SAVE $500 OR SAVE $50 on individual reservations
Location: Hyatt Newport Beach
Benefits of Innovative Leadership
· Bring the future to the present. · Embrace-even create-chaos to ignite positive transformation. · Employ models of concurrent perception to give your firm a fast-learning edge.
October 8, 9, 10th Fore more information click here
 · Create effective interpersonal links to enhance organizational creativity and innovation. · Develop improved practices for local and global marketplaces. · Reduce the cost of errors in perception, thought, and action.. · Alter perceptions of value, price, and cost to deliver more value at lower cost.
Distinguished Speaker
 Paul Sloane is an author of  17 books
and a speaker on creative problem solving and lateral leadership. Over
2 million copies of his books have been sold. He
has advised clients including American Express, British Telecom,
Cendant, Lloyds of London, Motorola, Reckitt Benckiser, Shell Oil and
3M. Paul studied Engineering at Cambridge, and later joined IBM where
he was a leader in sales, and part of the team that launched the IBM PC
in the UK. In his book, The Innovative Leader, published by
Kogan Page, he explains how leaders can inspire their people to achieve
breakthrough solutions and radical innovations.